Monday, April 18, 2011


Known as one of the final destinations apart from the Hell, Paradise or Jannah, is a place in the Hereafter guarded by the Angel Ridhuan for those Muslims who have done more good deeds than otherwise. Allah S.W.T will weigh the deeds of each person by their following record and whoever receives their record with their right hand is prone to go to Heaven. As mentioned in the hadith, "And whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it as he ought to strive and he is a believer; (as for) these, their striving shall surely be accepted." [1] In which describes that the Paradise is particularly prepared for those who serve Allah alone, and who are regretful of their actions that would lead them to do sins.

At the start, the first human in the paradise was Adam A.S and sent to him was Hawa to be by his side, when Allah S.W.T ordered Adam A.S to not eat the fruit nor to go nearby the tree, he was defeated. Because of the presence of Satan to persuade him to break Allah’s order, both Adam A.S and Hawa got sent down to earth. This shows the existence of the Paradise ever since the birth of the first prophet.

The descriptions of the Paradise are mentioned continuously in the Holy Quran with the existence of a garden with rivers, trees, angels, servers, castles, animals and many more which do not exist in the form as they do on earth. "The description of Paradise which the Muttaqoon have been promised is that there are rivers of water, the taste and smell of which are never changed. Rivers of milk with the taste of which will remain unchanged. Rivers of wine that will be delicious to those who drink from it and rivers of clear, pure honey. For them will be every kind of fruit and forgiveness from their Lord." [2] Allah offers to those Muslims, describes its great blessings, and proclaims its beauties in his words as written in Quran. It informs people that Paradise is one of two ways of life prepared for them in the afterworld, and that every good thing will be theirs in Paradise to a degree that exceeds their present ability to imagine.

The Paradise consists of seven layers whereas the distance from one layer to another is like between the earth and sky. Heaven Al- Firdaus is the top layer made for those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, for they are prized the heavenly Paradise as a place to live in, to dwell within, whereas they do not want to move from there. The upper part of this Heaven is the ‘Arsy Rahman, or the castle of Allah. The benefit of having to be placed here is that they can see the face of Allah S.W.T twice a day; in the morning and in the evening. Followed by Heaven ‘Adn, Heaven Na’iim, Heaven Na’wa, Heaven Darussalaam, Heaven Daarul Muaqaamah, Heaven Al- Muqqamul Amin, and Heaven Khuldi. Every Muslim will be placed in the layer which reflects how much good deeds they have done in their life. The higher the layer, the larger the rewards will be given from Allah S.W.T.

The people of Paradise will be served in gold plated plates and cups in which in them can be anything as they wish to have. The trees are upside down; with the roots above as an advantage for them to reach for the fruits. They will be clothed in green silk and accessorized with gold and pearl bracelets. On their side are the fair ones with wild eyes and same age who will accompany them the whole time. The smell of the Paradise can be scented over a journey of 100 years as it is very strong and is long lasting.

Before entering the Paradise, the people of the heaven will enter by the door of heaven. “This is an honor for them and indeed for those who fear really good place to return the Garden of Eden that open doors for them”[3] An example is the Salat Door, which made to be entered by those who love to pray for Allah S.W.T.

The Paradise is a place of joy and happiness, all Muslims no matter how much sins they have done on earth will grant the taste of Paradise after all. In order to be qualified to enter the Paradise, one must obey the orders from Allah S.W.T and the prophets which depend mostly upon the courage and

[1] [Al- Israa’: 19]

[2] [Muhammad: 15]

[3] [Shaad: 49-50]


The hour is coming-there is no doubt about it. But most of mankind have no faith.” (40:59)

Minor signs

The Minor signs are connected with the behaviour of the people[1]and are events of normal nature prophesized by our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to take place before Qiyamah[2].
Minor signs are the signs that can be seen everyday and everywhere.

Qiyamah will not come until the Final Prophet of Allah Rasulullah Pbuh came to this Earth (47:18). Being the Final Prophet it is obvious that once he has come Qiyamah is near. He indicated the closeness of these event by holding his index finger and middle finger together. Allah declares in the Qur'aan the second minor sign that has already appeared is that of Shaqqul-Qamar meaning ‘Splitting of the Moon’[3]. “The Hour has drawn near and the moon has split”(54:1-2). Wars that happens in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and many other places also indicates that Qiyamah is drawing near[4]. There are actually many minor signs that already happens such as killing and violence become common, mosques are used as tourist attraction, lunar and solar eclipse in Ramadhan[5], sudden deaths, abundance of Quran, acceptance of homosexuality, legalizing haram, poverty and hunger, drought, various wines will be consumed daily[6], untrustworthy people will be trusted and vice versa, construction of tall building, exploitation of Islam, famine, number of true believers will decrease, evil ulama is present, destruction of great cities, orators and lectures lies openly, severing ties between family and relatives, insecurity and fear, hot in winter, slaves become master, the poor become rich, time seems shorter, earthquake and earth collapse, usage of abusive language, evil sins spread, musyrik and mukmin will debate about oneness of Allah, people will love the world more than hereafter, materialistic and others.

Major signs

Major signs are related to the specific signs that will appear before Qiyamah[7] and are events of extraordinary nature prophesied by our Prophet(pbuh) to take place before Qiyamah.

Major signs are like all the events mentioned in the following hadith narrated by Hudhaifa ibn Usayd that the Prophet(pbuh) said, 'The last hour will not arrive till you have seen ten signs. Prophet(pbuh) then mentioned the Smoke, Dajjal, Beast, Rising of the Sun from west, the Descent of Isa(43:61), Ya'juj Ma'juj, Three Landslides, one in the East , one in the West and one in the Arabian Peninsula after that a Fire would spread from Yemen and drive the people to their place of gathering.' (Muslim)[8]. Some major signs are also the leader known as Mahdi will wage war against the army of the Great Liar[9], breeze from the south and destruction of Kaabah. The last major sign would be blowing of the trumpet.

The last day

The last day is the day when mankind will be resurrected to be asked about their deeds and receive rewards or punishment for them. It is called the last day because it is the last day, no day after that. Afterwards, people will permanently settle themselves in hell or paradise.

After death each person will be placed in grave. During the first blowing of the trumpet(69:13-15), all the inhabitants of the heaven and earth will fall unconscious except for those whom Allah’s will. The earth will be flattened and the mountain ranges will be turned into sand(56:1-6). Then the rain resemble human’s sperm will be poured for 40 days. Then all people who ever lived will be resurrected from their graves. Reformation completed when each person is in their original form(56:49). The second blowing of the trumpet will rise all the people from their grave. All people will be gathered at mahsyar naked and bare footed. The sun will be just above their head and some of them will be drown in their own sweat. Some people will be under the shade of Allah’s throne. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) will granted the intercession before the process of judgment shall begin. Then everyone deeds will be weighed followed by disclosure of each person record. Then Allah will judge His creation. He will remind them of their good and evil deeds. Each person there will have to cross the sitratul mustaqim at different speed according to their deeds. Whoever that cross the bridge will be in a place which they have to settle their debts before they are allowed to enter the paradise. The one that doesn’t get intercession from prophet will not be permitted to enter paradise. The people will then be in either eternal hell fire(88:4) or the eternal paradise(88:10)[10].


The last day is stated in the 6 pillars of iman. As muslims, we must have strong faith in the day of Judgment or The Last Day. The minor signs are currently happening in our daily life. The major signs will happen so soon but we must not predict it or it will lead to syirik. The Last Day is a must. So we must prepare ourselves so that we are among those who are in the eternal paradise. We must also hope that Allah will make things go smoothly for us in the Last Day.


[4] Harun Yahya, the signs of Jesus second coming, May 2004, Kelebek Matbaacilik Turkey

[5] Harun Yahya, the signs of Jesus second coming, May 2004, Kelebek Matbaacilik Turkey

[6] CFSIIUM, understanding Islam (FIM 1113).

[9] CFSIIUM, understanding Islam (FIM 1113)

[10] CFSIIUM, understanding Islam (FIM 1113)


The Importance Of Books And Its Benefits

Allah s.w.t has sent down tp his prophet 4 books that is ,Taurat-Prophet Musa a.s, Zabur-Prophet Daud a.s, Injil-Prophet Isa a.s, Al-quran-Prophet Muhammmad s.a.w

The first quranic verse sent down to Muhammmad s.a.w during Ramadhan while our prophet meditating in his mountain retreat in Hira are :

“Read in the name of your Lord who created.Creted man from something that,your Lord is the most Generous.Who taught by the pen,Taught man what he did know”


The 1st revealation marked the beginning of Muhammad’s role as a messenger of ALLAH. Al-quran is the complete book of guidance from Allah.Muhammad was sent as a last Prophet to mankind.He ‘s completing and is the last messenger of ALLAH to mankind.. His job is to show mankind the best way to worship ALLAH. He become prophethood at age of 40 years old. Al-quran as the message for Mankind.

The Arabs before Islam:

-The Arabs took stranger as an enemy.

-Their profession :robbery,trading,sheep raising,horse breeding and etc.

-Practice old polytheic worship.Worshipped in the temple of Kaaba.

-War between tribes.

-Kill their daughter because they believe that women is giving them bad luck.

Quran has glorified Knowledge and has encouraged people to pursue it is something which cannot be found in other heavenly books. There are numerous verses speaking of Knowledge, and praising and elevating the status of those who acquire it. For example:

“Allah will exalt those of you who believe and those who have been granted knowledge, to high ranks.” (58:11)

Imam Ali bin Hussayn (as) has said, “The Quranic verses are treasures of knowledge. Whenever a treasure is opened, you have to see what lies in it”.

(‘Uddah al-Da’ee)

It encourages meditation concerning the creation of earth, seas, mountains, deserts, wonderful things in the interior of the earth, the changes of day and night and seasons.

The scientific considerations, which are very specific to the Quran, it not possible for one to find so many statements in a text compiled more than thirteen centuries ago referring to extremely diverse subjects and all of them totally in keeping with modern scientific knowledge

“The month of Ramadhan is that in which the Quran was sent down, a GUIDANCE for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the criterion of right and wrong”


“Indeed there is a lesson in their narratives for men of understanding. It is not a forged tale but a confirmation of what went before it, and a detailed exposition of all things, and a GUIDE and a mercy for those who believe”


The Holy Quran is a cure for both: Physical as well spiritual ailments.

· Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (as) has said,

“Whoever cannot be cured by the Quranic chapter of AL-FATIHA, he cannot be cured by anything else”


The teachings of the Quran are universal, addressed to all people throughout the world regardless of their creed and color.

The Quran provides the regulations that create the proper relations between man and Allah and man and man.

Reference :

- Islamic Ideology Under Holy QURAN,by M.M.R.Khan Afridi and Md.Ilyas Navaid.Anmol Publication Pvt.Ltd New Delhi-110 002(INDIA)



In Islam, we believe that there is heaven and hell. They exist not just in a mere state of mind. Al-Quran has stated that those who have done good deeds will be rewarded Jannah (Paradise). However, those who have done evil deeds will be rewarded Jahannam (Hell). Hell is a place for those who do not believe in Allah S.w.t, rejected His laws and the prophet’s teachings. Hell is an awful, humiliating place for people in the Hereafter. “Our Lord! Surely, whom You admit to the Fire, indeed You have disgraced him, and never will the wrongdoers find any helpers.” (Quran 3:192)

It is stated in the Quran that Angel Malik is the chief guardian of the Hell but there are other nineteen angels guarding the Hell alongside of Angel Malik. All of these Angels are stated to have the strength to overcome the human strengths. Therefore, the inhabitants of the Hell cannot escape from it. As Angels are called as ‘maksum’, they follow Allah’s order. They are strict and stern following the orders. They will do precisely what Allah has ordered them to do. “Soon I will cast him into Hell Fire. And what will explain to you what is Hellfire? Nothing does it allow to endure, and nothing does it leave alone! Darkening and changing the color of man! Over it are nineteen (angels as keepers of Hell).” (Quran 74:26-30)

No one knows where the specific location of the Hell is except for Allah S.W.T. as he is The Great. However, there are certain hadiths and linguistic evidence explained that Hell is located at ‘the seventh most bottom layer of the earth’. Hell is described as a huge and immensely deep. We know this through many hadiths. There was once when Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) was sitting with his friends and they heard a sound of something fell. The prophet asked if they know what sound it was. His friends were clueless. Then, the prophet answered it was a sound of a rock fell seventy years ago and it had just landed on the edge of the Hell. “If a stone as big as seven pregnant camels were thrown from the edge of Hell, it would fly through it for seventy years, and yet it would not reach the bottom.” and “That was a stone thrown into Hell seventy years ago and it is yet in the way (the other side) of Hell until now.”

Ibnu Juraij once said “There are seven levels of Hell. First is known as Jahannam, followed by Lazha, Hutamah, As-Sa’ir, Saqar, Al-Jahim and lastly Al-Hawiyah which Abu Jahal is in it”. Salam Al-Madani heard a conversation between Al-Hasan to Abu Sufyan from Dhahak, he said “Hell has seven doors and seven levels. The top level is for the wrong-doers who will be tortured but later will be taken out from Hell (Muslims). The second level is for the Jews. The third level is for the Christian. The forth level is for the Shabi’un (The animal worshippers). The fifth level is for the ‘Majusi’ (The fire worshippers). The sixth level is for the Arab Pagans and lastly it’s for the Hypocrites.” From this, we can tell that the hypocrites are in the lowest level of the Hell. Therefore, they will suffer the worst punishment. “Surely, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths (grade) of the Fire.” (Quran 4:145). “For all will be (ranked) by degrees according to what they did.”(Quran 6:132)

As there are seven levels of Hell, it is logic to think that there are also seven gates of Hell. Each gate has an allotted share of the damned that will enter through it. Each will enter according to his deeds and assigned a level of Hell accordingly. When the unbelievers are brought to Hell, its gates will open; they will enter it, and stay in it forever. “And those who disbelieved will be driven to Hell in groups until, when they reach it, its gates are opened and its keepers will say, ‘Did there not come to you messengers from yourselves, reciting to you the verses of your Lord and warning you of the meeting of this Day of yours?’ They will say, ‘Yes, but the word (meaning the decree) of punishment has come into effect upon the disbelievers.’” (Quran 39:71)

Everything people use to cool down in this world – air, water, shade – will be useless in Hell. The air of Hell will be hot wind and the water will be boiling. The shade will not be comforting or cooling, the shade in Hell will be the shadow of black smoke as mentioned in the verse: “And shadow of black smoke.”(Quran 56:43) The heat of the Hell will be seventy times hotter than the earth’s fire. This is proven by Abu Hurairah r.a. quoted from Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him): “For God’s sake, this is hot”. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) said “Indeed the Hell’s fire is scorching seventy times than the earth’s fire”. However, there is also a cold fire known as Zamharir. Abu Nu’aim narrated from Ibnu Abbas that Ka’ab said “In Hell there is an air (Zamharir) that is so cold it could rip off the meat until the inhabitants of the Hell requested their hot air back”.

The inhabitants will experience intense, horrifying, daunting and tormenting tortures in Hell. Their skins will be burnt and replaced the whole time. They will get to eat from Zaqqum, a special tree in the Hell. Its roots go deep into the bottom of the Hell, stretching it over. Its fruits are so ugly that it resembles the heads of devils. When they eat the fruits of Zaqqum, their internal organs will start to boil. At that point, they will rush to drink the hot water. They will drink like thirsty camels, but it will never quench their thirst. However, their internal organs will start to burn. Another meal in the Hell will be the yellow puss and the decaying flesh of the human bodies. The water in Hell is described as hot and sticky as in the verse: “A boiling fluid and fluid dark, murky, intensely cold.” (Quran 38:57) or yellow puss of the human bodies as in the verse: “Anyone who drinks intoxicants will be made to drink the mud of khabal. They asked, ‘O Messenger of God, what is the mud of khabal?’ He said, ‘The sweat of the people of Hell’ or the ‘juice of the people of Hell.’” (Saheeh Muslim) and also a drink like boiling oil described by the prophet as: “It is like boiling oil, when it is brought near a person’s face, the skin of the face falls off into it.” (Musnad Ahmad, Tirmidhi). When the inhabitants enter the gates of Hell, their faces would be dragged onto the ground while they are tied in chains and yokes. Their faces would be blackened and the fires would surround them as sheets wrapping their bodies. Though they plead from Angel Malik for forgiveness, their torture won’t be reduced but it is eternal. They will weep for a long time until their tears turn into blood.

In a closure, the Hell is simply not a place where every human being wants to be in the Hereafter. It is full of sorrow and misery. Hence, to avoid being thrown in the Hell, a person should really nurture his faith in Allah s.w.t and follow His orders and avoid His dislikes as there is no more life after the Hereafter.