Known as one of the final destinations apart from the Hell, Paradise or Jannah, is a place in the Hereafter guarded by the Angel Ridhuan for those Muslims who have done more good deeds than otherwise. Allah S.W.T will weigh the deeds of each person by their following record and whoever receives their record with their right hand is prone to go to Heaven. As mentioned in the hadith, "And whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it as he ought to strive and he is a believer; (as for) these, their striving shall surely be accepted." [1] In which describes that the Paradise is particularly prepared for those who serve Allah alone, and who are regretful of their actions that would lead them to do sins.
At the start, the first human in the paradise was Adam A.S and sent to him was Hawa to be by his side, when Allah S.W.T ordered Adam A.S to not eat the fruit nor to go nearby the tree, he was defeated. Because of the presence of Satan to persuade him to break Allah’s order, both Adam A.S and Hawa got sent down to earth. This shows the existence of the Paradise ever since the birth of the first prophet.
The descriptions of the Paradise are mentioned continuously in the Holy Quran with the existence of a garden with rivers, trees, angels, servers, castles, animals and many more which do not exist in the form as they do on earth. "The description of Paradise which the Muttaqoon have been promised is that there are rivers of water, the taste and smell of which are never changed. Rivers of milk with the taste of which will remain unchanged. Rivers of wine that will be delicious to those who drink from it and rivers of clear, pure honey. For them will be every kind of fruit and forgiveness from their Lord." [2] Allah offers to those Muslims, describes its great blessings, and proclaims its beauties in his words as written in Quran. It informs people that Paradise is one of two ways of life prepared for them in the afterworld, and that every good thing will be theirs in Paradise to a degree that exceeds their present ability to imagine.
The Paradise consists of seven layers whereas the distance from one layer to another is like between the earth and sky. Heaven Al- Firdaus is the top layer made for those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, for they are prized the heavenly Paradise as a place to live in, to dwell within, whereas they do not want to move from there. The upper part of this Heaven is the ‘Arsy Rahman, or the castle of Allah. The benefit of having to be placed here is that they can see the face of Allah S.W.T twice a day; in the morning and in the evening. Followed by Heaven ‘Adn, Heaven Na’iim, Heaven Na’wa, Heaven Darussalaam, Heaven Daarul Muaqaamah, Heaven Al- Muqqamul Amin, and Heaven Khuldi. Every Muslim will be placed in the layer which reflects how much good deeds they have done in their life. The higher the layer, the larger the rewards will be given from Allah S.W.T.
The people of Paradise will be served in gold plated plates and cups in which in them can be anything as they wish to have. The trees are upside down; with the roots above as an advantage for them to reach for the fruits. They will be clothed in green silk and accessorized with gold and pearl bracelets. On their side are the fair ones with wild eyes and same age who will accompany them the whole time. The smell of the Paradise can be scented over a journey of 100 years as it is very strong and is long lasting.
Before entering the Paradise, the people of the heaven will enter by the door of heaven. “This is an honor for them and indeed for those who fear really good place to return the Garden of Eden that open doors for them”[3] An example is the Salat Door, which made to be entered by those who love to pray for Allah S.W.T.
The Paradise is a place of joy and happiness, all Muslims no matter how much sins they have done on earth will grant the taste of Paradise after all. In order to be qualified to enter the Paradise, one must obey the orders from Allah S.W.T and the prophets which depend mostly upon the courage and