Assalamualaikum WarahmatuhAllahiwaBarakatuh.
Dear my students, brothers and sisters and all viewers
May Allah bless you all and have a prosperous life ahead.
This blog is the reflection of your thoughts, your observation and your dedication for promotion of Islamic Value, virtue and the truths illuminating throughout our life in this world and hereafter. On the other hand it paves a way for prevention of Devil inspirational vices deeply embedded in our hearts and our environment. Here some of your contribution have been posted so as to satisfy yourself, your nearer and dearer. Please continue to provide your contribution in this blog, so that it can be beneficial to our readers and all of our students. May Allah provide Barakah (Blessing) in your study and have a profound beautiful success in your life. With my best regards,
We try our best to produce the authentic and correct information according to Islamic perspectives in our articles, but unwillingly we may be falling in the wrong direction, for that we would like to request comment of our valuable readers so as to bring the correct information and the facts.
I appreciate and acknowledge to those whose web sites, blogs, newspapers and books are approached by my students and myself and mentioned parts of your information in our articles. However we will not forget to mention those reference in the footnotes.
May Allah give Jazza Al-Khair to all of us. Amin..
Ustaz Maularna Akbar Shah
Towards actualizing the University's vision, IIUM endeavors to:
- Undertake the special and greatly needed task of reforming the contemporary Muslim mentality and integrating Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences in a positive manner.
- Produce better quality intellectuals, professionals and scholars by integrating the qualities of faith (iman), knowledge (`ilm), and good character (akhlaq) to serve as agents of comprehensive and balanced progress as well as sustainable development in Malaysia and in the Muslim world.
- Foster the Islamization of the ethics of Muslim academic and administrative staff of IIUM, and certain aspects of human knowledge- particularly in the social sciences and humanities- with the view to making them more useful and more relevant to the Muslim Ummah.
- Nurture the quality of holistic excellence which is imbued with Islamic moral-spiritual values in the process of learning, teaching, research, consultancy, publication, administration, and student life.
- To exemplify an international community of dedicated intellectuals, scholars, professionals, officers and workers who are motivated by the Islamic world-view and code of ethics as an integral part of their work culture.
- To enhance intercultural understanding and foster civilization dialogues in Malaysia as well as across communities and nations.
- To develop an environment which instills commitment for life-long learning, and a deep sense of social responsibility amongst staff and students
The summary of the Mission should read as follows:
- Integration
- Islamization
- Internationalization, and
- Comprehensive Excellence