Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Bottom of Form

by Farahin Shadli on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 6:24am

Manners and courtesy are an aspect of modern societies that are experiencing serious deterioration and we are doing nothing to remedy this problem; traditional values in social relations are being erased by new and so-called “modern” behaviors that are in reality inconsiderate and often coarse. Bad manners have thus been converted into a growing problem that affects all levels of society: family, work, friendships, business, and politics, not to mention their negative effect on romantic and personal relationships in general. Bad manners and discourteousness increase when we leave behind basic standards of polite behavior in favour of incorrect, rude and disrespectful treatment. These bad habits that result in rude conduct tend to be worse in areas with socialist tendencies, but are not limited to such environments, and represent a worrisome societal model devalues all of us: the elderly, women, as well as those who are considered different because of race or physical aspects, etc. The absence of courtesy and good manners creates societies where individuals lack personal dignity and subjects them to an environment where rude behavior and inappropriate conduct are considered “normal”.

In today’s societies it’s common for people to regard courtesy as old-fashioned and out-of-date, so that increasingly more individuals behave rudely, making interaction difficult and creating an unpleasant social environment that makes people want to run and hide. In today’s society, bad manners can be observed anytime, anywhere. This sort of discourtesy is ever present and examples are too numerous to count or even mention: the disrespectful treatment of elderly people; invitations that aren’t responded to in any way; the lack of commitment to any event, job, or person; confirming attendance with no intention of attending; the strange disappearance of “please” and “thank you” from most people’s vocabulary; line-jumping; serial texters and cell-phone addicts who talk on the phone, as well as read and send text messages instead of paying attention to physically present persons; the friend or colleague who never offers to pick up the bill at lunch, or even pay their own way; repulsive children (the spitting image of their parents) who think that the world rotates around them and behave obnoxiously because of it, etc, etc. We tend to blame the younger generation for these rude behaviors, but the truth is that the situation is degrading all ages and levels of society. So much that now it is commonplace to see couples openly insulting each other in public and treating each other with absolutely no common courtesy (a sliding scale which leads directly to physical and verbal abuse). Just as unfortunate, and equally common is disrespectful and dishonest treatment between colleagues in the business world, who fall back on tricks, half-truths and crude vocabulary to make ends meet. And then, to add insult to injury, these issues are left to be resolved by enormous and costly governmental programs, that can do nothing when facing this irreversible deterioration of personal relationships without the involvement and commitment of everyday people in their everyday lives.

The lessons of courtesy and good manners taught to us by our parents at home, or perhaps by teachers at school, too often forgotten, are increasingly absent in the mainstream education of children. This phenomenon is a byproduct of an absurd social model that certain politicians attempt to impose where manners must be re-taught to adults by companies that offer courses in protocol and courtesy to professionals in business environments. But we mustn’t be fooled, to triumph in this world, we have to make good use of good manners and courtesy from the beginning, it won’t do to call a possible partner “dude,” and say “Hey, babe” to the future mother of your children or “No way will I take that, you jerk” to your friend. The deterioration of verbal communication is an evident and alarming symptom of the absence of good manners. The most elemental level of any society is personal relationships. Positive relationships are built on courtesy and a society that has no regard for polite speech is on the path to swift decline. Our tolerance for rude and discourteous behavior seems to infinite and no relationship is immune to the effects of disrespectful conduct and coarse treatment in today’s society. Whether we’re dealing with insults from other drivers, curt and disagreeable treatment customer service or the rude and aggressive attitudes of people on the street or at work. All of these behaviors contribute to the lowering of our standards for polite behavior, standards that concern and affect all of us, and we tolerate or justify this inappropriate and unacceptable behavior because we’re lazy and apathetic and used to a general dynamic of bad manners. So while manners may seem unimportant, they’re really vital, because discourteous and vulgar conduct only tarnish the dignity of people and the society that allow them. Good manners, like any learned behavior, require practice and effort. Certain social and governmental models that some central powers favor would have people believe that effort and hard work aren’t necessary for success and material comforts. A clear example of this kind of political culture and its negative effect on common courtesy and personal relationships is Spain, where the socialist government does nothing to foment respect, courtesy or good manners, strengthening models that promote a system of entitlement. This kind of government promises certain citizens the world for their votes, and create generations of citizens that think they have a right to “free” healthcare, a certain type of housing, and no obligation to work or make any effort for any of these things without any consideration for the citizens that work and pay for these “free” programs. In this type of system overachievers are sometimes looked down upon as show-offs and formal manners and courteous treatment are often considered unnecessary artifices. Modern society, or those societies that really want to be modern, must promote and practice good manners, in such a way that these things become the norm, and not isolated cases of exemplary citizens, the way they are now.

Furthermore, courtesy, respect and manners are essential for success in the workplace. In times of economic crisis, this is an indispensable requirement for obtaining and maintaining employment. It’s time for a return to common courtesy and polite speech; time for the reappearance of “good morning” , “how are you?” and “please” and “thank you.” Giving up your seat to an older person or a pregnant women shouldn’t be the exception, but should be the rule. Modern tendencies towards friendlier business relationships, as well as increased openness, and warmth in relationships in general are fine and good, but these new tendencies shouldn’t supersede, but rather should accompany traditions of courtesy and good manners in all interactions be they at work or at home. Certain bad-mannered and ungrateful citizens, are walking advertisements for the failings of society in this area. In a digitalized society, rude behavior is sometimes facilitated by new technologies. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the inappropriate use of cell phones by individuals who pay more attention to text messages and phone calls than the person or task at hand. The unpopular truth is that some basic rules of social and familial behavior are essential, trying to get rid of them, or avoid them could convert current societies into a veritable social jungle. Or worse. Because even animals seem to have certain standards for adequate behavior and conduct. Very often we focus on world issues and so-called “bigger” problems as if other, “smaller” concerns make no difference, when in fact, important change can begin with something as simple as being friendly and showing off good manners. All of us can contribute to the improvement of society. But good intentions aren’t enough, action is required. Educating and training children in manners and protocol promises improvement in today’s society as well as in the future. Educating isn’t just the job of teachers, but of each and every one of us; by becoming positive examples for others, we show children how to live together, how to be courteous and how to conduct themselves in their daily lives. Vulgarity and rudeness must be pulled out at their roots, lest we fall victim to the inappropriate conduct in speech and dress that has become prevalent in other countries. The United States has always been an exceptional society, even when it comes to good manners and we mustn’t permit other societies’ bad examples (like that of Spain, where bad habits and discourtesy seem to have extended to all social sectors) influence the long-lived model of courteous behavior and conduct in America. A long tradition of authority and discipline, in society and family in American culture permits the strengthening of good manners without the use of force, with firmness, always favoring respect, dignity, and the integrity of its people. Good manners and courtesy are keys to not only to successful interactions with our fellow human beings, but to economic and political success as well for America, Americans, and the rest of the world.

Good manner are important to career success

When it comes to career success, there are many things that you need to possessed . One of those skills is the ability to display good manners when you are at work. This doesn't mean you need to know where the salad fork goes at dinner, although that certainly could help if you are ever at dinner. Basically it means that you need to be able to treat people well at work, so that you can get ahead on the job. How else do manners help?

No matter where you are - at home, work, or with friends - practicing good manners is important.

Good manners are more than opening doors and writing thank you notes. While opening doors for others and writing notes is nice, true courtesy goes deeper. Being polite and courteous means considering how others are feeling.

If you practice good manners, you are showing those around you that you are considerate of their feelings and respectful. You are also setting standards for others' behavior and encouraging them to treat you with similar respect.

Every culture and individual may have different rules or feelings about what is polite or is not polite. The goal of this course is to review some of the more basic and common rules of polite behavior in our society.

These rules may differ from person to person or based on situation, but there is one rule of good manners (and life, in general) that is always easy to follow

In good manners, cleanliness is also important. Put the habit of hygiene from very early stage.

The road is not for spitting or throwing other waste materials. Children have to be strictly warned against spitting, as it is an international menace. The Golden Rule. The golden rule for good manners is to feel the importance of treating others. So stress the importance of treating others in the same way they would like to be treated.

There is also some benefits on good manner. Manner is the way that somebody behaves and speaks towards other people and the way something is done. Good manner is the behavior that is considered to be polite in a society. A person is said to be good if he or she is honest and sincere. Good habits, love, respect and obedience are the essential qualities of a good person. A good person is liked by all.

To develop one's personality and to make the world civilized, good manners are essential. Some major elements of a person in life are: obedience, co-operation, unselfishness, respect for elders and love for younger and sense of service.

Children should be given freedom within certain limits so that they will be able to know what is right and what is wrong. They know social rules and regulations. They grow common sense. If their freedom is restricted they head towards the way of destruction. They cultivate ill or bad manners.

Man is different to animals because of his manners and wisdom. Therefore, we must have good manners so that our life becomes meaningful. If every person's behavior is good, the world becomes a better place to live in. A person with a good manner is a blessing while that with a bad manner is a curse. Hence we should try to develop good manners among our children so that their future can be bright and they can head their way towards success

and prosperity. Otherwise they will fall deep inside a hole of failure. Focus on good conduct and we will receive it from others in return.Respecting other people means you also respect their wishes. If someone tells you a secret or asks you to keep something in confidence, you should. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, it's fine to say that you don't feel comfortable keeping secrets -- just be sure to do this before the person shares their secret with you.

There are some very rare exceptions to this rule: if you find out that someone is being hurt or is in danger and they are afraid to tell anyone, you should encourage them not to keep their secret. If that person is too afraid to talk, you may want to ask an expert (such as a doctor, therapist, or policeman) for their advice - you don't have to give away your friend's secret, but they may be able to help.

Consider this, someone starts to tell a story and you sigh and roll your eyes -- your body is telling that person that you're not interested in their story and find it (and perhaps them) boring. If, on the other hand, you make eye contact with them while they are talking and nod or smile in response to what they are saying, your body is telling them "I'm paying attention to what you are saying and find your story and you interesting."

How we carry ourselves can send a message just as clearly as what we say. Standing or sitting up straight, appearing confident, looking people in the eye, and having a smile or pleasant expression gives people the impression that you are polite, confident and pleasant. Scowling, crossing your arms, slouching, or staring off into the distance (even if these are just nervous habits) may make people think that you are angry, unapproachable, or disinterested.

Actions can speak as loudly as words, so the next time you're in a social setting, ask yourself what your body language is saying to people. If you are having a hard time judging the message your body is sending, you may want to ask friends or people you know and trust what they think. Or, you may want to get the opinion of someone who doesn't know you as well. The MTSTCIL staff could help you if you want to work on your body language. Call the center nearest you for advice, tips, or even to set up a meeting and practice role-playing and body language in different settings.

Appearance also the first thing people notice about other people is the way they look. And whether we like it or not, how you look makes an impression on people. But you can use this knowledge to your advantage.

If you look neat and clean, people will feel as though you're the kind of person who makes an effort. A nice appearance shows that you value yourself and what other people think of you.

Putting forth a nice appearance doesn't mean you have to spend a lot of money on clothes or accessories. Someone can look slovenly and messy in an expensive suit if they don't brush their hair or clean their clothes. Someone else can appear put together in a old shirt and slacks that have been cleaned and pressed. Showing that you take care over your appearance is more important than what you wear or how expensive your hair cut is.

In addition to taking care over your appearance, it's also important to consider if your appearance is appropriate for the situation. You may look lovely in your party clothes or feel confident in your business suit, but these would look out of place in a more casual setting such as at a picnic or at the movies.

It's important to be comfortable in what you're wearing, but you also want to fit in (within reason!) with what other people will be wearing. Wear what suits both you and the situation best: jeans and t-shirts are fine for friends and the movies; a nice shirt and slacks or suit is more appropriate for work; party clothes should be saved for parties or fancy occasions. The same goes for accessories and make up: glitter eye shadow and elaborate hair might be fun after work, but look odd for a business meeting; you may feel most comfortable lounging in sneakers and a baseball cap, but not at a fancy restaurant or party. Think about what the majority of people will be wearing in the situation and wear something that fits in and makes you feel comfortable. As Muslims we often pride ourselves on being the Ummah with the ultimate truth. So equipped with this information we become intent on preaching to others, insistent they listen to us regardless of our own actions and deeds. Often we become aggressive and sometimes appear arrogant since we are secure in the knowledge that we are right. However the religion our Prophet preached placed great emphasis on Akhlak (good manners), to be gentle and kind, tolerant and patient. That we should always speak the truth but use wisdom and tact, foresight and prudence In Sahih Muslim, the Prophet narrated ‘the one who has a gentle character; has a gentle tongue, gentle voice, gentle way of thinking and is gentle when he meets others has gentility embodied in his entire character’.

In today’s era we convey gentleness to people but to those who we think are either stronger or richer than us. We only portray gentleness to people who we think are more superior to us in some respect. However this is not a sign of gentleness but is a sign of cowardliness.

We should bear in mind that whoever manages to acquire gentleness in his/her character automatically receives an increase in inner beauty and status, whereas whoever is deprived from gentleness in his/her character is automatically deprived from receiving inner beauty and status.

Presently we do not follow this concept, but believe and follow the opposite. We believe that we should show arrogance and pride to others else people may think that we are not worth anything. We scorn at the ones who portray gentleness to others looking down upon them as inferior. However this is a very dangerous and misleading concept and goes entirely against the teachings of Islam and entirely against the religion our Beloved Prophet (SAW) brought us.

It is stated in Sahih Muslim that ‘whoever loses gentleness loses all good’. It is also stated in another Hadith that the Holy Prophet told his followers that “hell is made Haram (forbidden) on those who looks after their relatives, are gentle hearted and have good manners”. Therefore the stress on good manners is found in all situations and the emphasis is always the same that is; ‘the most perfect believer in respect of faith is he who has the best manners’.

If we take a good look at ourselves we can automatically realize that we do not abide by these rules. We all, at one time or another twist, our words, play games, are two faced, lie and backbite portraying a severe lack of gentleness, love and compassion for others in our characters.

A true Muslim believer is the one who presents ease for others and saves them from hardships. A true Muslim believer makes life easy for others and is the bearer of good news and presents the call for Islam (da’wa), in a pleasant manner that is easy to adhere to. Allah (SWT) states in the Holy Quran regarding the eminence of our Beloved Prophet character, ‘By the grace of Allah (SWT) you are gentle towards the people, if you had been stern and harsh hearted they would have dispersed from around you’. This is how our beloved Prophet brought us Islam and this has proved to be the most effective method of da’wa.

Today however all aspects of Humanity have vanished from within us, we have became walking, talking animals, our religion has became ritualized and lacks morals, ethics and spirituality. We think that just by abiding by the pillars of Islam we are following the principals of Islam. The five pillars of Islam are the basic obligatory principals of Islam but there is more to Islam then just fulfilling these obligations. Islam is a way of life.

Unfortunately we have lost the main concept of Islam. We believe that if we keep a long beard, spend the nights in prayer, keep many fasts and perform many religious pilgrimages we are fulfilling the rights of Islam. Although these are the fard (obligations) of Islam, true Islam consists of much more. It is an ethical code of morals and manners guiding us on how to interact with others, how to behave towards our family and friends and how to live in society. Only then are our obligatory duties accepted by Allah (SWT).

The beauty of Islam is in its Adab (manners) which covering every sphere of life. See for instance the Sunnah of table manners. According to our Beloved Prophet , we should all eat together, start eating with what is in front of us, and we should not leave the table until everyone has finished. Therefore abiding by the Sunnah constitutes real Islam.

Even if we have read many prayers, kept many fasts, performed many religious pilgrimages etc, if the way we live causes any discomfort or pain to others then all the good deeds that we have done are considered pointless in the eyes of Allah (SWT).

Western society has adapted these concepts of Islam. They may not believe in the Kalima (declaration of faith) but they abide by the main concepts of Islam in respect to manners and behaviour. They are more polite, cheerful and courteous with each other then us. If we walk down the street and our eyes meet with an old lady we automatically receive a smile. However we do not smile at each other as much as we should, despite the fact that smiling is an act of sadaqa (charity), expiates some sins and doesn’t cost anything.

In Sahih Al-Bukhari it is narrated that : ‘ A man entered Masjid-ul-nabvi and committed the disgraceful act of urinating. The companions of the holy Prophet became angry and stood up to punish him. However the Holy Prophet told them not to punish or scold him, but to go and pour water over the area where he had urinated so that he would automatically realize the mistake that he had made indirectly, without feeling too ashamed or embarrassed. The holy Prophet (SAW) told his companions that ‘it is your job to bring people into Islam and not to push them away’. He also said that ‘we don’t know anything about the character of this man, if we rebuke him he may never come to the mosque again’.

It is a well-known fact that we cannot fight fire with fire; fire can only be defeated with water. Unfortunately, these days, due to lack of patience and compassion for others, we are quick to retaliate and do not overlook the faults and mistakes of others.

In another incident narrated in Sahih Muslim and Bukhari, ‘once the Holy Prophet was wearing a beautiful outer garment with detailed embroidery. He was walking and a poor Arab came running towards the Holy Prophet and tugged at his garment and demanding that he (the Holy Prophet should give him some of what Allah (SWT) had given him. The garment the Holy Prophet was wearing became entangled around His blessed neck and left a mark. However our beloved Prophet never became angry or rebuked the man, but merely smiled and gave him what he had asked for’.

In another incident the Holy Prophet had just started to read his prayer in Masjid-ul-Nabvi, when an Arab burst in shouting loudly disturbing everyone’s prayer. He demanded that the Prophet should ‘fulfil his requirements immediately’. The holy Prophet (SAW) did not tell him to ‘be quiet’ or to ‘show some respect’ but left his prayer to attend to the needs and demands of the man before returning to his prayer. This is true Islam which consists of fulfilling the rights of people, (i.e. family, friends and neighbours).

This is the main reason why it is difficult for us to preach Islam, and to attract the attention of people so they may to listen to us since we severely lack in love, understanding, patience and compassion for others. It is difficult for us to preach what is not present in out hearts.

In conclusion it is impossible for anger and goodness to co-exist together, as it is impossible for good and evil to be together. If we desire to have good manners and gentility imbedded in our personalities we must learn to control our anger. A true Muslim is the one who has Adab (good manners) instilled inside him/her and the one who lacks in Adab also lacks in Deen (religion).

Furthermore, successful start with the definition, word origin and history of the word success. According to Success means the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted: attributed their success in business to hard work. The gaining of fame or prosperity: an artist spoiled by success. b. The extent of such gain. One that is successful, the plan was a success. Obsolete a result or an outcome. The word origin and history of success in year 1537, "result, outcome," from L. successus "an advance, succession, happy outcome," from succedere "come after" (see succeed). Meaning "accomplishment of desired end" (good success) first recorded 1586. Successor "one who comes after" is recorded from 1297.

Success story is attested from 1925. Successful first attested 1588 in Shakespeare. Among the Fr. phrases used in Eng. late 19c. were succès d'estime "cordial reception given to a literary work out of respect rather than admiration" and succès de scandale "success (especially of a work of art) dependent upon its scandalous character."According to Wikipedia Success may mean a level of social status, achievement of an objective/goal and the opposite of failure

Success is as big or small as you make it. There are different levels of success. You have small success, medium success, large success, corporate success and so forth. You must have a plan, put that plan into action and turn that action into success. You will have failures along the way. There is no way to avoid the F word. But even a failure can be turned into a success, as long as you learn and grow from it. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you you are doing,you will be successful-Albert Schweitzer.

There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all. - Peter Drucker

The secret of success is constancy to purpose. - Benjamin Disraeli

It might seem silly for a 20-year-old to define what success is, but I can explain what in life I am working toward.

Overall, I believe that you know you have achieved success when you reach the end of your life and you have no regrets, no qualms or grudges. In psychology they refer to this as "ego integrity." It's probably safe to say that all people work towards this sort of end.

This doesn't mean that you can't make mistakes in your life. Basically, however, you should have done enough over your lifetime to be at peace with yourself in the end.

This can mean a number of different things depending on the person. To some it means founding a multi-million dollar business, for others it could be saving an old tree for other generations to see. It could be making something for others down the line or for yourself alone.

For me success is the former; I want to do something that will last. I want to succeed in being happy and it would make me happy to have a legacy. Personally I find happiness in purpose, so I consider that success for me is achieving what I've set out to do.

Is it that success means doing what makes you happy or that you're happy when you're successful? I'm leaning toward the first response.

I wonder if one's idea of success changes if they never really meet their goals.

I'm not really sure why I'm making this hub, but I think it's interesting to analyze these things, especially early in life when my life has hardly even really started

"Good Manners" display respect, care, and consideration. Everyone has a basic right to help another and feel positive about themselves and others around them. In our age of self-satisfaction, cell phone technology and instant internet gratification, it is often hypothesized that we care more for our equipment than those for whom they are made.

It's common sense that people prefer a reasonable amount of respect. If you nurture plants, animals, or other humans, not only will they grow and bloom - but you will as well. Outside of material goods - the basic things we all really own are ourselves and our actions.

I myself have had numerous failures and successes. Each time I fail, I pick myself up, dust off my boots, and start again. I would suggest readying the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R Covey. This book is very insightful and will help you start thinking outside the box. There all lots of tools out there to help you make better use of your time, plan your goal, and create yourself a roadmap to success. They are only a Google away.

In Closing here are a few of my favorite success quotes: Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. -Albert Schweitzer

I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen. -Frank Lloyd Wright

People have been striving for it all their life, and many achieving Success, and others are not so fortunate. It seems to elude them, and their life. Many have been pursuing Success for years, and others start towards it and seem to find it almost immediately. It is a concept that wars have been fought over. Success to one man was the capture and domination of another. And it has been that way for eons.

The meaning of Success comes in many forms, and many definitions. It depends on what you are searching for in life, and searching for in business. Athletes may have one definition of Success, and a stay at home mom may have another. A musician may see Success as a number one hit, and a Doctor may see Success as a surgery that went well. It really depends on the perspective of life you have. Perspectives on Success are as numerous as the stars. . . . but we need to hone down our understanding of Success

There is a difference between Accomplishment, Success, and True Success. For example Accomplishment is where you have engaged in the task or action that you attempted, and have obtained the desired results. It is a based on what was expected, and what results were done. This is a daily happening in the world and marketplace. People accomplish things all day long, but really achieve no Success in those actions.

Success is something different Success to most people is when you have an ongoing string of accomplishments that when put together, add up to a major obtainment in life known as Success. The addition of all the accomplishments in a person's career or life can be viewed as Success in their life and business. Success then is an ongoing realization and obtainment of worthy desired results, concerning actions, life, business, wealth, or a worthy ideal. But there is even a higher level of Success. There is a more powerful level of High Achievement.That is why we call the Path to Success "Success to Success." It is Biblical that we all move from Glory to Glory, and we all must move from one level of Success to another.

True Success is simply the realization and obtainment of a worthy ideal or result that your heart is deeply connected to it. It is what births passion and your success passion. It is what people die for. It is why some people explode out of the gates and create Success easily, and others struggle all their life. They are operating on a whole different realm of Success and actions. It is a Success that is saturated with feeling and emotion, powered by passion, driven by destiny that cannot be denied, and forged with the Fire of the Heart. There is is no more powerful Success than the Success that the heart is welded to it by the Fire of Passion. Then we would say that Success and your heart have a definite connection in any type of True Success, and any kind that is long term.

That is why that many athletes and artists have long careers. Their heart is attached to their Success. That is why entrepreneurs many times have long careers. They are operating in their Passion and True Success Power. Many business people today have experienced True Success in their life on an ongoing basis.

People accomplish things every day. They accomplish results and more. People Succeed everyday in the marketplace and on the athletic field, as well as the professional field. The home field with raising successful children is one of the greatest True Success passions. this is because true Success has to be driven by passion from a dream that cannot be denied. It is accompanied by a hunger that cannot be stopped. It is carried to its goal by a focus that is unrelenting. It is driven by actions that will not be contained. And it is driven by a Force that knows no failure. Success is not just accomplishment. It is beyond that. Success is the steady realization of a moral and worthy ideal is Success to most folks. The steady realization of a dream and an ideal that is driven by the heart and Passion that will not, cannot, and will never be denied is Success to a few folks. Those few folks not only know the meaning of Success, but also the experience of a Deeper and Higher level of Success. They are driven by Success, not just pursuing it. Within that tiny difference is the meaning and power between Success and True Success. Hard Work Is Key To Success, Life is full of twistS and turns .Everyone has to struggle here in this world to overcome every obstacle in the way to success.For this hard work is necessary. Without working hard and just by sitting idle it will be hard for one to get success. Since from childhood and till now I always remember the sentence that my parents used to tell me "TO be A better person in life and to get success YOU havE to work hard, The result of hard work is always fruitful,so YOU have to work hard".


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