Thursday, August 19, 2010


Iqra’ ( that is Read ) . Allah says , what means :
“ Read ! In the Name of your Lord Who has created ( all that exists ) . He has created man from a clot ( a piece of thick coagulated blood ) . Read ! And your Lord is The Most Generous . Who has thought ( writing pen ) by the pen . He has taught man that which he knew not ”.
Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim (Male and Female) . This is why Islam attaches great importance to knowledge and education . As also what The Holy Prophet Muhammad Said : “ To seek knowledge is compulsory of every Muslim ” , that shows that knowledge is a must to do as it is also said by Allah and not only our Prophet Muhammad. The prophet Muhammad also said : “ Seek knowledge even though in China ” , that shows also that where ever you are or whenever you are it is compulsory for every Muslim to seek knowledge and no other excuse is acceptable because based on what the prophet said, knowledge is classified as an important thing and need to be seek and to be learned.
By seeking and learning knowledge , it puts one potentials use to the maximum use by educating that certain someone . The importance of learning this education of knowledge is basically for two reasons . Firstly , is that education makes a man think right in the right way by getting educated . It helps man think and decide for themselves what is good or what is bad before doing a certain something . Secondly , through the attainment of knowledge and education , man is enabled to receive information . Thus education is the starting point for every human activity.
If Muslims truly realise and understood the importance Islam places knowledge and its virtues , they will definitely be keen to learn and teach others . They will firstly start with their own selves and their families . Then they will further more continue on to their neighbours the whole community at large . This is because knowledge is the basis of all goods . It generates action that are based on the commandments of Allah and the instructions of the Prophet . Hence , every Muslim must install in his mind a desire to seek knowledge.
The great importance of knowledge can be really understood by the Battle of ‘ Badr ’ . At the battle of ‘ Badr ’ in which the Prophet Muhammad gain victory upon his opponents and the opponents were taken prisoner . These prisoners of war were liberated people . In order to benefit from their education, Prophet Muhammad declared that if one prisoner teaches ten Muslims how to read and write , this will serve as his ransom and he will be set free.
The Messenger of Allah gave glad tidings to anyone who undertakes the task of seeking knowledge . Abu Hurairah relates that the Prophet said , “ For him who embarks on the path of seeking knowledge , Allah will ease for him the way to paradise ”.
Knowledge brings a great reward . When the person who obtains the knowledge denies , his reward with Allah does not cease when he dies , rather it continues to increase so long as people benefit from his knowledge . The Prophet said : “ When a man dies , all his deeds come to an end except for three – an ongoing charity , beneficial knowledge or a righteous child who will pray for him ”.
The main purpose of acquiring knowledge is to bring us close to our creator and one other purpose to acquire knowledge is to gain the good of this world , not to destroy it through wastage , arrogance and in the reckless pursuit of higher standards of material comfort.
In conclusion , a person without knowledge is like someone walking along a track in complete darkness where the satan can easily deceive him . On the other hand , if we are blessed with the light of knowledge we will able to see plainly the clear path of Islam at every steps of our lives.

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