Thursday, August 19, 2010


The purpose of our worship is to glorify, honor, praise, exalt, and please God. Our worship must show our adoration and loyalty to God for His grace in providing us with the way to escape the bondage of sin, so we can have the salvation He so much wants to give us.Besides,purpose of worship is to bring to Him praise and thanksgiving and adoration with great joy and exuberance The nature of the worship God demands is the prostration of our souls before Him in humble and contrite submission. Our worship to God is a very humble and reverent action. God does not have to have our worship, but we must worship Him to please Him. Our singing, praying, studying His word, giving, and communion are designed by God to bring us closer to Him and to cause us to think more like He thinks, thus becoming more like Him. When we worship God we develop such traits as forgiveness, tenderness, justice, righteousness, purity, kindness, and love. All of this is preparing us for eternal life in heaven with God.
Worship consist of two meaning which is actual meaning and additional meaning and doings. The actual meaning is closed self to Allah the almighty and concentrate our aim and in any condition. With that aim, once could achieve the goodness and the wills of Allah in Hereafter. `
While additional meaning or doings consist of good things and good doings by humans such as solat, zikir, and fasting. Solat is to show that we are sincere in doing all Allah want and Allah asked to. Besides, all this good things can avoid us from doing bad things and could change us from bad to good. On the other hand, other than attend all this, worship could be done by relaxing our mind from the busyness of life and focus more towards helping others in realizing and go through the right path instead of wrong path. This good doings can help us from enter hell.
Worship also is to express gratitude to Allah, especially in devotional act. Worship also to cater the spiritual need of human being and nourishing of the soul. Thus, man is fond to remember Allah especially when confronting bad situation. To free human being enslaves to other master rather than Allah. Besides, worship is to fulfill Allah’s right. Allah has created man form nothing then becomes existence and also endowed with knowledge. Thus man is indebted of Allah. All creations are created to serve man and man is created to serve or worship Allah. Furthermore, by performing Ibadah, man is trying to fulfill Allah’s rights.
Purpose of worship is to seek protection from Allah. We can do worship through solat, fasting, zikrullah. Moreover, worship can be done by eating, sleeping and others by niat. For example, when we sleepy, we sleep to energize our body and to do more work after we take a nap or long sleep. Besides, worship could protect us from injuries and could protect us from bad things. Purpose of worship is to so seek reward from Allah and to express the fear from punishment. We can seek reward from Allah by doing good things such donating money to charity, help others who in difficulty and recite Al-Quran and understand the meaning of Al-Quran.
Purpose of worship is also to strengthen our believe and faithful to Allah. Worship also give us peace and comfort our mind.
It is an act of service performed of God's children unto Him. Worship is work. Thus, as you approach any other job, you need to think about it and study it enough to do it and increase in your skill and ability to do this work. One thing is to serve the Lord is to bring to Him praise and thanksgiving and adoration with great joy and exuberance. We are to revel in the greatness of our God. Much of Reformed worship today has become boring, the professor stated, not because we don't have the right things, but because our hearts are disengaged and we don't come into the Lord's presence with joy and exuberance. Another aspect of serving the Lord is to have communion with Him. And as we see Him revealed to us, we then respond with our prayers and through our hymns and Psalms and the humble hearing of His word read and preached. It is two way of communication. the purpose of worship is that it is by nature covenantal and not evangelistic. Furthermore, edification is an outworking of communion with God. The means of grace are the Word, prayer, and sacraments, and though the Word and prayer are used privately, there is much greater blessing in using them corporately. As we commune with God, He is working in us, sanctifying us, mortifying our sin, and conforming us to the image of the Son, so that worship is then for us edifying.
God is not in need of our worship. Worship has been legislated in Islam and all other previous religions for the benefit of humanity, both in the individual and societal sense. Worship is essential for the maintenance of spirituality in the life of Muslims and its growth. Formal worship trains the individual to love his Creator and to develop constant awareness of God. Quran 2:21) (Quran 20:14). Acts of worship serve as a means through which one remembers God and maintains a relationship with Him. Muslims perform prayer a minimum of five times daily in order to maintain this relationship. When a one supplicates, implores, praises God, recites verses from His revelation, which has been called “the Reminder.along with other forms of worship throughout the day, they will gain the sense that the Power and Knowledge of God is present with them at all times, leading them to this sense of God-consciousness.
Worship also creates a strong sense within a Muslim to remove the evil within himself and in the community and environment and to establish the word of God throughout the world.(Quran 29:45).Again, when a person spends his day performing specific acts of worship, they are constantly reminded of the purpose of life and their final end, and this in turn helps them to accord their lives to the Will of God, doing what He is pleased with and avoiding what He dislikes. Worship also keep us Abstention From Lying, Faith And Self-Scrutiny, Shield For Protection From Sins, Temptation of Goodness and Allah gives us reward when we doing “iftar”.
One can clearly see the impact worship has on a collective level. Society is merely a conglomeration of individuals, and when individuals are spiritually and morally upright, the society itself will also be upright. Ideally, the society will be one which feels that God is ever-watching over them; one to which beneficent acts of kindness will be an inseparable adjective, and sin and vice will be confined and limited.
Although it may seem to some that worship and obedience to God is similar to imprisonment and slavery, the worship of God and servitude to Him actually liberates humans from all types of subjugation. A person break frees from the chains of society, peers, and family, and liberates him to please His One True Lord. This is true freedom that brings about security and contentment. Servitude to God is ultimate source of freedom. It leads to harmony and is, therefore, a reward in itself because it removes conflict and suffering. It follows that anything that accords with this must be a form of worship. with worship, A person can turn everyday activities into acts of worship by purifying his or her intention and sincerely seeking God’s pleasure through these activities. God’s Messenger, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him.
If we are going to worship well, we must recover these purposes of worship and their principles. As we do, our worship will become increasingly God-centered and covenantal. We must not ignore the unconverted in our midst and we should explain and translate to them using rubrics; but we must structure our worship for God.

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