Thursday, August 19, 2010



Allah SWT offers us a clean direction on our stand in life: to be justly balanced in everything that we do as stated in Al-Quran (2:143).One of the character of Islam is moderation.There are many example of moderation.We can find moderation’s quality in many aspects,for example is morality.

Islam gives very high place to ethics and morality. It says that a person who has no character has no religion. The basic nature of Islamic teachings on ethics and morality are:
a) Universal Values - not promoting any specific culture, race or country.
b) Positive and life affirming - it teaches that you can enjoy the good things of this life.
c) Not ascetic, monastic, morbid or moribund in nature. Islam wants people to be happy, healthy, optimistic and forward looking.
d) Practical - take into account human needs, emotions, desires, and aspirations and provides opportunities for their growth.
e) Egalitarian - There are no double standards - one for religious class and other for laity.
The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
“The religion is easy and whosoever will deal with religion harshly, it will defeat him. So be straight, follow the middle course, give good news and make use of the morning, the evening or part of the night (in prayer and remebering Allah).” (Reported by Al-Bukhari)

These are some example of morality in terms of moderation based on comments of 'Alama Yusuf 'Ali, do not go the pace, and do not be stationary or slow. Do not be talkative and do not be silent. Do not be loud and do not be timid or half-hearted. Do not be too confident, and do not be cowed down.Another good statement of Yusuf is that many of us have forgotten how to laugh. It is reported that, when Prophet Muhammad saws laughed, it was hardly audible.Another example is to be balanced attitude towards a person or an idea. Even if we don't agree with a brother or sister, we can at least control our emotions and give him or her the right to say his or her piece. In fact, in a Hadith, Prophet Muhammad saws narrated by Bukhari, Abu Hurraira reported that the Messenger of Allah saws said: "The din is easy, and nobody make it difficult…it will overcome him/her. So be steadfast and seek Allah's Nearness. Give good news and seek help at morning and at dusk and some part of a dark night." (Bukhari)
Extremism in religious matters is closely linked to the personal and social conditions and contexts of those who uphold such understandings of their faith. A person who is immoderate in his morality value is most likely to be immoderate or extreme in his religious views.This is why the Quran and the Hadith place such stress on the proper training of a person’s personality so that he develops a balanced and moderate of morality that is reflected in all aspects of his life.
Once, when the Prophet Muhammad learned that some people had decided to fast continuously, to abstain from marriage, to give up eating meat in order to control their lust, or to renounce sleeping on beds as part of their worship he was so enraged that his face turned red.Thus, the Prophet declared, in a hadith contained in the Sahih al-Bukhari, ‘Your body also has rights over you. Your Lord also has rights over you. Your guest also has rights over you. Your wife and children also have rights over you. That is why you should fulfill the rights of the Lord of the rights.’
In our religious circles, in our madrasas,great stress is given in the name of Islam to the externals of Muslim identity, on the keeping of the beard, on wearing a cap or donning a burqa, on avoiding imitating people of other religions in matters of external appearance, and on abstaining from entertaiment, such as music and movie.

In conclusion,in order to follow Islam,you must make an effort and be serious.Learn your faith and pay attention to it.Do not take your religion casually.Islam is not just a social and cultural thing.Islam is the religion of Allah and it is the most moderate,balanced and perfect religion.


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