Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Trees play an important role in sustaining a healthy environment. Every tree planted by this community project is part of a large scale effort by members around the world to make a significant impact on the environment. The goal of this community tree planting grants is to increase the tree resource base in cities and towns across the Malaysia. This is not to provide beautification. Trees are work horses for our communities, providing energy savings through shading, storm water mitigation through rain interception, and air quality improvement through filtration and absorption.

 These are direct cost saving benefits to communities. Beautification should not be used as an objective for planting project. Trees must be planted on public land. These Community Tree Planting projects connect people to the benefits of trees and foster community spirit and interaction. We should consider planting trees because Well-placed shade trees can lower your roof and wall temperatures and help save over 15% on your electrical bills. Shading and cooling and air conditioning unit can increase its efficiency by 10%.Trees can help your property value. Trees add beauty to neighbourhoods and can add considerable value to the typical bowling green home, which helps to stabilize property values.
                 Trees make life nicer. It has been shown that spending time among trees and green spaces reduces the amount of stress that we carry around with us in our daily lives. Hospital patients have been shown to recover from surgery more quickly when their hospital room offered a view of trees. Children have been shown to retain more of the information taught in schools if they spend some of their time outdoors in green spaces. Trees are often planted as living memorials or reminders of loved ones or to commemorate significant events in our lives. Even though you may own the trees on your property your neighbours may benefit from them as well.

 Through careful planning trees can be an asset to your entire community. Tree lined streets have a traffic calming effect, traffic moves more slowly and safely. Trees can be placed to screen unwanted views or noise from busy highways. Trees can complement the architecture or design of buildings or entire neighbourhoods. Trees offer many environmental benefits. Trees also reduce the urban heat island effect through evaporative cooling and reducing the amount of sunlight that reaches parking lots and buildings. This is especially true in areas with large impervious surfaces, such as parking lots of stores and industrial complexes. Trees improve our air quality by filtering harmful dust and pollutants such as ozone, carbon monoxide, and sulphur dioxide from the air we breathe.

                 Trees give off oxygen that we need to breathe. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding. Many species of wildlife depend on trees for habitat. Trees provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals. Well placed trees can reduce your cooling costs in the summer by shading the south and west sides of your home. If deciduous trees are used they will allow the sun to pass through and warm your home in the winter. Evergreen trees on the north side of your home and shrubs around the foundation of your home can act as a windbreak to reduce the cooling effects of winter winds. The value of a well landscaped home with mature healthy trees can be as much as 10% higher than a similar home with no or little landscaping. (Topping will reduce the value of your trees).Some indirect economic benefits of trees are that if we reduce the energy we use then utility companies will have less demand placed on the infrastructure, thus reducing operating costs which can be passed on to the consumer. Tree is important to all of us.
             Planting also has some disadvantages. For time, a garden requires a time commitment from the planning stages through harvest time. The greatest investment of time is required when you first start your garden, but the work continues throughout the growing season. You'll need to weed water and fertilize the plants. In vegetable gardens, you also have to harvest the food when it is mature. Sharing the work load with family members or creating a neighbourhood garden can mean less of a time commitment for you.

Next, cost for planting, Vegetable gardens are considered money savers, but a garden comes with its own expenses that may cost you more than buying the vegetables would. When you initially create your garden beds, potential costs include a tiller, shovel, rake, hoe and edging material. After the initial investment, the yearly costs are lower, but expenses still include seeds, plants, compost, topsoil, fertilizer, mulch and support systems like trellises or tomato cages. You also see an increase in your water bill for irrigation of the garden. Limiting your garden size can help keep costs under control. 

            Last but not least, injuries, gardening require physical exertion, including lots of bending, stooping, digging and carrying. The repeated gardening actions put strain on your back and joints like your knees. If you already have problems with pain or limited mobility, taking care of your garden can worsen those symptoms. Lifting, stooping or performing other actions incorrectly may also lead to injury, such as a pulled muscle. I make sense to keep your garden small if you have physical limitations and take breaks while gardening to avoid injury to your muscles or joints. You can also hire a professional to handle some of the garden care.

               For planting we need a material, we need seeds, fruits, aggregate fruits, and parts of aggregate fruits used for planting. Planting material sometimes includes the parts of plants used for vegetative reproduction, for example, bulbs and potato tubers. In the USSR, state standards have been set for planting quality (germinating power, purity, susceptibility to disease and pests, moisture content, and 1,000-seed weight) and varietal quality (purity and, for some crops, specificity). Only certified seeds meeting these requirements may be planted. State seed inspectorates determine the quality of planting material by means of laboratory analysis, soil control, and test plots. Planting material is divided by planting quality into three classes. Established for each class are the number of seeds for the main crop, the yield of the main crop, the amount of foreign matter, the number of seeds of other plants (including weeds), germinating power, and moisture content. 

                   For winter and spring varieties of soft wheat, the purity norms are 99 percent for class 1, 98.5 percent for class 2, and 97 percent for class 3; the germination rate is 95 percent for class 1, 92 percent for class 2, and 90 percent for class 3. Class-1 and class-2 seeds are planted for crops; class-3 seeds may be planted in exceptional cases and only in the well-tilled areas. Planting material is also classified according to varietal properties into three categories. For most grains (including pulse crops) category-1 seeds are marked by 99.5 percent purity, cate-gory-2 seeds by 98 percent, and category-3 seeds by 95 percent. Only category-1 seeds may be planted for seed production; cate-gory-2 and category-3 seeds are used in commercial sowing. Before storing, planting material is cleaned, sorted, and, if necessary, dried. It undergoes various types of preparation before planting. Data on the planting and varietal qualities of planting material are recorded in special registers maintained by each farm. 

                 This is some true event of planting project. Firstly, Kenyan Lions Develop a Partnership to Plant Trees, for several years, severe deforestation in Kenya has brought about new challenges for productive agriculture and has raised concerns about health and food security within its communities. To combat this growing problem, the Lions of Kenya partnered with the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) and pledged to plant 1.5 million trees. Committed to their pledge, Lions from District 411A have planted more than 2.6 million trees to date. The impact of their incredible service will be felt for many years to come. Next, District 132 in Macedonia Reacts After Forest Fires. After a vast region of the country was destroyed by forest fires, the Lions of Macedonia organized a nation-wide call to action that has been growing ever since. 

The tree planting effort was organized several years ago and has transformed into an event that is nationally recognized and celebrated. The Lions of Macedonia are still very closely tied to the project. During the 2011-2012 fiscal years, District 132 organized two tree planting events that involved nearly every club in the country and donated 2,000 trees. Then, The Tewantin Noosa Lions Club recognized a need for trees and organized a project at a UNESCO biosphere reserve in their local community. The club planted 120 trees and pledged to care for them during the first three months, a vital development phase of the tree. When the trees are mature, they will provide food and shelter for the koala population in the region.

                  Islamic scholar said, Sheikh-ul-Islam as said that if each Pakistani planted a tree, 170 million trees so planted would solve the pollution problem. He instructed every worker of MQI to plant preferably a fruit-bearing tree or a shady tree at the least. He regretted that worship has been confined to the performance of rituals alone and our inner selves, our hearts, are devoid of that inner state which keeps us immersed in a feeling and passion called piety and worship. Consequently negative attitudes are on the increase in society. He said that devil attacks man from outside while ill-commanding self-mounts attack from inside. The prayers of today's Muslims are not result-oriented because human heart is plagued by ill-commanding self. Next, Anas ibn Malik reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "If the Final Hour comes while you have a palm-cutting in your hands and it is possible to plant it before the Hour comes, you should plant it." [1]

                   One hadith has said about planting, Our Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Never does a Muslim a plants a tree, but that he earns the reward of charity because what is eaten from it; and likewise what is stolen from it, what the wild beasts eat out of it, what the birds eat out of it, and what people take from it is charity for him.” [Sahîh Muslim (1552)] .The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Never does a Muslim a plant a tree or sow a crop and a bird, human being, or beast eats from it without earning the reward of charity.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (2320) and Sahîh Muslim (1553)] .However, we cannot rule out a reward for taking care of such plants. If the houseplant dies through no fault or negligence of the owner, then there is, of course, no sin upon the owner for its death. And Allah knows best. In the Holy Quran also has mention about the tree that have in heaven and hell.
              The Tree of Tooba in Paradise, Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet said: "In Paradise there is a tree in whose shade a rider could travel for a hundred years without crossing it. Recite, if you wish: ‘In shade long-extended’[2].The Prophet said: "Tooba is a tree in Paradise, one hundred years big. The clothes of the people of Paradise are made from its calyces (outer casing of its flowers)."[3] ‘Utbah ibn ‘Abdin al-Salami said: "A Bedouin came to the Prophet and asked him about al-Hawd (the cistern). He mentioned Paradise, and then the Bedouin asked him, ‘Is there fruit there?’ He said, ‘Yes, and there is a tree called Tooba.’ The Bedouin asked, ‘What tree of this world does it resemble?’ He said, ‘It does not resemble any tree of your land. Have you been to Syria?’ He said, ‘No.’ He said, ‘It resembles a tree in Syria called al-Jawzah (walnut) which grows on one trunk then spreads its branches higher up.’ The Bedouin asked, ‘How big is its trunk?’ He said, ‘If one of the camels of your people was to go around it, it would not complete one circuit before its neck broke of old age and exhaustion.

 The Bedouin asked, ‘Are there grapes there?’ He said, ‘Yes.’ He asked, ‘How big is a bunch?’ He said, ‘The distance a crow could fly without stopping in a month.’ He asked, ‘How big is one grape?’ He said, ‘Does your father ever slaughter a he-goat from his flocks?’ He said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘And does he skin it and give the hide to your mother, and say, "Make me a bucket"?’ He said, ‘Yes.’ The Bedouin asked, ‘Is one grape big enough to satisfy me and my family?’ He said, ‘Yes, and your whole tribe.’" [4]

                  The tree of Zaqqoom, which is the food for the people of Hell. This tree is described in the Qur’an as (interpretation of the meaning): "… the accursed tree (mentioned) in the Qur’an"[5]. Allah also says about it (interpretation of the meaning): "Then, moreover, verily, - you the erring-on, the deniers (of Resurrection)! You verily will eat of the trees of Zaqqoom. Then you will fill your bellies therewith, and drink boiling water on top of it, so you will drink (that) like thirsty camels! That will be their entertainment on the Day of Recompense!" [6] "Verily, the tree of Zaqqoom, will be the food of the sinners, like boiling oil, it will boil in the bellies, like the boiling of scalding water. (It will be said): ‘Seize him and drag him into the midst of blazing Fire, then pour over his head the torment of boiling water, taste you (this)! Verily, you were pretending to be the mighty, the generous! Verily! This is that whereof you used to doubt!’"[7] ."Is that Paradise better entertainment or the tree of Zaqqoom (a horrible tree in Hell)? Truly we have made it as a trial for the Zaalimoon (polytheists, disbelievers, wrongdoers, etc.). 

Verily, it is a tree that springs out of the bottom of Hell-fire, the shoots of its fruit-stalks are like the heads of shayaateen (devils); truly they will eat thereof and fill their bellies therewith. Then on the top of that they will be given boiling water to drink so that it becomes a mixture (of boiling water and Zaqqoom in their bellies). Then, thereafter, their return is to the flaming fire of Hell."[8]

            Moreover, this is a relevant story about The Community Action Day was an exciting opportunity for British and American Fulbright programme participants and alumni to meet one another whilst giving back to the community and promoting a better environment. Comme Fulbright Forestnting on the event, Michael Scott Kline, Director of the Fulbright Programme, said: ‘The Community Action Day was a great opportunity for our scholars and alumni to come together to give something back to society – knowing and appreciating the investment society has made in them via the Fulbright Programme.  It shows the energy and enthusiasm that Fulbright Scholars have to make positive change in our two countries.’ Along with planting trees the group was given a tour of Cultibraggan Army Camp, a Certificates old WWII POW camp now the setting of an Eco-centre for the Village of Comrie. 

The group enjoyed learning about the efforts of the people of Comrie to ensure the camp is developed into a space where local businesses can develop and community projects, including allotments, educational space and sporting grounds, can be based each with sustainability at their core. Fulbright Scholar at the University of Strathclyde, Jordan Covvey, commented:’ I’ll have to come back in 20 years time and see our little Fulbright Forest blooming up here in the beautiful Highlands.’ The Fulbright Programme thanks State Alumni, the US-based US government alumni network for contributing funding to make the day possible, and the  British Fulbright Scholars Association (BFSA), Trees4Scotland and all who took part, for their help in making the first Fulbright Community Action Day such a success.

           In conclusion, capacity building in the community with planting project can give us many benefits. It can bridge the friendship between us in the process of planting. Planting may also provide fresh air and give a beautiful place. Most trees and shrubs in cities or communities are planted to provide beauty or shade. These are many excellent reasons for their use. Woody plants also serve many other purposes, and it often is helpful to consider these other functions when selecting a tree or shrub for the landscape. Planting trees can give benefits to social, communal, environmental, and economic. Most often we plant trees to provide shade and beautify our landscapes. These are great benefits but trees also provide other less obvious benefits such as time, energy, cost and injuries.

[1] (From Bukhari's Adab al Mufrad nr. 479)
[2] [al-Waaqi’ah 56:30]" (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 4502)
[3] (Reported by Ibn Hibbaan; see also Saheeh al-Jaami’, 3918)
[4] (Reported by Imaam Ahmad).
[5] [Al-Israa’ 17:60].
[6] [Al-Waaqi’ah 56:51-56]
[7] [al-Dukhaan 44:43-50]
[8] [al-Saafaat 37:62-68]


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