Wednesday, August 27, 2014


           First and foremost, praise to Allah S.W.T almighty as the creator, ruler, administer of the worlds and blessings and peace be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companions includes his loyalists to the end of time. When it comes to the sports, every people in the world particularly in this globalisation and modernisation ages have already know how to apply it, for example jogging, cycling, swimming and others, whether indoor or outdoor activities. But the question is do they really understand what is the sports? Sport is derived from Latin word “desporto” which mean to bear. Linguistically, it is refer to human physical activities that can be done individually or competing with other based on the rules of particular games using the skills, strategies, tactics and techniques to ensure the successful. Recreation is also derived from Latin word “recreation” which means restoration and recovery. From the point of the term, it is refer to any beneficial activities during leisure times that can ensure the development and satisfaction.

In Islam, sports and recreation can be considered as an Ibadah and Amal Solih for those who really appreciate their responsibilities and status as a servant and vicegerent on the earth. As we have already known, the scope of Amal Solih is very wide and not only focuses on the ritual activities only. It is covers all lawful work as long as not against the Sharia of Islam. Generally, the activities that consider as Ibadah can be done in any time and any place without bounding with limitation by obeying all the Allah’s rules and regulation in order to gain the rewards from him and to avoid from his punishment. Now, we have to know, what the Islamic view on sports is.

After knowing the definition, here, some references of Al-Quran and Hadith based on the field of sports. Originally, sports and recreation are encourages by Islam.  The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer.” Based on this Hadith, Allah SWT is very dear to the believers who have strong in term of physical, mental and spiritual than the believers who are weak in term of everything. Besides that, Islam also incites its followers to preserve the body, keep on healthy condition. This is because a healthy mind lies in a healthy body. As a result, we also can avoid from bad diseases and can perform the Ibadah to Allah SWT affectively and wholeheartedly.

Furthermore, Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) says: “I competed with the Messenger of Allah (in running) and overtook him. Later, when I had put on some weight, I once again competed with him, but this time he overtook me and said: “We’re even now”. The hadith tell us that the messenger of Allah SWT also practice sports in running whereby this activity is one of traditional activities practiced by Arab during the era of Prophet Muhammad SAW.  Furthermore participating in sports is one activity in which fill the free time with the beneficial things and as a result, the people can get some advantages whether for the development or performance because it is not useless activities. Allah (GBTH) says in His Holy Quran that, “The true Muslims are those who doesn't involve in useless things and ignores the disgust”. Allah (GBTH) also says that, “The true Muslims are those who eradicates futile acts totally”. That is why the activity can be considered as Ibadah.

Every activities and recreation whether for the outdoor or indoor activities, it is only can be consider as Ibadah, as long as we doing it with the purpose to avoid his anger and to achieve his closure and pleasure. In order to ensure that the activities accepted by Allah SWT as Ibadah, every have to confirm whatever sports that they participated, meet the following conditions.

 Firstly, good intention and because of Allah SWT, not for other interest or in other words is sincerity. The messenger of Allah SWT said “everything that you do, must attain with good intention and every action or deed is depend on it action. Even though, not all good intention can be accepted as ibadah, if the way of performing the activities is against syarak.

Secondly, does not against the injunction of Sharia Islamiah. For example, we have to avoid ourselves from doing something forbidden by Allah SWT. For example, there is no limitation or restriction in relationship between man and woman. Thirdly, do not have the element of gambling. The people of knowledge (ulamak) have made decision that is forbidden for the competition in which charged the loser’s player to make payment and the winner got the reward that was taking from the loser. This activity is clearly shows that, it has the element of gambling.

Lastly, every player has to cover their awrah. It is obligation for Muslims as the Prophet Muhammad SAW said “What is between the navel and the knee is ‘awrah.” (for men). As conclusion, if we can follow and obey all the conditions, Allah SWT will give rewards to us because he is the most merciful one.

The acceptances of sports as ibadah have strong connections with human’s career. Islam has explained that the world is like a bridge (way) to lead people to hereafter. Thus, the purpose of the creation of human is to control and preserve this universe is coincide with the natural inclination of the human based on the injunction that was determined by syarak. As a human being, we have been instilled by Allah SWT with two resources in order to fulfil our needs on the earth.

The first is source of human, which mean include mind, talent, faculty of intellect, faculty of sensory and others that function as advocate for human to look for the sustenance of Allah SWT. Secondly, source of tabi’i, which mean include the land, see and air that become the important assets to the sources of sustenance. By the way, every people have to work in order to sustain their life, including their family.

 The ability to find some work in the field of sport is very high. Furthermore, today we have Faculty of Science Sports and Recreation in some university in our country, for instance University Malaya (UM), University Technology Mara (UITM) and so on. For the graduates that master in this field, absolutely there is no problem to continue his talent, whether to become a coach, manager or player. Moreover the government has launch a programme “sports for all” with hope that all the community can participate in the activity of sports. Besides that, the government also conducted a survey to find for new talented person especially in village, school, every district and university to be trained to become a skilled person that can make one’s country become well known.

In over, sports and recreation can offer major psychological and physiological benefits through participation. There is some evidence to indicate that physical health can be improved through regular sports participations although this participation does not need to be a highly competitive, aggressive, or “sweaty” nature. A vigorous walk or a relaxed swim can benefit general health a great deal and the notion that only lung-busting aerobics can produce the type of health benefits required is misguided. Healthy body is needed to perform ibadah to Allah SWT. For example, when perform the prayer, someone has to stand nicely and straight for those who have ability to do that.

Another justifiable good of sports is the rather negative one. If people are actively participating in sport, at least they are not doing anything less sociable, for instance being involved in vandalism or other form of crime. This may appear negative, but in actual fact, is a valid argument with a factual base. This condition also will give benefits to the country because when people are concentrating on sports, the number of social problem will fall and effectively can contribute to the tranquillity and peaceful of the country.

Apart from that, participation of sports and recreation also can ensure the ukhwah islamiah between the societies whether for teenagers or adults. It is important in order to create the solidarity in our society. When it happened, every work is become easily and our country also becomes strong. There is no doubt, that sports and recreation carry great advantages to the participators.

The causes of participating in sports will bring lots of benefits for the participators who keep on practicing it. As we move toward the millennium, it is undeniable that the base of sports is still very much with the volunteer. That is in term of benefits, but how about the objectives?

To answer that, there are many objectives of the sports; one of them is to provide peace of mind. It is refer to the mind that is not agitated. People participate in sports for a whole variety of reasons and the choice is theirs. It may be for competition, it may be for relaxation and so on. So, through the sports someone will get the peace of mind because sometimes they do it for enjoyment to forget the personal problems and conflict. Another objective is to release for pupils in order to refresh for academic work. Generally, students must involve themselves in the sports. It is important and useful for their performance. The classroom environment with lots of study will lead student to become stress. So, participating in sports is the best solution for them to eliminate the problem.

Additionally, to develop self-disciplined for those in the area of sports. Discipline in sports can be categorized into few terms. For instance, discipline of attire and discipline of attribute. Discipline of attire is focuses on term of dress, for example, wear shoes, tight in, proper dress, cover the aurah, and so on. Discipline of attribute is focuses on term of habit, for example, punctuality, no fighting, no cheating and other. To conclude that, everyone must set the objective of participation of sports in order to assure the activity is beneficial and not wasting time.

Other than that, involving ourselves in the sport activities is also to develop leadership skills. Sports and leadership are two elements that cannot be separated. Excellent leadership is very necessity and needed in the sports activities. As a leader, the people must have in-depth understanding for everything that they command. People have been guided by syariah of Islam to act or doing something based on actual reality and because of that, it is the important thing that we have to take it seriously to make sure the sports and recreation is not against the injunction and provision of syariah. In order to confirm that everything is done based on what have been showed by Islam and the actual jurisprudence, absolutely, we can achieve the objective of the sports and recreation.

 In this world today, we can see there are so many excellent leaders in sport who is inventive and creative and they have ability to contribute in the development of sports to make sports and recreation as the most unifying influence among the society especially teenagers who have the “fresh” strength. This is because Islam never prevents followers to being involved in sports actively and also never prohibits any activities of sport that follow its teaching.

 From the reality, the development or upgrading of human life, highlight the sports and recreation must be managed and conducted effectively and efficiently. Successful in sports not only can change the life of athletes but can also change the human perception toward one country. In short, the effective skill of leadership in the management of sports can produce competent athletes which can upgrade the level of the country all over the world.

To begin with, sports evolved over the progress of society ad human history. Sports are also applied in religious activities, for example, prayer, which is indicates the motion or movement of body. Hajj also involves physical effort in its various rituals. In Western, many sport carnivals organized by the church especially in the town area where many people live there. For example, singing the religious song. The sport prehistory tells us that the way of life of searching for food in the coastal rivers and beaches like fishing as the basis of competitive swimming and water sport.

 In Islamic history, there were various reports that indicate the prophet Muhammad SAW participated and encouraged us to follow. For example, archery. One of the Islamic scholars Uqah ibn Amir said “I heard the messenger of Allah SWT saying while he was on the pulpit, in the verse [and make ready against them all you can of power, including steed of war]. The word power means archery. Besides that, the prophet Muhammad SAW also likes the activity of horse riding and wrestling. In Sahih Muslim, it is reported that the prophet said “rider horses, for they are the legacy of your father (Ishmael) and it is also reported that the prophet wrestled with a number of men, one of whom was Rukanah Ibn Abd Yazid.

These three examples of activities of Prophet Muhammad SAW are the famous activities during that time which are remain in existence until today. So, it can be proven that, the messenger of Allah SWT active in sports, was a healthy, fit and strong. According to the Hadith “his (Muhammad) stomach and chest were in line”.

 As the sports and recreation being developed in every country and become the biggest influences between societies, there are many scholars, whether Islamic scholars or Western scholar talked or discussed about sports. For example, Harold J. Vanderzwaag, one of the scholars from America give his view on the definition of sport in which sports refer to indoor or outdoor of human physical activity and can be done individually or compete with other. In contrast, from the Islamic scholars Abdul Rahman Bukhatir defines sport as the institutionalization of skills and prowess.

In addition, Simon Barnes claimed that sports and politics are ever blood brother. This statement was supported by Juan Antonio Samaranch who state whoever said sport had nothing to do with politics; he made a very great mistake. Other than that, Salafi scholar, Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid has made a statement, which is Islam is concerned with man’s well-being in both body and soul, and it encourages all kinds of sport that will strengthen the body and maintain good health as well as providing relaxation and leisure, such as swimming, shooting, horse-riding, sword-fighting and wrestling.

 But when Islam accepts sports and encourages us to engage in them, it does not make them a goal in and of themselves, rather sport is considered to be a means of protecting the sacred limits of Islam and the dignity and rights of the Muslims, in the belief that strength is one of the most important means of achieving victory and prevailing in the face of challenges and warding off the threats that face Islam. In a nutshell, all the scholars gave their opinion based on what they understand. There were some of them argued each other, but it is normal because they can share or spread their idea and opinion as well as open their mind to be more profession.

To sum up all items that had been discussed above, sports and recreation are very important in our life as human being to perform or carry out the duties as a vicegerent on the earth. There have been prolonged discussions about the Islamic view on sports, objectives of sports, benefits, history and other that can make us understand deeply  and master in the field.

According to Islam, sports and recreation are tools of human development and greatly influenced the self and society in shaping the Islamic brotherhood bond besides healthier body. Islam also requires followers to be unique and superior in humans, has a style and special way of life. They are different from non-Muslims in term of fashion, action, charity and their efforts. They are the best role models and most qualified person to perform the duties to guide other people in the world. So, a true Muslim is one who can balance the requirement of physical, mind and soul as well as never be an extreme person on one side and ignore the other side.

 Some other party should be making their way to encourage people involving themselves in the sport activities. There is also a need for all administrators involved in sport to work hard to promote the benefits and equally be ready to count any perceived disadvantages, many of which are quite mistaken. If all parties concern and give full commitment, with the permission of Allah SWT, many people will participate in the activity of sports.


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