Wednesday, August 27, 2014


In this world, everything happens with Allah’s will, including the creation of humans. Humans are His best creations and are made to be His khalifahs on planet Earth. We are His best creation because we are given brain to think, physical body to do ibadah, internal organs to keep on living and etc. His other creations cannot do much things like us human, for example the animals, the trees, the mountains or anything else. Humans are created with different bodies and mind, in their strengths , that in some cases, some are made “special” in some way. Special here means they are not given perfect health condition which makes them different from other people, and thus cannot function like them. Some of them do not own enough physical body parts, some do not have the five senses, some have mental disorder, and some suffer from mysterious illness. These people cannot live their lives like most people, and they need special care in order to go through life. They also cannot be treated equally the same as others because they might be a little behind everyone in some things. For example, the blind people. They cannot read, therefore they need to be taught about the Braille’s in order to read and thus make their lives easier. So, special education was introduced as a teaching procedure for these people to learn in a more adaptable environment and equipment. Special education is the education of students with special needs in a way that addresses the students' individual differences and needs.  The opposite of special education is general education. 

              I choose to write about this topic because I feel the need for the disabled to get their education as one of their rights. They need the education, not just for living and competing with other people, but also for their own health. They need to be tested about in terms of their level of disability. This enables them to improve their skills in doing every day’s chores and errands. Moreover, I have seen a few cases in which these kinds of people are left at home doing nothing because their parents have no idea of how to deal with their disabilities. As a human and a citizen, they have their rights to go to school like normal people. Sometimes, the parents do not have enough money or time to look after their special children. So this special education provided by the government is just what they need. Everyone has the potential to have a bright future, no matter how disabled they are. And they too might be just what the government needs one day. Who knows they could help in the development of the society. For example, one of the Malaysian politicians, Professor Ismail Salleh, who was blind but had contributed enormous development to Malaysia when he was alive. Another reason is because there are volunteers for the educators. Institut Perguruan Guru Ilmu Khas for a example, provides teaching technique programmes for special education. These teachers will then be transferred to either school with special classes or to special schools. Not everyone is willing to teaching disabled people as it needs high patience and hardwork. So, their voluntary needs a medium to be encouraged so that they will channel their work fully and get blessings from Allah as one of their ibadah.

            Historically, people with disabilities have been prey to society’s misconception, stereotypes, labeling and prejudices in many different ways. These attitudes have led these disabled people to be excluded from participating in society and deprived them from equal opportunities for education, jobs and essential services. Islam does not approve these unjust attitude and exclusion of any group of people. “O mankind, We created you from a single [pair] of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes that you may know each other [not that you may despise each other] Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is [he who is] the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted [with all things]”  . One of the ways to educate the disabled people is by inclusion, meaning to include them in activities and not let them feel insecure about their potentials. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. did not look down on them. There are many examples of people who had disabilities but still had prominent status in society during his days. Abdullah ibn umm Maktum who was blind and also among the first to accept Islam had been appointed to be one of the muazzins. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. also charged him during his absence in Madinah. Another vivid example is the story of Julaybib who was poor and had an unpleasant physical appearance. He then died in a battle and the Prophet put his hand on his knee and said: “This one is of me and I am of him” . Indeed, Allah gives test to His slaves in so many ways which makes everyone equal with one another. Being disabled is a test, but it could be a blessing in disguise. Every disabled person should be patient and live up to this challenge. Allah promised those who observe patience a great reward in the Hereafter: [Only the patient will be paid back their reward in full without measure...] 

             To seek knowledge is one of the things Allah has given humans to be done. Special education is another branch of fardhu kifayah, and that if none of the Muslims has not mastered in the field, every Muslim will be punished and sinned. As everyone knows, the motivation factor for special education, in terms of teaching the disabled, is of course due to the number of handicapped, registered or not. According to statistics by Darul Takzim Family Development Foundation, 80% of the registered disabled people have potential to work in the future.  They need someone who is willing to be their care taker to look for them. Special education is important to teachers because one has to be qualified to work with these types of students. They have to know how to work with and understand students with disabilities and special needs. Most general education teachers are not able or qualified to do this. Special educators may have received an introductory course describing children with special needs, resulting in limited information about and limited opportunity to practice teaching techniques effective in meeting special needs. This is because not every of their disability levels are the same, though they are put in the same class. So, high intelligence of the teachers is much needed in the field.

              In most schools, the most crucial matter is non-other, their students’ performance and achievement, be it general schools or special school. People will always ask about the effectiveness of the education taught in school. Comparing special schools, theoretically, “effective schools” should be well matched to the classroom needs of special education students. Characteristics of effective schools include improved academic achievement, strong educational leadership, an orderly school climate, high expectations, systematic monitoring of student performance, and an emphasis on basic skills. While the literature on effective schools is large, few studies examine the outcomes of special education students. However, research suggests that making schools more “effective” will not eliminate the need for special education. Researchers found that students with mild disabilities in integrated programs in effective schools have better academic achievement and better social behaviour than do similar students in special education classes in similar effective school. However, some positive academic impact for students with mild disabilities attending effective schools but not enough to bring the special education students to the level of the low-achieving non-disabled students.  On the other hand, to most parents whose children who have severe disabilities, performance and achievement in studies are not really a big matter, as long as they are able to learn something for themselves. It is enough if they can at least eat, put on clothes, and other things on their own so that they will not have to depend on others in case they have to live alone in the future.

             Every special school has different approaches to provide to their special students. These can be broadly grouped into four categories, according to whether and how much contact the student with special needs has with non-disabled students. The first approach is Inclusion. In this approach, students with special educational needs spend all, or at least more than half, of the school day with students who do not have special educational needs. This is usually for the mild disabled students. The second approach is Mainstreaming which the school will put special students in classes with non-disabled students during specific time only, depending on their skills. The next approach is Segregation. In this approach, the disabled students will not be put in the same classes with the non-disabled ones, but the classes will still be in the same ordinary school. However, they will meet for outside activities, like during recess time. The fourth approach is Exclusion. Using this approach a student who does not receive instruction in any school is excluded from school. This also refers to the children who have to be hospitalized or homebound. In this case, they will be provided with one-on-one instructors or a group of instructors. On the other hand, a special school is a school catering for students who have special educational needs due to severe learning difficulties, physical disabilities or behavioural problems . Special schools may be distinctly designed, have special staff and resources to provide the relevant special education for children with additional needs. Students attending special schools generally do not attend any classes in mainstream schools. The ratio of the teachers to the students are usually kept low depending on the students’ need

                In teaching career, there will always be challenges that will come across making the jobs more complicated. A special education teacher’s job can be everything in between stressful and rewarding. It is the idea that being successful in the classroom, that helps carry children with disabilities into being successful people with good life skills, and also gives children with developmental delay the encouragement to overcome their obstacles. Children in special education are very diverse, especially in grade school and in the younger children classrooms. There could be any number of children ranging from mild developmental delay to severe mental retardation. That is why, in special education classrooms, the activities and teaching techniques are so varied.  There will also be misperception from the society that do not know the real tide of having a family member who is disabled. Often people think that these kids do not learn in school, despite the effort the teacher put on. That is definitely not the frank situation. Even the most severe disabled kids do learn different tasks, though the pace might not be the same as everyone else, the bottom line is they are learning. Each student with a disability (or disabilities) is an individual case. For example, no two students with autism are the same. One may not speak at all while another can have a very advanced vocabulary. Teachers have to be able to figure out what the student's needs are and find a way to go about helping them.  These students need someone who will take the time, much time, to teach them.

                Melissa Ferry is a special education teacher for Mt. Pleasant Public Schools. She earned her bachelor's degree from Michigan State University with an endorsement in learning disabilities. She became a special education teacher because she wants to get to know more of the unfortunates and make a difference in their lives. She wants chose to work with the children with the greatest challenges and who needed her the most. She said, some parents expressed relief and satisfaction about their child’s eligibility outcome. However, these feelings were associated with whether or not parents’ hopes for their child were realized and not a particular eligibility decision. For example, a parent who hoped her child would be found eligible expressed relief and satisfaction that her child was declared eligible for services and would finally get help. She felt pretty good and relieved about it. “Relieved that it’s happened, that you know it’s happening and it’s, that’s a great big step right there, and it’s a step forward in the right direction and she’s going to get the help she needs.” said her in her website.  One of her student’s parents mentioned teaching their own child, finding outside resources, or moving their child to a different school as possible ways to address their child’s learning needs. For example, one parent believed that it was now primarily her responsibility to teach her child in order to help him learn. Her comments revealed her feeling of ownership for her child’s learning. She explained that many parents misunderstand the concept of the special education. Parents wanted more information about the special education process. For instance, a parent suggested that parents need to know that special education programs exist. She felt that often parents were not aware that there were other options for parents to explore for children who struggle besides summer school.

           According to an Islamic scholar, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Rahmaan al-Barraak, Islam pays great attention to caring about the disabled and guaranteeing them an honorable life. The jurists have tackled the importance of providing medical, physical, and religious care for the disabled and making them aware of their rights. So the community should provide them with care and protection. Being mentally and physically healthy is one of the great things that we should be grateful for. At the same time, sickness—be it mental or physical is a test from Allah to mankind. Therefore, one has to be patient, grateful, and thankful to Allah for whatever He gives. As for those people who are disabled in the Muslim community, they deserve full attention and all types of assistance and treatment. They should not be subject to any type of humiliation, rejection, or discrimination based on their health. Furthermore, it is an obligation upon Muslim community to provide them with whatever they need and whatever will help them. As for restricting their movements, this would only be allowed if it is proven to be a part of their treatment. Meaning, they should not be isolated for the sake of isolation but for the sake of providing them with more treatment. People are incapable of comprehending Allaah’s wisdom. He cannot be questioned as to what He does , while they will be questioned. Glorified and exalted be He. Whatever you understand of His wisdom, believe in it. He added, “Allaah knows best and is most wise, and we know nothing except that which You have taught us, and He is the All-Knowing, Most Wise.”

              As a conclusion, I think that special education is a big matter and should not be taken as a light thing in our lives because it involves lives of many people. Though we are still in  the best condition of health, there are still possibilities that our lives will turn upside down one day, and we too might be one of the disabled people. We should be grateful with what Allah has given us and accept our fate if He ever gives hardships to us because there are always people who are more troubled than us. At the same time, we have to help those who are in need, as a manifestation that we are grateful to Him.


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