Thursday, June 19, 2014


Computer is an advanced electronic device that consists of a central processing unit, primary storage, secondary storage, input devices, output devices, and communication devices. The central processing unit manipulates the raw data into a more useful and understandable form and controls the other parts of the computer system. Human beings interact with computer systems largely though input and output devices. Input devices gather and convert them into electronic form for use by the computer whereas output devices display data after they have been processed. Input devices consist of the keyboard which is the principal method of data entry for entering text and numerical data into a computer. Other than that, computer mouse, is a handheld device with point-and-click capabilities that is usually connected to a computer by a cable. It is used to select a command or also can be used to “draw” images on the screen. A monitor displays information in visual form, using text and graphics. The portion of the monitor that displays the information is called the screen. Like a television screen, a computer screen can show still or moving pictures. Lastly, the most important of these components is the central processing unit (CPU), or microprocessor, which acts as the "brain" of your computer. It is the part of the computer system where the manipulation of symbols, numbers, and letters occurs, and it controls the other parts of the computer system. There are also few types of computer that students may know such at the network computers, peer-to-peer computing and many more. Each different type of computer give different uses to the specific purpose. [1]
This topic is chosen to help the 10 young students from Kampung Sungai Lima, Kedah, who had just graduated from high-school to know how to operate a computer in their community. Since computer is not that widely known in that area, it will be a great success to teach the high-school graduates to operate a computer and let knowledge be spread out among all of them in that society. With the help of our trainees, they will be able to know how to operate a computer and get to know the uses and benefits of a computer in terms of business dealings, education and also networkings with friends and relatives. Moreover, the students will get to know the most important network provider of a computer which is broadly known as Internet. Internet acts as the main component that a computer user need, in other words, without internet the computer is just as plain as a white sheet of paper. Internet plays an important role for the computer users especially for education and networkings with friends and families. As for education, the students will be able to search for information that are related to their subject for an example a student wishes to know more in detail about the respiratory system of human, he or she can search that in the search box provided on the Web site directories( Yahoo or Google). As for networkings with friends and families, applications such as Skype enables computer users to send an instant message, to call or video call with another user of the same application. Furthermore, Electronic Mail (E-mail) can be very useful and is very important e-mail system in the world because it connects with so many people worldwide. Users use this this facility to share ideas, information, and even documents as it is easy to attach documents and multimedia files through the computer rather than through papers and CDs.[2]

There are certain requirements students must have if they want to learn more about computer. First of all, they must be very confident that by learning about computer, they will be able to understand and will try to convey the same teachings to their friends and families. Learning to use the computer can be very hard if one has no interest in it. Behavioral approach is an important part of the information system field that arise in the development and long-term maintenance of information system. It concentrates on changes in attitude, management and organizational policy, and behavior on how systems affect individuals group and organizations. Psychologists study information systems with an interest in how human decision makers perceive and use formal information. Economist on the other hand study information systems with an interest in what impact systems have on control and cost structures within the firm and within markets. Technical approach contributes to another requirement that students must have. Technical approach to information system emphasized mathematically based models to study information systems, as well as the physical technology and formal capabilities of these systems. The diciplines that contribute to the technical approach is computer science. Computer science is concerned with establishing theories of computability, methods of computation, and methods of efficient data storage and access. For an example, management science emphasizes the development of models for decision-making and management practices. Operations research focuses on mathematical techniques for optimizing selected parameters of organizations such as transportation, inventory control, and transaction costs.[3]
Turning on a computer can be as easy as one, two, three. With the help of internet, students are able to use the computer for many uses. The World Wide Web (www) is at the heart of the explosion in the business, education, socializing, and many other things. The standard of the Web browser is programmed according to HTML standards therefore it is universally accepted, so anyone using a browser can access any of the millions of Web sites. For instance, students would like to join a social network. First, he or she should type in the website html on the search bar, let’s say Later, the student must create an account of his or her name with a secured password so not anyone can access to that account. After signing in, he or she is now able to enter to the social world where statuses, photos or updates on family and friends can be viewed on his or her timelines whenever they update them. Other types of networking sites can be called as instant messaging where it allows participants to create their own private chat channels. The instant messaging system alerts a person whenever someone on his or her friends list is on-line so that the person can initiate a chat or webcam session with that particular individual. Examples of competing instant messaging systems of competing instant messaging systems are Yahoo Messenger, Skype and MSN Messenger. To use this instant messaging systems, students must first create an ID(account) just like the other networking sites where we must enter our ID and password first. Other than that, education is one of the best things that the internet can provide. There are a number of books, reference books, online help centres, expert’s views and other study oriented material on the internet that can make the learning process very easier as well as a fun learning experience. There are lots and lots of websites which are related to different topic. Students can visit them and can gain endless amount of knowledge that you wish to have. With the use of internet for education, you are non-longer dependent on some other person to come and teach you. There can’t be any excellent use of the internet other than education as it is the key to achieve everything in life.[4]
Once the students have the basic and deep knowledge about computer, students are able to see how the world has developed, how technology has created amazing gadgets, how gadgets can help us in many way that sometimes we think it is impossible even for humans to accomplish it. Development of science and technology has direct effect on our daily life as well as in our social life. Computer technology has made communication possible from one part of the world to the other in seconds. They can see the transactions in one part of the world while staying in the other part. Computers are used in various fields as well as in teaching and learning. Some of the major computer application fields are as follows, computer can be used as a management tool to assist in solving business problems. For an example, to oversee and coordinate the activities of the sales force, sales staff can dial in for updates on pricing, promotions, rebates, or customers or to obtain information about competitors. They can also access presentations and sales documents and customize them for customers. Thus, computer helps the work to be done in very less time and more information can be stored in small space.  Moreover, students are able to do multitasking in one physical machine and the documents can be kept secret.  There are also negative impacts of computer on society, however, the positive impacts is the largest. The negative impacts of computer on society are that is it highly expensive for those who cannot afford to own a computer. Other than that, data piracy could happen and huge data and information can be lost sometimes due to the users carelessness in protecting the files. In a developing country, new invention expands when the invented ones are less becoming attractive to the customers, thus, this could create a problem to computer lovers to change their computers as the season changes. Computers have both positive and negative impact in our daily life as well as in our social life. But the gross development of the nation is faster with the application of computers in industries and education.[5]
Motivational factors of learning computer are just as same as wanting to learn other subjects, or anything that involves the desire and willingness to exert effort in the learning process. Motivation is influenced by both internal individual characteristics and external environmental factors. Students should know that computers are very useful to our daily life. Students should study about computer because not many people know how to use this brilliant gadget and the willingness the share about computer and its uses in our jobs and education. Student motivation is a major issue faced by educators in the field. To encourage motivation, teachers must prepare instructional materials and design their courses to be both content-rich and appealing to students. Despite this preparation, some students fail to become engaged enough to focus on the learning experience and derive its benefits. The motivating affects of computer assisted instruction is outdated. New technologies popularized the last five years—in particular multimedia programs and computer-mediated communication—allow new ways of using computers in the classroom, and thus new ways of motivating student This gadget eases our jobs and shortens the time spent to complete the task. For an instance, a person wishes to transfer some money into his daughter’s bank account, rather than wasting his 20 precious minutes, he could simply transfer it on-line by going to the specific internet bank website. This then helps to fasten the daughter’s time to receive money together shortens the time taken for the father to go out from his office and to the bank to transfer the money manually through the ATM machine. As students come to know the benefits and uses of computer that helps our daily tasks, students will be interested and more motivated to learn about computer.
There are many benefits and uses of computer that can help students. Academic life is unimaginable without the help of computers. Writing letters, essays, editing and saving information would be completely exhausting. What is more, looking for information would be almost impossible. However, computers have simplified students work throughout the academic year. Despite the difficulties of learning how to use them, computers can be practical and helpful. The most important benefit of computers is their practicability. A single machine allows students to calculate, to write essays and to search for information while listening to music. For example, Office package includes a spreadsheet program, a word processor and a presentation program. What is more, it includes a grammar and spelling check, which simplifies edition. At the same time, the student can listen to Surah(s), lectures, watch a video, record a CD, or chat with friends. In short, any computer shares the characteristics of a radio, a television, a telephone, a notebook, and a calculator together with tools for organization, for multimedia presentations and for grammatical corrections. Other than that, Computers can process information much faster than a human brain. This can be seen in financial transactions. Financial transaction is the term can just log in on to the bank website with the credential that has been provided to you by the bank and then can do any transaction related to finance at your will. With the ability to do the financial transaction easily over the internet you can purchase or sell items so which is used when there is exchange of money. With the use of internet in the financial transaction, your work has become a lot easier. Now you don’t need to stand in the queue at the branch of your particular bank rather you easily. Financial transaction can be considered as one of the best uses of resource in the right direction. One advantage to computers making decisions is that you will have decisions made faster and more accurately than a human brain, which may get hung up with different factors involving the decision, leading to slower overall results. Also, unlike people who can become tired or suffer from a lack of concentration and deliver inaccurate decisions, a well-tuned computer is always alert and can process reams of information without growing bored or tired, leading to more precise results. Further, Computers also benefit the development of fundamental skills. Good educational software enables children to practice and develop a broad range skills. It can help them learn, for example, about shapes, letters, numbers, rhythm, and colors. Good educational software can also help children develop their understanding of cause and effect, procedural thinking, higher order problem solving and creative expression. ( Many students have become to reliable on computers however. Many children come to libraries to access the computers and CD-ROM’s rather than to read. Though such computer activities are purported to be educational, there is a fundamental difference between the skills used in reading versus those used to engage in an interactive CD-ROM. Librarians as well as teachers, should guide as many children as possible towards the text books rather than the computer. Emotional skills are also enhanced by using a computer. Children develop self-confidence and self-esteem as they master computer skills and use the computer to make things happen. Computers also develop social skills.
There are views on Western scholars on using computers. For intellectuals who favored a basic reform in Chinese writing, the critical function of language was not for communication with the human being but with the machine-the computer.  Rather specifically, the function was for the transmission of information. The turn from communication to transmission was presented in the arguments by several authors. Qian and Chen (1981; 1983) made the point that the theories and methods of linguistics had been instrumental for the automation of society at large. Using works of Shannon, Wiener, and even de Saussure, they held that the world was entering into a society of information, which would replace the physical and mental labor. “Thus,” they argued, “language is not simply the basic tool for exchanging information between one human being to another, but will soon become the primary tool for exchanging information between the human being and the machine.” (Qian & Chen, 1981: 233)
Views on Islamic scholar on computer is that Islamic work ethic influenced individuals’ attitudes towards computer use ethic. These are important characteristics that guide an individual’s view on ethical use of computer when faced with a dilemma. The fact that there were significant contributions of Islamic work ethic and attitudes towards computer use ethic to job satisfaction suggest that individuals’ ethics are an important consideration towards managing a satisfied workforce. It is interesting to note that computer use ethic had no significant and direct influence on organizational commitment. Another important finding is that, professionals’ Islamic work ethic and job satisfaction positively, directly and significantly relate to organizational commitment. Professionals’ Islamic work ethic positively, indirectly and significantly relate to organizational commitment. This suggests that those who value Islamic ethic are satisfied in their jobs and thus tend to put a higher commitment in work.
Since the creation of the computer the world has developed in unforeseen ways. It began to progress more rapidly and information was being sent through a digital highway instead of by hand. A new world was being born, one that could not be seen or touched, but held all the information we ever needed. This cyber space became the lifeline of society over time through the use of the computer. It is still the first ranked source people use to find anyone or learn anything. As the computer gained more knowledge and speed it began to find popularity in the eyes of the community. The Internet and computer working together topped what was already remarkable in the computer. Today, we have the ability to get anywhere and anything we want in the blink of an eye. We can learn without ever leaving our house, we can solve crimes with minimal suspect contact, and we can socialize through a small video box or through a keyboard on the computer. As long as we can type on a keyboard or obtain a digital connection we are able to get into the cyber world and fill out heads up with as much knowledge as we want. Just as society has levels of status, the computer does too. There is a form of cultural richness on the web today where having the ability to use technology is more beneficial to the user than to someone who cannot. Not being able to have technological intelligence is immobilizing and thwarts a person’s ability to get farther in life. People who are technological savvy are considered the upper class of society while the older generation, less schooled in the digital age, are considered to be at a poverty level, in connection to cyber space. The idea of money and wealth has reversed itself in this virtual world and the key to success is a person’s brain. When the world moves into the cyber world in the future, being smart is what will get people ahead in life. You do not need money to survive anymore, instead, just a grasp of the cyber language and how to work your way around a computer will get you closer to societal richness than a mediocre high paying job. As long as we can type on a keyboard or obtain a digital connection we are able to get into the cyber world and fill out heads up with as much knowledge or stupidity as we want. Although this device has shown its negativities over time, its benefits impact the majority of the world and its impurities are overlooked so that the people could keep their control over the cyber world. To conclude, it is very important to get people to learn about computer, no matter where they come from, anybody can learn how to operate a computer, but only when there are people to teach. One day it will be the only thing people will want for us to live, work, socialize, or play in. Taking the spaceship concept from the movie Wall-e, where everyone lived in chairs, had butlers, and pressed buttons on a computer to do everything they needed or get what they wanted, the computer monitor will end up becoming our best friend. We will become so absorbed in the astonishment that is computerized technology that those stuck in the analog age will have to run the world around us so that the digital elites can forever live life inside the computer. The computer will be the greatest tool of the future because, when paired up with the Internet or other software’s, it virtually has no limits to what it can accomplish.

[1] Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P.Laudon-Management Information System-Prentice Hall-143 -1996

[2] Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P.Laudon-Management Information System-Prentice Hall-271 -1996

[3] Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P.Laudon-Management Information System-Prentice Hall-14-15-1996

[4] Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P.Laudon-Management Information System-Prentice Hall-273 -1996

[5] Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P.Laudon-Management Information System-Prentice Hall-125 -1996

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