Wednesday, June 18, 2014



           In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds and Peace and Prayer be upon the Final Prophet and Messenger. In today modern world, we have seen that many of it society does not really takes serious about what food and nourishment that they eat. Sometimes most of society just eats whatever in front them without even thinking whether it’s haram or halal. We all know that it takes a lot of time to prepare good quality foods due to our limited time but did not Allah (s.w.t) said: “eat of the good things which We have provided to you” (Quran 2:173).[1] According the ayah, we can say that it’s worth to spend more time to prepare the food as it will be consider as general ibadah. Modern science had introduce nutrition to us. Nutrition is the study of nutrients in food, how the body uses nutrients, and the relationship between diet, health and disease. While, nutritionist is a person who advises on matters of food and nutrition impacts on health or even we can state as a person who incharge to inform us about nutrition. Nutrition is just one key to developing and maintaining good health. Good health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being — a healthy mind, body, and spirit. For me personally, nutrition translates into health, and health is freedom. Being healthy not only makes us feel great, it enables us to enjoy life to our fullest potential, and to follow our dreams. Conversely, a poor diet can have a serious impact on health, and rob you of your freedom.

          Society had been contaminated by unhealthy food. Big companies like McDonald, Pizza Hut and Dominos are the supplier of most of this food. All of them are in fast-food industries.[2] The society knew what the danger that the companies have brought but still only a little changed have been occur. The firms had control the mind of society by selling a good taste that mixed with many chemicals. Allah (s.w.t) has reminded us “O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.” (Quran 2:168).[3] Experts also now say it’s better to pop an apple, rather than popping a pill. The nutrition in certain foods can naturally increase your body’s oxygen levels, eliminate many sources of toxins, improve your digestion, and prevent, heal, or reduce the severity of various diseases. Negative impacts of eating unhealthy food influences such as stress, shock, injury, emotional upsets and worries can have a direct impact on life-long health. Nutrition is very important for everyone, but it is especially important for children because it is directly linked to all aspects of their growth and development; factors which will have direct ties to their level of health as adults. Besides, a child who practices a low fat and cholesterol diet on a daily basis significantly improves their chances of preventing a heart attack; even if heart disease tends to be hereditary within your family. This is why it’s crucial for society to preserve their nutrition because it will also affect the children as well. Another huge reason why nutrition is so important for children is because they simply don’t know enough on their own to naturally choose to eat well. Unfortunately, the foods and snacks that taste the best are usually the worst for our bodies, and a child left to their on whim will almost always choose junk food over fruits and vegetables. Provide them with the right nutrition now and they will learn at an early age what’s necessary for good health.
The nutritionist has gave us the guidance to follow in eating in order to consume enough nutrition. There are five levels in food pyramid. At the bottom, it suggests us to consume high fibre cereals and bread regularly. It means, we have to consume it more than other food.  At the second and third bottom of the pyramid, it guides us to consume fruit and vegetable and also law fat food respectively[4]. At the second top level, we are advised to choose lean meats or trim of fat. Lastly which are the group of food that we are encouraged to avoid are food that are considered as junk food and not very good to our healthy. Healthy eating plate also the way to apply sufficient basic nutrition in life. It consists four types of food which are vegetables as the largest sector in the plate, whole grains and healthy protein which have equal sector respectively and fruits as the minor sector of the plate. Eating a plant-based diet is healthiest. Make half your plate vegetables and fruits. Cook with healthy plant oils, like olive and canola oil. Get most or all of your protein from beans, nuts and seeds, or tofu. Not to forget, what you drink is as important to your health as what you eat. Water is the best choice, and coffee and tea also have health benefits. Sugary drinks are the worst choice, because they add empty calories, leading to weight gain, in addition to raising the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Limit milk and dairy to one to two servings per day, since high dairy intake can increase the risk of some diseases, and go easy on juice, since it is high in sugar. But for protein, this nutrient is contained in side food. It supplies energy at 4 calories per gram and functions as fighter of infection to the antibodies and repairs body tissues as well as build it.

            The benefits of good nutrition are multiple. Besides helping you maintain a healthy weight, good nutrition is essential for the body and all its systems to function optimally for a lifetime. In fact, the benefits of good nutrition can be found in physical and mental health because a healthy diet provides energy, promotes good sleep, and gives the body what it needs to stay healthy. When you consider the benefits of good nutrition, it's easier to eat healthy. First, The heart is the essential core of our bodies. Heart healthy eating involves avoiding foods high in unsaturated fats and cholesterol that can lead to heart disease and possible failure later in life. Medical research has given us solid evidence that certain foods do increase the risk for heart disease and that there is a direct link to unsaturated fats and cholesterol. By avoiding foods that contain these heart unhealthy substances, we can ensure our body that its heart will function properly for years to come. Second, is the bone. While the heart keeps it all running, our bones help keep it all together. Healthy bones are necessary throughout our life and become more important as we age. Consuming enough calcium to maintain and promote bone health is essential for healthy bones. We can avoid many bone conditions that may develop later in life by providing our bodies with enough calcium in our diet. Milk and other dairy products contain calcium and should be consumed every day. Last but not least, is  one benefit we can see daily is in our energy level. Foods that are excessively sugary or high in fats can minimize our energy levels from day to day. Fats are slow to digest, and thus don't provide our body with a steady source of energy. Sugary foods can create fluctuations in blood sugar levels, causing us to feel tired very shortly after eating. By eating a healthy diet, we maintain our energy levels at a constant throughout the day and the result is simply feeling better.

             Good nutrition can bring better-nourished people and will make a healthier society. One of the impacts of good nutrition is sustains function and development in your body. The perfect body that you had been dreamed of can be posses by obeying the given instructions and guidelines from the nutritionist can help you avoid gaining of weight that lessens your confidence in exposing yourself to the crowd. It also helps you to get high energy levels. Second, it helps to control your weight. Some people are having difficulties in gaining or reducing weight because they are having a bad nutrition. That is the result for abusing and not obeying the proper diet. You need to eat healthy foods to maintain your weight and you must calculate your calorie intake every day. Third, it prevents diseases. As a matter of fact, yes, good nutrition really prevents diseases. It includes prevention of tissue disease, parasitical invasions, bacterial infections, and even cancer. Many of us noticed that death of a person at a very young age rises per year. Poor eating habits can lead you to Apathy, poor concentration, fatigue and insomnia. Eating healthy foods are not only important but also eating them in regular intervals throughout the day. To be able not to be included with them you just maintain yourself to have a good nutrition because many say that “Health is Wealth” and I also believe in that. Fourth, it will make your age longer. It helps you to reach in the next generation at the very old age. It also helps you to stay healthy to be able to be with your family longer. Living longer in this world can be a help to inspire other people specially teenagers to keep their good nutrition and not to abuse their body. Finally, it makes you feel good and reduces stress. Good nutrition greatly affects your mind as much as your physique. It contributes a lot of vitamins that will prevent from any illness such as depression and mood disorders. When you feel good, you will also feel better to do your responsibilities or other tasks in your daily life. Never ignore the good effects that you possess, rather maintain the good nutrition you have.

            Malaysia is rich with it cultural and traditional foods. As mentioned before, most of the cultural and traditional foods contain the basic nutrient. It easily can be found on food pyramid that had been created by the nutritionist. Many of  the foods have been calculated it calories, fat, carbs and even protein. For example, Malaysian Satay Chicken with serving size of 10.5g will have calories: 31, fat: 0g, carbs: 0g, protein: 0g while Malaysia Chicken Soup with ½ pot will get calories: 228, fat: 10.5g, carbs: 24.6g, protein: 9g.[5] But some in middle-east countries for example Egypt, they take the bread as their main course of food. Carbohydrate supply energies at 4 calories per gram and it spares proteins to be used for growth rather than energy. Other food resources such are pasta, starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn and simple carbohydrate food include sugar and honey. . However for protein, this nutrient is contained in side food . It also supplies energy at 4 calories per gram. It functions as fighter of infection to the antibodies and repairs body tissues as well as build it. The example of protein resources are yogurt, cheeses and poultry. Basically fats provide feeling of fullness and satisfaction. It supplies 9 calories per gram which is the most concentrated source of energy. It carries fat soluble vitamins  A , D , E and K.  It includes in foods such as butter, mayonnaise and sour cream.
There are many quranic ayah and hadith that emphasize about nutrition. Allah said “Eat and drink but avoid excess.” (20:81).[6] Implicit by, excessing in eating or drinking, there will cause many diseases such as diabetes, stroke and so on. Allah also says, “And He enforced the balance. That you exceed not the bounds; but observe the balance strictly; and fall not short thereof.” (55:7-9).[7] Based on that ayah, Allah tells us to balance the healthy nutritious diet in order to maintain the balance that God established in all things. A healthy nutrition also is a balanced with mixtures of all the foods God has provided for His creation. The variety satisfies all the body’s need for carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats, and amino acids. Numerous verse of Al-Quran mention the foods that God has provided to us to nourish and maintain our bodies. It is not an exhaustive list of dietary requirements but rather a general idea of the types of foods that maintain a healthy body and prevent illness. Allah has told us many times in the Al-Quran about healthy foods “He created cattle that give you warmth, benefits and food to eat.” (Quran 16:5)[8] and “It is He who subdued the seas, from which you eat fresh fish” (Quran 16:14).[9] True believers need healthy bodies and minds in order to worship God in the correct way. To maintain a peaceful mind, a pure heart and a healthy body special attention must be paid to health. The heart and the mind are nourished by remembrance of God and worship performed in a lawful way and the body is nourished by partaking of the good and lawful food God has provided. Islam inherent the attention to diet and takes a good care of our nutrition as a part of the holistic health system.

           Al-Razi or Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi is the most well-known scholar involved in basic nutrition. Actually, his big profession was in medical care and medicine but there was a slightly in his theory about basic nutrition. He also told about diseases that can be happened if there was a wrong consumption in basic nutrition.In his book, ‘Man la Yahduruhu Al-Tabib’ or a medical adviser for the general public, he described in its 36 chapters about diets and drug components that can be found in either apothecary, in well equipped kitchens, or and in military camps. Thus, every clever person could follow these instructions and prepare the proper recipes with good results in his life. That book also listed down many ways in taking food in order to cure the diseases. For example, if a person currently experiences a headache, he is advised to take 7 drams of dried violet flowers with 20 pears, macerated and mix it well, then strained on the forehead. It was believed as an efficient way to cure the headache disease. lbn Sina, the renowned Muslim physician and philosopher, said: ‘Never have a meal until the one before it has been digested.’ He also advised against excessive salt and fatty meat. His list of food for dieting mostly included vegetables.[10]

              Historically, K. Y. Guggenheim is one of the scholars involves in basic nutrition. He made a book called Basic Issues of the History of Nutrition. The book focused on the questions that had been addressed by him which are until now remain confusing the people. Some of the questions are what food substances are required in the human diet and at what levels of intake? How are these substances absorbed, digested and metabolized? How do they affect health? K. Y. Guggenhim, professor of nutrition at the Hebrew University, covered many things about nutrition such as Galen’s diet and exercise treatment of obesity, van Helmont’s tree-watering experiment and measurement of the caloric value.[11] The most useful feature in Basic Issues is its reference list of original sources and the reader can know the nutrition came to be in our present understanding. Besides Guggenhim, Dr. Wilbur Olin Atwater was also one of the western scholars involved. In 1894, he published first nutrition guidelines in farmer’s bulletin. Next scholar is Caroline Hunt, she established a new guide in 1916 called Food for Young Children. The guidance basically categorized food into milk and meat, cereals, vegetables and fruits, fats and fatty food and sugar and sugary foods. In 1917, she also introduced guidelines that been promoted to adult called How to select food which emphasizes five food groups to consume. During World War II in 1943, The USDA (The United States of Agriculture) introduced a nutrition guide which promotes the Basic 7 food groups to maintain nutritional standard under food rationing at the war time. Nowadays, this guideline becomes famous chart or visual guide in having a healthy diet. The USDA consists of many great scholars in basic nutrition in the past.

        As a conclusion, good nutrition means getting the right amount of nutrients from healthy foods in the right combinations. Having nutrition knowledge and making smart choices about the foods you eat can and will help you achieve optimum health over your lifetime, and be a key to avoiding obesity, illness, and many of today’s most prevalent chronic diseases. Furthermore, You will also help promote a better quality of life if you instill proper nutrition trends in your children. It will allow them to partake in more activities and with greater enjoyment. People with high levels of health also consistently report that they enjoy elevated feelings of wellness and wellbeing. As part of this, children are also able to fight off colds with improved efficiency with the support of proper nutrition. Moreover, there are several suggestions in order to practice food pyramid. Firstly, make sure there is proper balance of food in our lunch. Secondly, plan the meals for home by creating a healthy choices menu. Thirdly, designs the food pyramid in the school to promote healthy food choices for students in the school.The knowledge about basic nutrition must be known  and mastered by all people because by this knowledge, many disease and illnesses such as obesity and heart disease can be prevented. In Islamic side, whoever in healthy condition, they can make their obligation to Allah nicely. Allah also emphasizes that health and iman are two big grace things that all Muslim must grate everytime. Whoever be grateful to Allah, Allah will increase that grace and whoever not be grateful, Allah will take it back from people.

[1] Abdullah Yusuh Ali – The Holy Qur’an – Abdullah Yusuf Ali - IBT – 28 – 2007
[2] Eric Schlosser – Fast Food Nation – Eric – Harper Perennial – 3 – 2005
[3] Abdullah Yusuh Ali – The Holy Qur’an – Abdullah Yusuf Ali - IBT – 28 – 2007
[4] Michael Pollan – In Defense of Food – Pollan – Penguin Press Hc – 10 - 2008
[5] ASEAN. Food Habits Research and Development - Nutrient Composition of Malaysian Foods –
E. Siong Tee - National Sub-Committee on Protein – 70 - 1985
[6] Abdullah Yusuh Ali – The Holy Qur’an – Abdullah Yusuf Ali - IBT – 375 – 2007
[7] Abdullah Yusuh Ali – The Holy Qur’an – Abdullah Yusuf Ali - IBT – 670 – 2007
[8] Abdullah Yusuh Ali – The Holy Qur’an – Abdullah Yusuf Ali - IBT – 309 – 2007
[9] Abdullah Yusuh Ali – The Holy Qur’an – Abdullah Yusuf Ali - IBT – 310 – 2007

[10] Aisha Khan - Avicenna (Ibn Sina): Muslim Physician and Philosopher of the Eleventh Century – Aisha Khan – Rosen Publishing – 30 - 2006

[11] Yechiel Karl Guggenheim - Basic Issues of the History of Nutrition - Yechiel Karl - Akademia University Press – 95 - 1990

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