A society needs different people holding different profession so that they can contribute their various skills to the development of their society. But if you look at Muslims they tend to obtain popular and traditional business that give an immediate reward. then, our society could not be developed as a progressive nation and can be left behind anyway. thus, we should try to train our youths of various professions and skills without further delay, so let's have a look at various types of profession including entrepreneur.
This article is a very timely contribution to extending our understanding of becoming Muslim entrepreneur in its Islamic context.The values developed in Islam beliefs and practices shape entrepreneurship.It broad up strand of entrepreneurial literature about social context,the social process and the social configurations of entrepreneurship.Its adds richness details and examples of values,belief and behaviour that are religiously formed are an integral part of the phenomena of being enterprising.In this way, ten questions on how to become an entrepreneur will be answered according to its definition,relevant materials,examples, relevant stories,true event,views from perspective scholars and also personal perspective.
Entrepreneur is a person who innovate of new ideas, and they involved in business processes.Successful entrepreneurs usually perceived high management skill and strong team building abilities as essential leadership attributes.The entrepreneur is often a speculator and works with the unsure situation of the future.Entrepreneur[1] is a man who purchase at specific value of price in the current and sell at unspecific value of price in future .The entrepreneur is always dealing with uncertainty because the need of human nature can possibly change according to individually(Cantillon,1755/1931).Entrepreneurs try to forecast and act upon alteration within markets.The entrepreneurs face the uncertainty of market dynamics which may make the entrepreneur have to make difficult decision.(Knight,1921,1942).The entrepreneur is always a speculator.He deals with the uncertain conditions of the future .His success or failure depends on corrections of his anticipation of uncertain events.If fails in his understanding of things to come he will face a great loss.The field of entrepreneurship involves the study of sources of opportunities ;the process of discovery,evaluation and exploitation of chances and set of individuals who discover,evaluate and exploit them to become new product or services that are useful to human.(Shane &Vankataraman,2000).
In Islam, being an entrepreneur is an integral part of Islam Religion[2].The Muslim entrepreneurs are "khalifah" and have their responsibilities to develop prosperity and sees business as part of Ibadah. Success in Islam is not merely measured by the end result but also the way and means of achieving it.Position of entrepreneurship and business in Islam encouraged Muslim to venture into business.Islam does not prohibit women to become an entrepreneur like western people who are intensively discriminate women. Prophet Muhammad even married to wealthy and capable woman called Khadijah who ends up help him spread the message of Islam by using her abilities. Thus, entrepreneurship can be the medium to worship Allah swt indirectly. When it comes to developing the first class product,Rafi-uddin Shikoh,CEO of DinarStandard ,noted that today`s global brand are denominated by Non-Muslim country.He explained " Innovation is being held back in Muslim companies by fear of failure ,small thinking and lack of critical thinking."Haddad added this is caused by bad understanding of Islamic Culture.Lacking of creativity illustrated via the stereotypical and shallow symbolism and time to move beyond the traditional way is now.
The theory and concept of entrepreneurship and business in Islam[3] based on Tan Sri Muhammad Ali views seen to be that in South Asia business is seen by Muslim as negative matter.It considered as "worldly" and lessen the spirituality.He coined the secure " Business Jihad " to inspire Muslims to think of business as a religious duty ,thus avoid the misperception.The theory and concept is evitable to astray from Islamic pillars which the main is to worship Allah.The pure intention to seek the pleasure of Allah could lead to successful entrepreneurs.Islamic entrepreneurship should operate within the domain of Islamic Economic System and act as the vehicle towards global acceptance of Islamic Economic System[4].The guiding principle of Islamic Entrepreneurship is through Al-Quran and Al-Hadith.Entrepreneurship including business in Islam must abide by Shariah Law and ignoring the rules may fall into big sin.Shariah guideline regarding entrepreneurship as well as business which are do not infringe the rights or welfare of others,do not adopt usury (riba)[5],do not have elements of gambling (maisir)[6],do not use bribery,it is not based on speculation,avoid vague and dubious transaction(gharar),not for the production or enjoy enjoyment of haram goods and service [7].
Based on Islamic perspective,the best example in terms of entrepreneur ethics[8] no else except through the book of the messenger, Prophet Muhammad saw .Iman (faith) is the basic motivating elements for believers, and it helps determines conscience.Thus,business decisions are guided by Iman which means following Shariah Law and engaging what is permissible or forbidden.Khalifah (trusteeship).People are God`s trustee in the world.Although private property is not denial,it does have significant.For instance, resources which come from the Provider food who is Allah swt and for benefit of all, must be acquired lawfully and redistributed in the best interest of everybody.No one are allowed to harm these resources.Balance .Islam teaches Muslims to be moderate (wasatiyyah) in all their affairs.Moderation means that each one of these aspects should be given its due attention without exaggeration or deficiency as mention in Quran verse ( And the firmament has He raised high,and He has set up the Balance of Justice .In order that you may not transgress due balance.So establish weight with justice and fall not short in the balance).[9]
Today,all group of people may give opinion that executing the Shariah Law up to the point where Muslim entrepreneurs might be committed to astray from the sight of the primary goal of Islam ,namely fairness and social equity and also securing the well being (physical and mental health)as well as preparing for a decent living of mankind.Husain(2007) reports Laldin,chairman of the Shariah advisory committee of HSBC Amanah Malaysia to have mention that,scholars include three primary area when assessing the compliance of product which are belief ,legality and morality .A product could seemly easily comply with Islamic law ,however,it quite hard to ascertain whether its comply with moral of Islam.As an example,the value of a product may not be controversial from a legal perspective but if the product costs more than an equivalent conventional product ,it may not fulfill Islam`s moral rules of fairness and social equity.
Good entrepreneur coordination during the prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Reign can be seen when Abu Bakr the first ruler of the Islamic state after Prophet Mohammad sent an army on an expedition ,he authorize the leader not to kill indiscriminately or give harm to vegetation or animal life even in a war and on enemy territory.Allah given all this resources are not seen as easy good to be plundered freely of any nation ,any generation or any individual.People are just the trustee of world wealth and power.Thus, spending it according the terms of trust,one of the prominent of which is fulfilling the need of the poor.Then, there is example of making the Salah as the priority mention by Allah swt.Allah says (recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to you,and establish regular Prayer:for Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds;and remembrance of Allah is the greatest thing in life without doubt.And Allah knows the deeds that you do)[10].
In Islam,business can be secondary when being called for other crusade.It does not matter whether people are currently doing real business, or doing something else.Successful in worldly can be successful in hereafter through out doing things for the sake of Allah and inventing a product for human utilities can be part of it.Patience seemly trivial matter to some people as they thought that being patience will lead them closer to failure.Instead, people have to struggle to get something in order to ensure that he or she get the prestigious.This is huge misperception in understanding the way of execute patience according to Islam. In fact, following our desire will result in pleasure-ness like world affair and sexual desire.Entrepreneurs will mostly become milliners once the product manage to sustain in the market.Apparently, desire to accumulate wealth and becoming ungrateful person will be much higher.Allah gives wealth to his slaves to test them whether they use it in right way or bad way.(Every soul shall have a taste of death and we test you by evil and by good by way of trial.To us must you return)[11]
Ibn Ishaq one of the earliest biographers of Prophet Muhammad says, In the Jabal al-Rahmah the Prophet Muhammad says ,I have delivered Allah`s message to you and left you with clear command ;the Book of Allah and the practice of His Prophet.If you hold fast to this you will never go astray. Not everyone may accepted Allah`s message,moreover,there are people who blamed prophet and wanted to kill him.But,Prophet was patience and did not angry on what they have done.[12]
As innovators , they are required to introduce good and quality product which can replace the available choices with greater technology and improvement.Besides that,they have to study the new method of manufacturing the product by using the machine or any other suitable equipment in the laboratory.Then, they have to study the current market situation as their upcoming product will be competed with others existing goods.Carrying out new organization of an industry to ensure that the project of producing product might be run smoothly.[13]Entrepreneurship could create charitable organizations which are designed to be self-supporting in addition to doing their good works.
Relationship between entrepreneurship and the concept of fitrah (human nature) in Islam refers to Guidance of Natural Inspiration (Hidayah al-Illham al-Fithri).(Musa said; Our Lord is He Who gave to each thing its form and nature,then guided it aright).[14]Most of human's activities and deeds in life are motivated, inspired,directed and guided by the requirement of human inspiration that given by Allah so that human may act like human.The need of human have form into two which are primary and secondary.Basic necessity of people's life like food,cloth,shelter where assist human to secure and sustain in well condition. Entrepreneurs who are creatively find other alternative form of product from the existing good unconsciously related to this. Bottle of zam zam have been created and marketed throughout the world.Thus, people who are not going to Mecca may also have chance to drink zam zam water which assume as water of cure to many disease.Secondary is desire to fulfills the requirements of self-esteem .It measure the level of an individual usefulness in this life. Entrepreneurial took part in ensuring that the people are continuously in civilization and having comfortable life.Muslim who are experiences great pleasure surely will contribute better perform of Ibadah particularly.Inventor of aeroplane has broaden the technology of human's migration. Pilgrimagers are now easily travel to Mecca to perform hajj within few hours in stead of using ship which took few months .
As Islam is a religion of Fitrah,Muslims are compulsory to urge the fitrah as it is the guidance and direction prepared by Allah swt for human being.(It is made beutiful in the eyes of human being to like what they desire for naturally:women,children,huge quantity of gold and silver(ready money),branded hoarse(luxurious means of transportation,cattle(farm),good agricultural land,these are the pleasure of life in this world,and with Allah best place to return.)[15]Allah explained that all the needs desired by human being in this life naturally bring them closer to the exerting their effort to acquire these aspired things.But, the desire must be according to the revelation(religion) which are Al-Quran and Al-Hadith.
Guidance principle of Islamic entrepreneurship is nothing less than to pleasure Allah swt.Achieving economics and spiritual well being through economic power.Muslim are encouraged to strive for prosperity,growth and to safeguard their economic freedom and wealth.A rich Muslim who is pious is better than a pious Muslim who relies on donations of others to support himself and his family.American country being advance compared to others countries is because they are good in researching and developing new things.Then,they promote their product to Muslim country and Muslims purchase it and consume it without ponder that we should not depend on them.Mobilization of resources to strengthen and spread the message of Islam.In order to provide an environment where Muslim may learn and practice Islam peacefully and comprehensively and to finance the efforts to spread Islamic da'awah,Muslim must be economically strong.It will be easy for non-Muslims to take advantage or destroy Muslim society if we are not strong economically,intellectually and scientifically.Islam abhors wasteful spending (luxury or unnecessary goods) or wasteful production methods.
Benefits of Entrepreneurship are a lot where it covers employment , innovation, productivity and growth and utility. Based on all studies, entrepreneurial firms does have proportionality high contribution to the creation of jobs.On aggregated data,Fritsch (1997) shows positive co-relation between start-up rates and employment growth in all German industries according to regional data in the period 1986-1989[16]Swedish firms in the period 1994-1998 shows minimum value for employment growth at an average firm by establishing U-shaped relationship between an industry`s average firm size and its employment growth[17]. Innovation concept are wide and it is a multiple of indicators is employed.Based on firm`s innovative output,i.e.the production of innovations,measures of its quantity and quality are used.Empirical measure including research and development expenditures is being used to measure quantity.Patents and introduction of new products or technology is used to measure quality.
Innovation is prominent in commercialization as well as adoption which its indicate the economic value Factor for an entrepreneur`s individual utility relative to employees relate to specific sources of utility.First sources could be remuneration where people estimating income .Then ,risk is other element that affecting the utility of risk-averse individuals(negatively).Finally,job satisfaction levels are used as an indicator of utility.[18]
U.S senator,Carl Schurz says Ideas are like stars;you will not succeed in touching them with your hands,But the seafarers .you can choose then as your guides and follow them to your destiny.[19]He remind us that there are everything in what we do as human being is by its essential nature,imperfection,struggling for the mission accepted by so many entrepreneurs perhaps be the guidance principle in all endeavors. Entrepreneurs should start with the idea of creating new product or services.In western, being an entrepreneur does not necessarily get into build up a company ,working in particular manufactory or coming up with a dramatical new product.In stead, they should re-visit the process included bringing something new that are not now being produce and exploited by others to the marketplace.[20]
Nevertheless,the university scientists are not categorize as an entrepreneur according to them even though scientist have made many research that add appreciably to human knowledge.It due to the fact which they only make no effort to apply their discoveries to the development of new products,services,markets or means of production.Certainly,they are playing a prominent role in society but not as an entrepreneur.Ivar Griaver have been underestimated when he used his scientific knowledge to develop a new product which can help physician identify cancer cells without microscope but in terms of electrical activity of the cell.He already patented his product and sooner his product may be commercialize in public as well as scientific device. He regardless successful or not, the truth that he has attempted to introduce new product to market qualified to be entrepreneur.
[1] Wojciech W.Gasparski Entrepreneurship Value and Responsibilities Transaction Publisher pg 38
[2] Paul Temporal Islamic Branding and Marketing :Creating Global Islamic Business pg 6
() http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/entrepreneurship
[3] Paul Temporal Islamic Branding and Marketing :Creating Global Islamic Business John Wiley&sons pg6
[4] Irvin B Tucker Geetha Subramaniam Economic Theory In the Malaysia Content Cengage Learning pg9
[5] Surah Al-Baqarah 275 See Abdullah Yusuf Ali,The holy Quran: Text and Translation
[6] Surah Al-Maidah :90 See Abdullah Yusuf Ali,The holy Quran: Text and Translation
[7] Surah al-Baqarah:168,219,Surah al-Maidah:1-3 See Abdullah Yusuf Ali,The holy Quran: Text and Translation
[8] Baker Ahmad Alserhan The principle of Islamic Marketing Gower Publishing Limited pg 10
[9] Surah al-Rahman :7-9.See Abdullah Yusuf Ali,The holy Quran: Text and Translation,670
[10] Surah al-Ankabut ;45 See Abdullah Yusuf Ali the holy quran Text and Translation 487
[11] Surah Al-Anbiya;21:35
[12] A guide book of Basic Theme of Al-Quran (FIM 1233) pg 89
[13] Wojciech W.Gasparski Entrepreneurship Value and Responsibilities Transaction Publisher pg 12
[14] Surah Taha ;20:50
[15] Surah Ali-Imran 3,:14
[16] C.Mirjam van Praag ,Peter H. The Economic Benefits and Cost of Entrepreneurship :A Review of the Research Publisher Inc. Pg 15
[17] C.Mirjam van Praag ,Peter H. The Economic Benefits and Cost of Entrepreneurship :A Review of the Research Publisher Inc. Pg 16
[18] C.Mirjam van Praag ,Peter H. The Economic Benefits and Cost of Entrepreneurship :A Review of the Research Publisher Inc. Pg 11
[19] Robert A boron Entrepreneurship ;A process Perspective Melissa Acruna Publisher pg xiv year 2005
[20] Robert A boron Entrepreneurship ;A process Perspective Melissa Acruna Publisher pg 4 year 2005
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