It is no secret that Islam attaches great significance to acquiring knowledge and pursuing educational concerns. Thus, it is stated in the Glorious Qur'an: "Say: Are those who know equal to the ones who do not know? (Az-Zumar, verse: 9), and the first word revealed in the Qur'an was: Read; and the Prophet (pbuh) used to free the captives when one of them teaches ten Muslims. In fact, Science is able nowadays to change actual situations, fulfill the needs of people, provide them with luxurious and comfortable living standards, and that is why: "seeking knowledge in Islam is an obligatory duty."
First of all, teachers and the best of all are the Prophets (peace be upon them), starting with Prophet Adam (pbuh) till 'Isa (pbuh)-Jesus- is the golden chain of teachers and educators. Glory be to You O Allah! (SWT), You are the best teacher, You taught early generations (the writing) by the penYou sent Musa (pbuh)-Moses with the Taurat (Torah) to - to be a guide, and the son of Virgin Mary to teach the Injeel (Bible), and You sent Muhammad (pbuh) with springs gushing out with eloquent speech, who gave the drink of Hadith and passed the revelation of the Glorious Qur'an over. If the definition of a teacher is a person who likes people and enjoys interacting with them, and he is well-versed in fields of knowledge and education, and is quite capable of presenting the information clearly in an interesting and stimulating way that appeals to his audience, so that it becomes the focal point of attention to be engaged by his students; and if it is this nice definition that describes the teacher, then Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the best ideal example of the master teacher par excellence. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "I was sent but a teacher (preacher)".Allah (SWT) said in the Glorious Qur'an:"He it is Who sent among the unlettered ones a Messenger (Muhammad pbuh) from among themselves, reciting to them His Verses, purifying them (from the filth of disbelief and polytheism), and teaching them the Book (this Qur'an, Islamic laws and Islamic jurisprudence) and Wisdom-Al-Hikmah (As-Sunnah: legal ways, orders, acts of worship, etc of Prophet Muhammad pbuh)"(Al-Jumu'ah, verse: 2). "And taught you that which you knew not And Ever Great is the Grace of Allah unto you (O Muhammad pbuh)" (An-Nisa'a, verse: 113). Nowadays, the character of teachers and their personality is being developed, and the art of teaching has got its principles, rules, skills, and training courses in order to achieve the best results. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had his own personality traits, style, and methodologies of teaching and educating.
Teachers are indisputably their pupils’ none such exemplars. Pupils acquire the good traits and sound trends, as well as the virtuous behaviour and equanimity, from their teachers whose guidance and conducts penetrate to their hearts. On that account, teachers must over discipline themselves and train on virtuous and noble morals and manners to be the best exemplars of their pupils. As a caliph appointed a teacher for his son, he instructed, “The reformation you will provide to my son should be a part of your self-reformation. Flaws of pupils are totally related to yours. They will deem good only what you deem good and deem evil only what you deem evil.”An educationist states, “Teachers are the good exemplars to whom the pupils refer inadvertently.” Another educationist says, “Majority of people are pursuing states of the speakers. Those who are not are very rare. Hence, teachers should care for themselves more than improving their ways of teaching.” It is said that admonitions of masters that neglect applying them are being very unstable in hearts. Abul- Aswed ad- Dueli composed a couple of verses in which he said: O, man that teaches others! You should have taught yourself first. Warn not against a manner while you are doing. This is the great shame on you. Begin with yourself in interdicting sins. If you do it then you are truly wise. Only then, your admonition will be acceded. And your words will be ensued and teaching be useful. Self-disrespect and immorality of some teachers have been the cause that resulted in the present youth’s irregularity and deviation from the social traditions.
Teachers enjoy abundant rights on their pupils since they are sources of their perfection and familiarity with life experts. They are also sources of their mentalities’ illumination. Therefore, teachers’ rights are preferable to fathers’. Pupils are required to show their teachers the highest pictures of respect and reverence. Imam Zeinul- abidin says, “The right of your instructor is dignifying him and committing to solemnity in their classes and good listening and attending. You should provide for your instructor with mental presence and conceptual attendance and heart retaining and sight propinquity. The way of all these is laxness of desires and confine of lusts. You must understand that you are the emissary of what you have been received to the ignorant you may meet. Then, you should convey properly and never breach the mission if you should perform.”These golden words have been definitely suffocated with teachers’ rights that bring about the nation’s guidance in behaviour and morals. Teaching stuff should enjoy the most remarkable rights not only on the students, but also on the nation. This is because teachers’ being the source of illumination and cognizance from which we recover elements of our renaissance and development. Teachers’ efforts are the source of establishment of civilizations and prosperity of life characters as well as achievements of the great expectations for which the nation yearns.
The ancient Muslim educationists referred to some of the characteristics and responsibilities of teachers must apply to their teaching lives. These qualities can take part in making honourable and exemplary teacher education and teaching prosperity to create a generation of peace and good manners. Here is an explanation of these attributes: (1) Teachers should offer their disciplinary activities for God’s sake. Their actions must be aimed at the younger generation reforms. They should avoid thinking about wealth or position. Deviation is inevitable fate of any teacher who intends to get a good life or a high position through his mission. Sufyan bin Uyeina said, "I have been gifted understanding of the Quran, but when I received their wealth from Abu Ja'far I lost a full understanding." (2) Teacher should realize the levels of the pupils and offer to them according to their understandings. They should intimate to the smart, elucidate for others, and repeat for the unintelligent. (3) Teachers should not teach when they are annoyed or complaining an illness, hunger, or anger since these states may harm the students and themselves. (4) Teachers should reward the hard-working pupils and praise them before the mates. Ibn Maskub said, “Pupils should be praised and rewarded for any good manner and favourable act they show.” (5) Teachers should not ask for intolerable matters that do not fit the students’ minds and age. They should not ask the students of reading books that are mentally unattainable. They should test before referring to a subject to be perceived. After test, teachers may refer to books that accord the pupils’ minds. They should not engage the pupils with several subjects at the same time. (6) Teachers should pardon and acquit the pupils who make mistakes. They should use intimation in attracting their attentions to their faults. If they do not conceive, teachers then may state the fault openly. Then comes the reproach. The Prophet (s) said, “Teach without chiding. Teachers are preferable to the scolders.” He also said, “Use leniency to those whom you teach and those who learn you.” (7) Teachers should be concerned with the knowledge that take to the affairs of the Hereafter. (8) Teachers should economize in their clothing, food, and lodging. Ashafii said, “I have not been saturated for sixteen years.”(9) Teachers should copy the virtuous and pious men among the Prophet’s companions and their followers. (10) Teachers should be concerned with the serviceable knowledge and avoid the useless and disputable.
The job of a teacher is interesting and rewarding. There is less stress involved. This job gives you a platform to connect with curious, young minds and bring about positive change in their lives. As a teacher, you can play an important role in developing a child's learning skills, instil good values in them, nurture them and teach them not only about teaching from books, but life lessons. At a young age, children consider you as their role model, you inspire them, influence them. And that is a great benefit to become a teacher - have the opportunity to play an important role in one's life. The role of a teacher in the life of his student actually never ends. Henry Brooks Adams has rightly said, "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell, where his influence stops." With your students, you grow. You grow from parent to friend; from caretaker to mentor and continue to influence students who admire you all their life. They remember you for what they have got from you, they are thankful to you for what you have taught them. That's one benefit of being a teacher - you are remembered for long years. Benefits such as a less hectic work schedule, less job stress, a decent salary and job security are inherent to the teaching profession. Let's look at this aspect of teaching and understand how becoming a teacher can be beneficial in this regard. Quite a few times of the year, you get a chance to enjoy a two or three weeks' vacation. Perhaps no other profession is blessed with so many holidays. You can spend your vacation time with family, friends or in pursuit of your personal interests. The holidays can also be used for professional growth. Many teachers opt for higher education or take additional courses for better career prospects. Some use this time to earn extra money by taking activity classes or taking up other jobs. Besides, a teaching job requires you to work for about six hours a day, which is less compared to those working in the corporate sector. You don't have to be on the job for nine and ten hours per day, except for days of after-school activities and student tours. This way, you get more time for your family and to pursue other interests. Basically, you have a life outside work and being in a teaching job, you can maintain good work-life balance.
Being in this profession, you get an opportunity to develop as a person. To be able to impart knowledge to the students, you need to continue with your pursuit of the same. You need to be abreast with the changing time in order to keep your students updated. To be able to teach a subject, you need to be an expert in it. As a teacher, interaction with students (mostly kids or teenagers) becomes a part of your job, for which you need to possess specific skills. And in fulfilling these demands of the teaching job, you grow as a person. As a teacher, you are someone your students look up to and derive inspiration from. Realizing this makes you a more responsible human being. To teach well, you need to know well. It's wise to teach what you know and important to know what you teach. Your teaching job requires you to keep pace with the time; keeping yourself updated on the subject you teach is what your job demands. This encourages you to become a subject expert. Another benefit of becoming a teacher is that you get the opportunity to be a part of the constant process of learning. Someone has said that every student teaches his teacher, a new teaching style. True that is. In changing your ways while teaching students of different intellects or varying abilities, you get to learn so much. Teaching involves oratory, spontaneity and presence of mind. This calls for great communication skills. Being a teacher, you have to speak to a class of fifty odd students coming from different backgrounds. It does take a lot of confidence to do that day in and day out. Impromptu questions from students, some weird, some witty, are an everyday affair. As a teacher, you are expected to know all the answers. This demand of your job makes you more aware, more confident, more spontaneous. As a teacher, you are surrounded by bright young minds, curious to know everything about the world, especially if you teach in a school. You get to spend a majority of your time of the day, with children, talking to them, understanding them, teaching them, learning from them. Time spent with kids is time put to good use. As a teacher, you are with children for five to six hours everyday, laughing with them, crying with them, at times becoming their friend, at times their guardian. Yes, there's very little stress involved in a teaching job, as spending time with children in itself is a great stress buster.
From the Islamic perspective, what are the characteristics of the tutor or teacher? What are his responsibilities? The first vital characteristic is that the teacher should be, from the aspect of professional competence, well-grounded in the field of knowledge which he wishes to impart to others. If he is unqualified, then teaching will be an exercise in misinformation and ignorance, for he will eventually find himself in situations where he will not have the necessary education to properly present the subject of study, and will, in trying to save face present an unclear view in an effort to conceal his own deficiency. It is essential then that he have a solid foundation in the subject he is teaching, for that is the basis of education. Perhaps we can deduce this from understanding a verse which, while relating to debate rather than teaching, nonetheless provides us with the ideational criterion:Lo! You are of those who argued about what you had some knowledge; why do you dispute concerning that which you have no knowledge. Al-Imran, 3:66. Islam does not accept that someone should speak on a subject if he does not have the knowledge. For this reason, those who entered into debate on something they know nothing were rejected. How then is it possible to accept that those who do not have knowledge should teach? From this vantage point too, we do not believe that the matter is restricted to education only, but in fact pertains to all responsibility, where one does not possess the requisite experience and knowledge. The educator's character has to be at such a level that it qualifies him to instruct those who are under his tutelage. This is because the aspect of his personal example is what will underline his credibility. As such, in some hadith, it states that: "He who appoints himself as an imam of the people must start with disciplining himself, before disciplining the people; he who disciplines himself is more worthy of honour and respect than he who disciplines others."
Indeed, education is related to example far more than it is related to the actual material being taught or any other aspect of communication. This is because example gives power, dynamism, life, meaning, and effectiveness to what is being taught.
Kindness to the student and the learners. There is another point, namely, that the teacher or educator must display compassion and understanding for those under their tutelage. To reach his goal, he must know that he must be open-minded and solicitous, patient concerning the student's weak points and outbursts. He must not be pessimistic and unfocused in a way that makes him digress in his teaching and instruction, using harsh methods. We can understand this from the method of the Prophet: "As part of the mercy of God, you deal with them gently; if you were severe and hard-hearted, they would have broken away from you" (Al-Imran, 3:159), and in the words of God: "A Messenger has come to you from amongst yourselves, he is deeply concerned about you, and to the believers he is kind and merciful" (al-Tauba, 9:128).The basic characteristic of the Messenger was that of a teacher and nurturer, and as such, God says to him: "He it is who has sent among the unlettered ones a messenger from amongst them, reciting to them His signs and purifies them, and teaches them the Scripture and Wisdom" (al-Jumuah, 62:2). These traits are the characteristics of a teacher and a nurturer, for sanctification is a function of education and nurturing.
Moreover, another characteristics is between the home and school. How may the home and the school be mutual supporting aids in the nurturing? The school perhaps may not give a person anything else but knowledge, since it is an educational institution and may not attend to conduct as a major consideration in its curriculum. It is possible that the schools differ so much in their environments, and their teachers concentrate entirely on the issue of knowledge, that they create a confusion in the education of the child-this being the result of differences among the students, with their diverse backgrounds, conduct, and mores. This makes it necessary that the home give the child a friendly atmosphere and a haven from the negative influences of school. This means that the home must concentrate more attention on nurturing and assisting in the development, which are reflected in the child's character and conduct. This is only one facet. There is also the other fact that the home must monitor the activities of the pupil in his approach to his school curriculum, because (at home) when the student is removed from his learning environment, he may not realize the importance of study, with all its obligations or examination preparation, etc.
The home, then, must develop itself anew in the education milieu, be it in respect of knowledge acquisition for the student or of moral and ethical nurturing. Can we delineate the role of these two institutions (the home and the school) in the tutelage of the adolescent boy or girl? An analysis of the personality of the adolescent shows a person in a state of confusion and worry which may lead to spiritual and mental malaise. This is because the awakening of the instincts at this age causes the adolescent to react to his instincts. When there is no proper monitoring and specific form of nurturing, this stage can lead to the loss of that adolescent and the loss of his future. During adolescence, therefore, we must direct the interests of this child, monitoring the negative influences at that age on his character, his associates, and his activities. We must not resort to harsh and oppressive means, but rather caution and care, nurturing in a manner which helps him to get safely through this difficult stage.
Since the girl has a particular social standing, stemming from the fact that society is a man's edifice, this can make her lose her self-confidence and be quite naive, lead in turn to exploitation by others when she does not have the same social experience as the boy. Because of this, we need to pay more attention to the upbringing of our girls, until we are able to unite self -confidence, which prevents them from being exploited by others, with a commitment that make them conduct themselves properly.
In brief, a good Muslim must also show respect for their teachers whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims. This is because teachers are there to guide one's behavior and studies. A teacher can help an individual to become a better human being and earn a good living in the future.
i. Sources from Al-Quran :Al-Imran, 3:159, al-Tauba, 9:128, al-Jumuah, 62:2,
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