Thursday, June 19, 2014



Alhamdulillah, all thanks to Allah s.w.t., and peace and blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad s.a.w., his family and his companions for giving me chance to finish this assignment. A million thanks to Ustaz Maulana as my lecturer for helping me to advise lead me to finish this assignment. Not forgetting to my beloved family and my friends for supporting me 100% to complete this assignment.

I have ten problematic students from my housing area. All of them are boys aged from 12 until 17 years old. Even they are in category of mischievous kids, but still they have skills that must be sharpened. Therefore, I feel responsible to help them as a hadith say, "Tell me even one verse" (Narrated by Bukhari). Based on this hadith, it is clear that how important of spreading even in small matter. We as khalifah, it is our own responsibility to spread his words. Why I choose this profession? It is because we know that most of problematic students do not like to have academic learning. Making movie is an easy work that only needs the interest and the spirit to accomplish the video. I think the boys will enjoy when make it. Furthermore, the reason I choose this profession is by producing video, we can teach people as well as we can spread Islam. Making video also give benefit in future, because people can still watch the video if there are in collection.

Video is a moving visual image. Video technology was first developed for cathode-ray tube (CRT)[1] television systems, but several new technologies for video display devices have since been invented. In 1951 the first video tape recorder captured live images from television cameras by converting the camera's electrical impulses and saving the information onto magnetic video tape.

There are some differences between video and film. The biggest difference between film and video is the contrast latitude of the mediums. That is how many steps in the value scale between black and white in filming. Film compared to video has a smooth gradation between values. The second difference is the colour depth. Film has more colours than video. In terms of cost of production, film is expensive while produce video is not. Next, video has higher quality of image than video. Because film simply captures light waves it’s creating lines of depth and colour, so it looks smooth and soft when projected, even at large sizes. Film needs to be developed and have light shone through it in order to be projected; video is captured on magnetic tape and scanned back over a play head. Whether the tape itself is analogue or digital, the process of taping is fundamentally a digital thing, which means it can only reach a certain resolution before it starts to degrade in quality.

Why making video can give benefit to us? Here I want to state some reasons regarding this question. Naturally, people would be happy if they saw their faces on television. So if we make video for others, they will be happy and touched especially if there are funny pictures in the video. As producer, we will be happy and great if people appreciate our works. Next, we can produce videos that giving awareness to people. For example is producing videos about importance of brotherhood or current issues that are not noticed by people nowadays. At the same time, we’ll also aware of those things. By producing video, we also can earn money.

To produce video, some requirements are required. First of all, we need digital editing workstation. This sounds like the name of some fancy technological device. A digital editing workstation, however, is nothing more than a normal desktop or laptop computer. Now, in the age of technology, people can produce video by using smart phones. Next, the second most important basic is editing software for video. Both digital audio and digital video will benefit from manipulation after you capture them from their original source. There are tons of options for editing software. As on July 2013, the most advanced software for making and editing video is Windows Movie Maker because it is supremely easy to use. Windows Movie Maker is a free video creating/editing software application, designed for Windows Me, XP and Vista. Also works with latest Windows7 & Windows 8. Windows Movie Maker contains features such as effects, transitions, titles/credits, audio track, timeline narration, and Auto Movie. With Windows Movie Maker, we can quickly turn our photos and videos into polished movies. Other than this software are Free Video Dub, VSDC Free Video Editor, Kate’s Video Toolkit. Next requirement is video recorder or camera. High definition recorder is recommended to get the best output. Nowadays, people use camera phone to take photo or to record video because we always bring it wherever we go.

As mentioned before, Windows Movie Maker is recommended software for beginners. We can to download and install this editing software from . After open the software, set the theme for our project first. Next, we have to import pictures or videos from our collection and arrange them properly as our desire. Then, set the animation for each picture and video or we can set an animation generally. Reset the timing of the pictures also their animations.

After that, import music from our collection. Make sure that music or sound effect suit with our theme of video. For example, if you want to make a video about friendship, pick the song that related with friends. You can add caption for any pictures or you may insert your speech too. Then, play the project and check if there any problems during the playback. After ensuring the video run smoothly and there are no mistakes, click the button save as movie at the top of window. After saving the video we can publish it in the internet to public. Please be aware that our videos must have copyright to preserve our works. There are many ways on how to produce creative and great videos that we can search from internet. The examples of the website are and

Another way to make video is by making video blog or video log, sometimes shortened to vlog (pronounced 'vlog' or 'v-log') is a form of blog for which the medium is video, and is a form of web television. Vlog entries often combine embedded video (or a video link) with supporting text, images, and other metadata. Entries can be recorded in one take or cut into multiple parts.[2] The vlog category is popular on YouTube.[3] Nowadays, many teenagers make vlog. Most of them produce vlog to preach Islam like Matluthfi. Muhammad Luthfi as known as Matluthfi aged 21 years old is a Malaysian but now he’s studying abroad. He has actived in vlogging since four years ago. He always relates current issues with Islam. Even though some of his videos get negative criticism for being too willing to speak, it is not bring down his spirit to preach.[4]

Other famous vloggers are Aiman Azlan, Anwar Hadi and Maria Elena. Because of their work, many people aware about the current issues of Islam and change for the better ones. Non-muslims also get interest with Islam because of their effort.

Maria Elena is another example of preacher using video. She is a famous blogger and vlogger. Many teenagers nowadays especially sisters affected by her Previously, she is a very sociable girl. He was free hair, befriended with problematic teenagers and not practise the way of life according to syariah. But one day, she has given guidance to a right path. She changed to a better muslimah. After that, she uploads vlogs that contains advice and Islamic features. Due to her changes, many of her fans change too. [5]

As khalifah, we must expanding Islam to people. Make vlog is not the only way to preach people. We can make simple video but creative to preach people. For example, we make a video of the importance of nature. We can put images of nature that create by our Lord, Allah. Environment nowadays are getting worse. People easily littering everywhere; use water excessiveness, cut trees as they please. As a result, water pollution and air pollution will be occurring. By making a creative and effective video, we may give awareness to people that our earth is too old and need a massively clean-up.

How to earn money by making videos? There are many ways to earn money. First example is, historical records. Every community has buildings and landmarks of historical significance. Dig back into the records and use photos and live video to bring history to life. Possible sponsors are civic groups, town councils and local businesses. Next is letters from home. Know a neighbour, friend or acquaintance with kids away at college, family members in the service or relatives living in another country? A video letter is a real treat. And getting one made is probably worth a few bucks to someone without access to a camcorder, especially during the holiday season. Then, memorials and tributes. What more fitting tribute is there than a lovingly crafted video celebrating a well-lived life? Memorial videos are also valuable for group gatherings, such as high school reunions, as a way of honouring members who have passed on since the previous gatherings. Make contact with mortuaries that offer or would like to offer this service. Vacation and travel is another example to have money.
Do you enjoy travel? Record your trips to popular, exotic locales and offer them to local travel agents as video brochures. If you establish a reputation for good work, you can even supplement your fees by having your clients underwrite your adventures in exchange for your services.

Other example is anniversaries. Are your relatives or those nice neighbours next door getting ready for an anniversary celebration? Combine their wedding photos and family snapshots with interviews to make an anniversary video to show at the party. A modest fee is certainly appropriate to ask for producing a real family treasure. Next is about environmental issues. Live in a community with an environmental challenge? Put the problems on video in order to gather community support for a solution. Environmental support groups and local businesses negatively affected by the situation may be willing to sponsor your effort. Another great example is graduations. Elementary and High School graduation ceremonies are naturals for videos that can be sold to proud parents and families. But don't stop there. How about trade schools, training academies and technical schools? Wherever people celebrate human accomplishment, a video marking the special occasion can find a ready market. Then, public events. Particularly when they involve kids are probably the most videotaped events in our society. Even if many proud parents are carrying their own camcorders, there's always a market for a better quality video made by a skilled videographer. Safety tips video is also can earn money. Schools, retirement homes and businesses all need to instruct people for safety. A simple safety video can make you a few bucks and maybe even save a life. Last example is sporting events. Team sports are a natural for the video entrepreneur. The larger the team, the more parents in the pool of potential buyers. Follow a team that goes 'all the way' and you'll see your sales climb as the participants look for a permanent reminder of that winning season.[6]

At the end of the 1990's Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the rapid growing in Malaysia. The Internet has more and more installed and used in homes. Internet developments although many benefits in terms of access and communication of knowledge but expose society to the pornographic or obscene material, and adolescents are not exempt from the impact of this bad. Now the problem is more widespread in any pornographic videos that can be downloaded easily from the internet. With the development of mobile phone technology, now clips porn pictures and videos can be sent via mobile phones. This resulted in the spread of pornographic materials among teenagers increasingly difficult to control.

There are ways to prevent users from making porn videos. Firstly, our government have to intervene regarding in this issue. They must block videos that contain pornography before uploaded to the Internet. How to do this? They must discuss with the owner of the free sharing websites to prevent the users upload the videos. Parents also should play their role in this matter. They have to strictly limit their children from spent too much time on social networking. They also must control what are their children doing especially when the parents are not with them. Furthermore, they should punish commensurately their children if they did anything wrong.

Teachers and administrators of school have to play their roles too. They must watch out their children especially when they are in school. Nowadays, many students bring cell phones to school even though it is prohibited in school. Some of them share pornographic videos through phone silently. This is serious matter that we should concern and take action. Teachers and school administrators must concern of their students’ behaviour. If they know their students do such things, they must do something to solve the issue. One of the way is the must give counselling to their problematic students. Another way is, they must give motivation to all students either good or problematic students. Next, the teachers should discuss with the parents to solve this matter.

Friends also should play their role. William Penn[7] said, “A true friend freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventure boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeable.” Based on this quotes, it is clear that a friend is not just a friend who are just agree with all your behaviour. A true friend will say yes for your right actions and say no for your wrongdoings. For example, if a friend knows that his friend does wrongdoings such as making pornography videos. He will not just let it and be silently. He will give advice and prevent his friend continuing the bad habits.
Most people nowadays not attract with this kind of profession. Some of them said that this kind of profession will not guarantee their future. Other reason is they think that making video is such complicated things and just do waste their time. In my own view, how do we know that we do not like something if we do not try it? Making video is not waste your time as it will give benefits as I said before.

I totally disagree about the bad impression that this kind of profession will not guarantee their future. Being a video maker will make a lot of money because nobody can make it. Let’s take a simple example; CST Production[8]. It is a famous company is Malaysia and consist of six teenagers. Initially they just make simple videos using the digital cameras. But nowadays they produce a lot of unique and creative videos about anniversaries, current issues and for celebrations. Beside of using DSLR[9], they also create their own cameras called Gayat Helicam. Most of their customers are from celebrities and very important persons in Malaysia.

Making video is a field which should be expand among people. Government and schools are the most important party to take action. Most of the schools have the ICT[10] subject. Making video can be included in the ICT subject so that students know the basic of make it. The teachers who teach the computer subject also must have knowledge of the making video.

[1] (CRT) is a vacuum tube containing one or more electron guns and a fluorescent screen used to view images
[3] YouTube is a free video-sharing website on which users can upload, view and share videos.
[4] Matluthfi’s account on youtube :
[5] Maria Elena’s blog
[7] William Penn  was an English real estate entrepreneur, philosopher, early Quaker and founder of the Province of Pennsylvania
[9] Digital single-lens reflex cameras (also called digital SLR or DSLR) are digital cameras combining the optics and the mechanisms of a single-lens reflex camera with a digital imaging sensor, as opposed to photographic film
[10] Information and Communications Technology or ICT, is often used as an extended synonym for information technology (IT), but is a more specific term that stresses the role of unified communications

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