Friday, June 20, 2014

Land Resources

Land Resources

         What are land resources? Well , land resources can be taken to mean the resources available from the land. the agricultural land which contain natural fertiliser for growth of the products to continue living. For example, the underground water, the various minerals like coal, bauxite, gold and other raw materials are all land resources.The more a country is able to locate and use the raw materials, the more the industrialisation of that area or maybe country. In a wider sense, land resource can also mean the land available for exploitation, like non agricultural lands for buildings, developing townships and many more.Land resources in a proper way refers to a delineable area of the earth’s terrestrial surface, encompassing above or below this surface, including those of the near surface climate,the surface hydrology,the near surface sedimentary layers and associated groundwater and geohydrological reserve.
      The reason why I chose land resources to be my topic is because of the importance of land resources to living things like we human beings. Without land resources, we are helpless. In my opinion, land resources are one of the gifts from Allah S.W.T to us so that we can continue living in this world to continue our ‘ibadah’ towards Him.Besides that, I also chose this topic because land resources contribute a large portion of our country’s income.Moreover, I also chose this topic because it can bring joy to everyone.For example, gold and silver can bring happiness and joy to everyone especially women.I also chose land resources because of its economic value and the interest I have in exploitation of minerals.Exploitation of minerals can be very interesting if you look at it in a proper way.I also think that the resources that we gain from our very own land can be useful in our daily lives.There are a few functions of land resources.

2.      Book Of Land Resources And Management.

         Land resources have very much their own function in this world. Their function is to support our daily lives and to render us useful materials and minerals for us to rejoice our life.Besides that, land resources can also be used for selling which will increase one’s income.Moreover, land resources are used to show us what Allah S.W.T has given us for us to proceed with our lives.Land resources can also be used for the development of the city and town to support our community that is enlarging with the passing of time.Land resources can be used to create better materials so that we can perform our ibadah more efficiently with the convenience of structures.Land resources have their own function in increasing the plants and animal populations in the world.Land resources also have their own use as a water storage and human activities.
        Land resources can bring benefit to the people , the country and even the whole world. Land resources have assisted us in our daily lives so that we can live a better life to continue living and to give our ‘ibadah’ towards Allah S.W.T..The benefits that land resources could give are just simply too many to even be imagined by any human being.For example, gold that can be exploitated from the land and processed to become a pure gold can give happiness to women and it makes them look more beautiful.Minerals such as bauxite are widely used to process aluminium.Moreover, land resources gave our country a big benefit in our income because of the richness of  tin ore in our country.Many countries do not have what we have in Malaysia and this is one of the things that benefits us.There are causes that lead to the foundation of land resources.Land resources have benefited the animal population and brought benefit for the country as water absorbers to avoid flood.Land resources have also made we humans to study it to improvise our plantation for a better life.

3.      Book of land resources and Management    
          One of the causes of the foundation land resources is the curiousity of the humans towards the use of land.More and more land resources were introduced by the passing of time starting from the people after Prophet Adam A.S.. But now, it seems that all the resources have been introduced and they are still looking for new ones.Land resources also happened because of the wish of Allah S.W.T. to help us humans in our lives. Besides that, heavy exploitation of land resources were also caused by the greed of humans to gain more than enough to satisfy their greeds.Land resources were also caused by its natural properties which occur underground and nobody has any idea about it. But can we imagine if land resources never existed? We have to thank Allah for all His givings.        
            If land resources were not to exist in this world, What will we be like? Can we survive in this world? This is the question that we must have in our minds. Land resources are limited and its quantity will decrease linearly with the passing of time.If the exploitation of land resources are continued and it gets even more heavy , wouldn’t the resources reach zero quantity? The exploitation companies should take note of this and think of it as what if land resources were to not exist in our daily lives.This will definitely change their perception towards land resources.Without land resources, our country would probably flood everytime it rains , have no vegetables or fruits to be eaten.Besides that , We would also be lacking of useful substances with physical , chemical and biological properties. We must also not forget to thank Allah S.W.T for his wonderful gift which is our land resources.Our top leaders and scholars have their own view on land resources.

1.      Book of Land Resources And Management


           Land resources are viewed differently from our top leaders and scholars.Our latest prime minister, Tan Sri Najib Tun Razak said that land resources can be the key of success for a country due to its benefits.An Iranian scholar from University of Malaya said that land resources are a gift from Allah S.W.T for us and we have to use it properly and for the right path(path to Islamic properties).Our deputy prime minister Datuk Muhyiddin Yassin said that land resources are considered as our national treasure and must be exploitated for the benefit of us Malaysians and to give us a better life.Based on the views by our top leaders and scholar , I’ve found that they have one point that is identical which is land resources are a benefit to us people and must be used for a better life.Although land resources are very useful , people tend to abuse and misuse the resources for other purposes.
        The greed of human beings lead to the misuse of land resources for other purposes.Companies that are responsible for the exploitation of land resources misused their power and they are doing excessive exploitation of the land resources.This is due to the greed of obtaining more profit and money.Excessive exploitation will lead to the finishing of land resources.This endangers the future life of our next generation.Selfishness can be seen in theeyes of these people and they forgot that these resources are meant for all Allah S.W.T’s creatures that live here on this earth.Heavy exploitation of land resources have also brought severe disturbances to the balance in the bio-geophysical systems.These disturbances have reduced the earth’s capacity to absorb adverse effects and have impaired its regenerative ability to restore the losses suffered through exploitation.These deliberate destructive actions have caused serious damages and will endanger the whole world in the future.Misuse of land resources have created an impact to the world.


1.      Book of Land resources and Management

        Land resources made an impact in our Malaysian economy. It has increased our country’s income by a big number which has brought up our country’s name. Land resources have given certain people that are thankful one of the gifts by Allah S.W.T..Land resources have also made some bad impacts like it has caused the greediness in some people to increase and turning them into selfish people.Exploitation of land resources have made an impact by making the bio-geophysical systems imbalance.It has also caused serious damages to the nature defences of this planet.Moreover, it has reduced the earth’s capacity to absorb adverse effects and have impaired its regenerative ability to restore the losses suffered through exploitation of land resources.
           From this topic , I can conclude that land resources have given us so many benefits but it also made some good and bad impacts on we human beings. It shows that we have to use the land resources properly(Lillahi Ta’ala).It shows that land resources play an important part in this world we are living in. I have used some references in order to do this assignment. Websites such as Wikipedia and Google have been widely used in the making of this assignment.


1.      Book Of Land resources and Management

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