Thursday, June 19, 2014



[1]Computer have become an integral part of our daily routine, including sending emails, accessing instant information and communicating in social network. To be successful, it is crucial you know how to work these devices, which includes using proper typing skills. Typing skill is not only about proper wrist placement or knowing where the keys are located on a keyboard. Several jobs require typing speed of 50-70 words per minutes. Other job may require more. Having a fast speed and high percentage of accuracy are important in almost every career. The introduction of the typewriter allowed for faster document transcription, letter writing and it opened up an abundance of job opportunities.
[2]There are several advantages of this skill. Firstly, typing speed gives good time management. Firstly when you type properly and at faster pace, avoiding the hunt-and-peck technique, you can get a lot more done in smaller amount of time. By simply typing emails, letters, memos or paper at faster pace you can save yourself several minutes.  Besides, it is a dog-eat-dog world and if your boss want something done quickly and you take too long. It is easier to replace someone who can grant their request much faster. In addition is the world of computing devices is continually changing. When computers first became a popular tool, they were large bulky boxes that took up a vast amount of space on a desk or table. Now there are powerful computing devices that can be carried anywhere you go. Laptops and netbooks have brought a new aspect of computing through their portability. Even tablets have amazed us with their small size and touchscreen display. Computers will continue to change, but no matter what technology companies come up with next, one thing will remain the same – they all require typing skills. Moreover a good way of this skill is more comfortable to a person. If you spend a significant can take a toll on your body. As you learn the proper way to sit and cultivate better habits, your arms and shoulders will relax and your energy levels will stay consistent throughout the day.  Touch typing is not just about increasing your typing speed and reducing errors, it is about adopting healthy computer habits to reduce the risk of injury and provide increased comfort. Besides, by learning the basics of touch typing whether you are an educator, employee or student, you will find your work and personal life to become much more productive. Furthermore, most jobs require typing skill that typing class you may have paid minimal attention to in school, could totally have landed you that job you just applied for. Computers are a larger part of our lives now, than ever before. Most jobs require at least the most basic computer skills, even jobs that 10 or 15 years ago did not. In fact, many employers are requiring candidates to be able to type at least a minimum of 35 wpm just for the sake of productivity. There are a variety of reasons that employers are looking for people with above average typing skills. More importantly though, are the benefits that honing these skills can give you.  
[3]The framework of Islamic thought represents a comprehensive view of life and the universe.  A Muslim is therefore required to acquire both religious and worldly knowledge.  In fact, Islam advocated knowledge at a time when the whole world was engulfed in ignorance.  In a matter of years the early generation of Muslims became a learned and refined people, for Islam had awakened in them the faculty of intellect.  Those early Muslims understood from the teachings of their religion that useful knowledge is necessary for the benefit of the self and of humanity. The typing skill is good knowledge that Muslims should learn to generate a productivity Muslim. All able, intelligent and skilled individuals in an Islamic society are required to educate themselves not only in the basics of their religion but in necessary worldly affairs. Islam does not now oppose any modern inventions that are beneficial to mankind.  It is sufficient that they be used in the name of God and for His cause. In Islam 'ilm is not confined to the acquisition of knowledge only, but also embraces socio-political and moral aspects. Knowledge is not mere information; it requires the believers to act upon their beliefs and commit themselves to the goals which Islam aims at attaining. In brief, I would like to say that the theory of knowledge in the Islamic perspective is not just a theory of epistemology. It combines knowledge, insight, and social action as its ingredients. I would like to cite here a tradition of the Prophet (S) narrated by Amir al-Mu'minin 'Ali ibn Abi Talib: Once Gabriel came to Adam. He brought with him faith, morality (haya') and 'aql (reason) and asked him to choose one of the three. When he chose 'aql, the others were told by Gabriel to return to heaven, They said that they were ordered by Allah to accompany 'aql wherever it remained. This indicates how comprehensive are the notions of intellect and knowledge in Islam, and how deeply related they are to faith and the moral faculty. Leaders of every Muslim community should always do their best to procure the necessary number of scholars, professionals and qualified men and women in all fields of optional knowledge needed by the community. On the other hand, before performing any act of worship, a Muslim should know the requirements, the conditions and the desirable actions pertaining to that act. Hence, he will never practice any act of worship or undertake any transaction not sanctioned by the Qur’an or Sunnah.
In my own view, typing skill give a lot of benefits to us .Typing skill is a knowledge that people should learn. This skill will help people to become more productive and can develop a higher education and development. As a student it is easier for me to perform my task and improve my ability with this skill. As we know this kind of skill is marketable in job field, so it is important to us to learn it. In addition, it can help us write an article and spread knowledge easier. Nowadays, many people use social network to communicate each other, therefore we can use this skill to write a good knowledge that can benefits others. In islam time is important in life. One of the benefits for this skill is it will help us to finish our task earlier than those who don’t have this kind of skill. Moreover typing skill will help blind people to use computer like normal people. It will give opportunity to them to show their ability and can help them be successful like other people.  
[4]The global job market is extremely competitive, which means that typing and keyboarding skills are very important. The good news is that there are plenty of easy ways for people with little to no typing skills to learn to type, many of which are free of charge.  As technology becomes more commonplace in the workforce, more people need to know how to type. Some professions require faster typing speeds than others do. Employers are looking for people who can type quickly so they can take dictation and quickly input information into the computer. Administrative and legal assistants also need to be able to type quickly. Employers often look for applicants who can type around 70 words per minute. Some positions might be available only to applicants who type upward of 100wpm. While it’s important for medical transcriptionists to type quickly – typically around 70wpm – it’s equally important for them to type accurately. The medical transcripts you’ll be typing need to be flawless. Errors on patients’ medical records could cause serious problems for patients. Sales people may only spend a small portion of their day using a computer, and they may not need to type at a specific speed to perform their job well. Other professions don’t require typing skills at all. Some of these include chefs, cosmetologists, welders and security officers. Even if work in a profession that doesn’t require you to have a minimum typing speed, it can be to your advantage to be able to type quickly. Having typing skills can help you accomplish your work more effectively when you do need to type. Having a fast typing speed can also make you more marketable in the job field. Lastly, typing skill will help dyslexic student which is

[5]'Ilm is referred to in many Quranic verses as 'light' (nur), and Allah is also described as the ultimate nur. it means that 'ilm in the general sense is synonymous with the 'light' of Allah. This light does not shine for ever for all the believers. If is hidden sometimes by the clouds of doubt arising from the human mind. Doubt is sometimes interpreted in the Quran as darkness, and ignorance also is depicted as darkness in a number of its verses. Allah is depicted as nur, and knowledge is also symbolized as nur. Ignorance is darkness and ma'rifah is light. In the ayat al-kursi Allah says: (Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth ... Allah is the Master of the believers and He guides them out of the darkness into light). Usually darkness is interpreted as unbelief and light as faith in God. There are so many verses in the Quran as well as the traditions of the Prophet (S) that emphasize that light may be attained by those who struggle against darkness. In surah al-mujadilah (58:11) "Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge by degrees." Another surah al-zumar  “Say, 'Are those who know equal to those who do not know?'" it is shows that how important knowledge to us. Our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:”Seeking Knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim.” (Ibn `Adiyy, Al-Bayhaqi and At-Tabarani)..
[6]Having a fast typing speed is very important to productivity with at home jobs. Several different things can impact typing speed. Firstly, having an ergonomically designed keyboard, along with incorporating best ergonomic practices with your desk, chair and other aspects of an office, will greatly impact the typing speed you are able to reach. If you are uncomfortable as you type, the speed will be significantly reduced over time. Productivity and usability ratings were significantly worse for the ergonomically design keyboard compared with the other keyboards. Differences on these measures between the other keyboards were not significant. Muscle activity tended to increase in the left forearm and decrease in the right with decreasing horizontal key spacing. There was also a trend for left wrist extension to increase and left ulnar deviation to decrease with decreasing horizontal key spacing. Reducing vertical key spacing from 19 to 17 mm had no significant effect on productivity or usability ratings. Poor ergonomics may also lead to wrist and hand injuries in the future. In addition, poor dictation and handwriting give difficulty to type it. If typing from dictation or a handwritten document, it can be difficult to type at a regular speed because of frequent stops to hear the dictation or closely examine the handwriting. If possible, listen to the dictation or read the document a few times before typing begins. If handwriting is the problem, take notes to remember the correct words. This is the most common reason for a slower typing speed, as many people work on their computers with the TV or radio blaring in the background (or children coming in and out of the room demanding their attention). As the brain shifts between more than one task, less attention is paid to each task. Though your typing speed itself may not be affected, there is a higher chance for typographical errors, slowing your speed as you make corrections. Besides, underdeveloped skill will reduce the typing skill. Dealing with special characters, the number keypad or having to look at the keyboard while typing will greatly reduce your speed. There are several different programs online that will help people train themselves to type faster. Practice is the best way to work out any typographical error habits and to learn to type without looking at the keyboard.
Computer technology has become ingrained in every aspect of society. Computers have virtually changed the way businesses advertise services, people interact with each other, and media reaches the masses. Each modern gadget disseminates more information than the traditional means of reading paperback novels. The younger generations continue to evolve into a technological-reliant world. All members of society may completely rely on digital convergence to survive in the coming decades. Therefore, children must learn how to operate a computer in the same way that the baby boomers used a typewriter. It will help to improve the productivity among society.  The unemployment rate will be decreased because this skill is marketable for many jobs. As the productivity increase it will help to have a good economy. This kind of skill will help writer to spread knowledge easier. Nowadays, many people use social network to communicate each other, therefore we can use this skill to write a good knowledge that can benefits others. Blind society also can use this kind of skill to improve their performance and can use computer like others.
[7]In western view, education is the living knowledge, information and skill during the course of life. Whilst education system is a platform which had been standardized and used as a reference by teachers to teach their students in communicative, informative and insightful fact, education system acts as an indicator, which monitors the teaching to carry out within a policy that operates to fulfill the specific goal, which is to achieve and enable students to perform at an expected level within a specific span of time. Thus, the efficiency of educational system becomes the focus in national development as education turn to be the catalysis for eternal progress in order to produce the valuable and visionary individual. Knowledge is a familiarity with someone or something, which can include facts, informations, discribtions or skills acquired through experience or education. It can refer to the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. It can be implicit (as with practical skill or expertise) or explicit (as with the theoretical understanding of a subject); it can be more or less formal or systematic.
[8]This is several ways to have skill in typing. Firstly, people who are masters at touch typing will tell you that without proper hand position and typing technique, you will only be able to type so fast. Using the proper technique will make learning to type much easier and open a world of opportunities when it comes to increasing typing speed. Try not to look at the keyboard while typing. This is usually the hardest for most people, but is definitely a skill that should be learned. Not having to look at where the keys are on a keyboard can dramatically improve the speed of your typing. When you first start learning to touch type, you are going to make some errors.  In fact you might make a lot of them.  Your success really depends on how you view making those mistakes. People who see their mistakes as an opportunity to improve generally learn faster than people who don’t.  Your mindset plays a big part in how quickly you learn and how much information you are able to take in. Touch typing is all about muscle memory, which means that your muscles will need some time to adjust to the new techniques that you are learning.  The best and quickest way to do this is through repetition .By doing the same exercise over and over you will be able to ingrain those movements into your muscle memory. Posture is one of the most overlooked factors when it comes to learning to type quickly.  Poor posture not only takes a toll on your muscles, but can affect your energy levels and accuracy as well. Good posture while typing will keep up your energy levels and also allow your fingers to rest in the correct position.  Keeping correct posture allows you to type faster, more accurately and will help prevent injury.  The correct posture to have while typing is relaxed with feet squarely on the floor and wrists level with the keyboard. Another great trick to help you increase your typing speed in a short period of time is to avoid looking at the keyboard. Initially, this may result in more mistakes, but you will learn the positions of the keys at a much higher rate without using the keyboard as a crutch. Finally, the best way to increase your typing speed is through good old practice.  While practice is not necessarily a shortcut and requires dedicated effort, it really is the best way to see results.  

[1] Jeannette woodward  -  career information  -   wiley  -  46  -  2006
[2]  Angela bessant  -  learning to use computer  -   Heinemann  -  2002
[5] Dr sayyid  -  knowledge  -  9  2006
[7] Daniel dubulsson  -   the wetern contruction of religion  -  77  2005

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