Friday, April 15, 2011



There are certain practices which are described by Allah in al-quran as the deviated ways,that is the ways which a muslim should avoid as they are the ones which taking a person away from the right path of Allah, from the blessings and pleasure of him. One of the practices which is going against in the right path of Allah is israf (excessiveness).

Israf sarafa formation of root, which means neglect, ignore, do not know, pass / through, and eat the leaves (as-surfatu sarakat as-sajarah). Can also mean excess (jawadza al-limits). Can also be defined beyond the limit (jawadza al-limits). If called asrafa al-mal with the same meaning badzarahu or a waste. While the perpetrator called musrifin.
Synonym is al-tabdzir, which is derived from the root word badzara. This means that a significant al-habba sow (seeds), grow, grow, plant, spread, and threw the property. People threw called al-mubadziru property or al-mubadzriku. If the words used in sentences tabdzir: badzara al-mal tabdziran (threw the property), a root word meaning to israfan and badzratan.
In the Qur'an says and musrifin israf referred by 23 times in 21 verses. While al-tabdzir mentioned in the QS. Al-Isra '[17] verses 26-27 of 3 times. Al-Isra '[17] verses 26-27 of 3 times. Search and musrifin israf mentioned in the Quran in many sense. Israf words and musrifin mentioned in the Quran in many sense. Al-Quran states the meaning of the word musrifin mu'ridin 'an dzikrillah (sniff Dhikr to Allah, QS. Yunus [10]: 12), the disadvantages than advantages (QS. Al-believer [40]: 43). Musrifin words can also mean mufsidin (mischief-makers, QS. Ash-Syuara [26]: 151-152). The word can also mean musrifin mufsidin (manufacturer defects, QS. Ash-Syuara [26]: 151-152).

Just say israf more meaningful infak (spend) to the maksiyat. Thus, if the word israf mentioned along with infak, its meaning is to give property to maksiyat action. While al-tabdzir sole means of threw extravagant wealth.

The scholars have agreed that the meaning of the word israf Syar'i and al-tabdzir is to spend what is forbidden of God. Israf and tabdzir in Islam means that al-tabdzir-linfaq Field ma'asiy wal haram (donation / spend money in the case of illegal and maksiyat).

Imam Qurthubi in exegesis israf writing that is intended to spend on roads other than Allah, and whoever turns away from obedience to Allah wa Jalla called stingy Gaza (al-iqtar), and he who spends the property in the framework of obedience to God is called Al -qawam. Ibnu Abas said: "He who spends a hundred thousand dirhams in obedience is not israf, but anyone who spends one dirham in the israf evil predominates. And anyone who prevents her spend it griping (al-qatr). Ibnu Abas said: "He who spends a hundred thousand dirhams in obedience is not israf, but anyone who spends one dirham in the israf evil predominates. And anyone who prevents him from spending his wealth, then it is stingy (al-qatr). Likewise the opinion is the opinion of Mujahid, Ibn Zayd and apart from them. Such is the opinion of Ibn Mas'ud, when interpreting the letter of al-Isra '[17] verses 26-27.

" Qatadah says that threw the property is in the evil predominates in Allah." Mujahid also said that "assuming there is a man always spend as much as the mountain in obedience to God, is not it belongs to the extravagant. So if he spends one dirham in the evil predominates in Allah, then he is quite the spendthrift. Therefore, some or much of the property is not a measure of released, but viewed in terms of what is spent on the property.

Therefore the opinion that prohibits those who spend large amounts of the activities included in mubah because tabdzir israf and is confused. Confusion like this happen to think banning things that actually are lawful because of the inability to distinguish between the meaning of language and meaning of Islamic and against the said israf tabdzir.
But God forbid we have to ban the lawful and otherwise (QS. Yunus [10]: 59-60). Signs of the state of tabdzir israf and very clear. Signs They have the sense to spend the act (things) are illegal.

As for the purpose of the prohibition of God that does not exceed the limit (musrifun) in many verses of the Qur'an is when people do something God has made lawful or forbidden. This is because the right to determine the threshold requirement of life is God alone, not human. This is because the right to determine the threshold requirements of community life but Allah alone, not human. Let us, interpretation israf tabdzir according to the meaning of language and cannot be allowed. It should do is interpret the meaning based on Islamic as the Nash-Nash is the Qur'an. Bas bi shawab knows.

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