Thursday, April 14, 2011


4 great Imam of Isla
by Ustad Maulana Shah on Friday, September 3, 2010 at 11:10am

Imam Hanafi,Imam Syafii,Imam Malik,Imam Ahmad

span>Imam Hanafi

The real name of Imam Hanafi/Abu Hanifah is Numan Bin Tsabit.Born at Kufah,Iraq at the year of 699M/80H.Imam Hanafi is the founder of Madhab Hanafi.Abu Hanifah can be recognized as one of the Tabi’in.He can be recognized as one of the Tabi’in because he has met the companion of Rasullullah SAW whom is Anas Bin Malik R.A., 'Abdullah ibn Abi Awfa, Sahl ibn Sad as-Sa'idi and Abu al-Fadl Amir ibn Wasila and compile Hadith from them.He is the first person to arrange the ilm fiqh according its topic.Imam Hanafi passed away at Baghdad,Iraq on 767M/148H in the month of REJAB at 70 years old.[1]

Everyday Abu Hanifah perform this routines in his life such as after the morning prayer be would take his class in the mosque and then reply to references for fatwas, which came from near and far. That was followed by a session for Fiqh compilation, in which his leading disciples took part. Decisions reached unanimously were recorded. After saying his zuhr prayer, the Imam would go home and, if it was summer, have a siesta. The 'asr prayer was followed by another session of teaching, after which the Imam would go round the city meeting friends, visiting the sick, condoling the bereaved and helping the poor. After the maghrib prayer there was a third teaching session, which continued till the 'isha' prayer. Having said his 'isha' prayer, the Imam would start his private devotions, often continuing them throughout the night. During winter, he often slept in the mosque until the 'isha' prayer, after which he would spend the whole night in performing the tahajjud prayer, reciting chosen passages from the Qur'an and repeating devotional formulas. Sometimes he performed these in his shop.

Since small he used to his family business,whereby his father is Silk Merchant.Abu Hanifah is a honest person,kind hearted,brave,love to give advice,hardworking person and many more.Futhermore,he is an handsome man,his height about medium(not to tall or to short) and well dressed.Always wear perfumes(‘atar) when he come or going out from his house. His way of speaking was pleasing and his voice loud and clear. When he spoke on a problem he did so with such eloquence and clarity that, no matter how complicated it was, it become simplified.

Besides that,another interesting characteristic of Abu Hanifah described by Qadi Abu Yusuf to Harun Al-Rashid is “An accurate, though sketchy, portrait of the Imam's personality is to be found in the description that Qadi Abu Yusuf gave of him to Harun al-Rashid at the latter's request. "As far as I know," said the Qadi, "Abu Hanifah was extremely pious, avoided forbidden things, remained silent and absorbed in his thoughts most of the time, and answered a question only if he knew the answer. He was very generous and self-respecting, never asked a favour of anybody, shunned the company of the worldly-minded and held worldly power and position in contempt. He avoided slander and only talked well of people. He was a man of profound learning and was as generous with his knowledge as with his money." On hearing this account, Harun al-Rashid observed, "You have described a great and good man." To superficial observers, the qualities described by Qadi Abu Yusuf may not appear to be of much significance, but connoisseurs of the spiritual character know that, easy as this way of life may look, it is very difficult to follow and as praiseworthy as it is difficult.”[2]

Abu Hanifah seems love to be simple.He was a man of good taste and liked to dress well. Sometimes he even put on ermine jubbahs Abu Muti' Balkhi, one of his pupils, mentions that on one occasion he found him dressed in a shirt and mantle which could not have cost less than four hundred dirhams. One day he borrowed the mantle of Nasr b. Muhammad, who called on him when he was getting ready to go out. On coming back, he complained that he had felt ashamed of the mantle because it was dirty. Nasr had bought it for five dinars and was proud of it. He was, therefore, surprised at the Imam's complaint, but he understood the reason for it when, a few days later, he found the Imam wearing a mantle which could not have cost less than thirty dinars.[3]

Eventough being a businessman,Abu Hanifah is a person who make sure all is selling and buying process follow correctly and with the income he received,he used all of it for charity purposes.Eg:” The Imam's business was on a large scale. He traded in goods worth millions, had his agents in a number of cities and had dealings with many big merchants. With such a vast establishment under him he personally took care to see that no illicitly gained money came into his coffers, even though this subjected him to occasional losses. Once he sent some lengths of silk to Hafs b. 'Abd al-Rahman for sale with instructions to point out to prospective customers certain defects in some of the lengths. Hafs forgot the instruction and sold off the defective lengths without telling the customers anything about their defects. When the Imam learned of this, he was very sorry and gave away in charity the entire price of the lengths, which amounted to thirty thousand dirhams.

One day a woman came to him with a length of silk which she wanted him to sell for her and quoted a hundred rupees for it. On the Imam expressing surprise at that figure, she raised it to two hundred rupees. But the Imam told her that it was worth not less than five hundred rupees. "Are you making fun of me?" said the woman. The Imam took out five hundred rupees, gave them to her and kept the cloth. This kind of scrupulous honesty, far from harming his business, made it flourish.

His object in carrying on business and making money was to be able to help others. We had fixed stipends for all his needy friends and acquaintances and had reserved a part of his profits for distribution among scholars and muhaddithin annually. Whenever he bought anything for his family, he would buy the same thing for the scholars and muhaddithin of his acquaintance. If anybody came to call on him, he would tactfully find out about his economic condition and, if he was in want, help him. He used to provide those of his pupils who were poor with money for their household expenses, so that they could attend to their studies undistracted by domestic worries. Many people who were too poor to meet the expenses of their education were educated with his help and attained to high positions. One of these was Qadi Abu Yusuf, of whom more later.”[4]

Abu Hanifah studied since small up to a high level of education.He studied about Islamic Law/Fiqh. Imam Abu Hanifah benefited from nearly 4,000 Sheikhs. Among his 1st and the most important tutors was Imam Hammad (Died 120 A.H.) whose educational lineage is linked with Hadhrat Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood (R.A.). Such was his respect for his tutor, Imam Hammad that Imam Abu Hanifah says; whilst in my home I never even stretched my legs towards the house of my tutor, despite living 7 streets away.[5]

After few years studied in Kufah,he moved to Basrah also in Iraq.Here he studied with Hammad bin Abi Sulaiman, Qatadah abd Shu’bah.After long time,his teacher(Shu’bah) give permission to teach Hadith to everyone.After that,he moved again to Makkah and Madinah to learn more.There he studied with ‘Atha’ bin Abi Rabah and Ikrimah.Ikrimah is one of the student of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas, ‘Ali bin Abi Thalib ra, Abu Hurairah ra dan ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar radhiallahu ‘anhum.Due to excellence in his study,Ikrimah allowed Abu Hanifah to teach peoples in Makkah.

After that,he again pursues his studies at Madinah.Studied with Imam Malik rah.In the year 120H/738M,Imam Hanafi been asked to replace his favorite teacher whom is Hammad because Hammad is passed away and be as teacher at Basrah.Since nobody want to replace Hammad position,he agree to be the teacher.

From here,Imam Abu Hanifah teach and be a great leader in Islamic World.Every people around the world to learn from him.In the era of Abbasid government,Khalifah Al-Mansur asked Abu Hanifah to take position as Qadhi.But Abu Hanifah did not accept it.Due to this,Khalifah Al-Mansur sent Abu Hanifah into the jail.In the jail,Abu Hanifah conduct also his lectures and this situation makes Al-Mansur fell threatened.

Some of the his kitab written by him is Kitaab-ul-Aathaar narrated by Imaam Muhammad al-Shaybani – compiled from a total of 70,000 ahadith, Kitabul Aathaar narrated by Imaam Abu Yusuf.Aalim wa'l-muta‘allim, Fiqh al-Akbar, Musnad Imaam ul A'zam, Kitaabul Rad alal Qaadiriyah.[6]

In the year of 150H/767M Imam Abu Hanifah has passed away due to being food eaten by him been poisoned.Some sayings that,he had been beaten until he died.His death makes every muslims feel sad.Imam Hanifah jenazah prayers conducted about 6 times with 50,00 pupil participate the prayer in jamaah.[7]



Imam Malik
The name of this person is Malik bin Anas bin Abi `Amir bin `Amr bin Al-Haris.Born in the year 711M at Madinah. Malik bin `Amir,his grandfather is a famous Tabiin.His ancestor

`Amir bin Al-Haris is one of the companion of Rasullulah SAW and always go to wars together with Rasullulah SAW.Since small,Imam Malik was educated to repect his parents,adults,and his teacher. According to Al-Muwatta, he was tall, heavyset, imposing of stature, very fair, with white hair and beard but bald, with a huge beard and blue eyes.[1]Imam Malik is also a kind person,polite,and always visit sick person and carry janazah.Imam Malik never ride his horse in the city of Madinah due respect to the land of Rasullullah SAW.[2]Establish madhab Maliki.

Do you know that,Imam Shafiee is one of the student of Imam Malik,it is about for 9 years.Imam Malik can be said star among the scholars. Qutayba said: "When we went to see Malik, he would come out to us adorned, wearing kuhl on his eyes, perfumed, wearing his best clothes, sit at the head of the circle, call for palm-leaf fans, and give each one of us a fan." Muhammad ibn `Umar: "Malik’s circle was a circle of dignity and courtesy. He was a man of majestic countenance and noblity. There was no part for self-display, vain talk, or loud speech in his circle. His reader would read for all, and no-one looked into his own book, nor asked questions, out of awe before Malik and out of respect for him."[3]

Since small Imam Malik keep aaround himself with scholars.His brain memory is very strong till he managed to memorize Al-Quran and Hadith when he was small.He studied with teacher’s whom mostly are Tabi’in and Tabi’tabi’in.His first teacher is Imam Abdur Rahman bin Hamzah.Imam Malik has learned hadith from Ibnu Syihab Az-Zuhriy and ilm ar-ra’y daripada

Rabi`ah bin `Abdu r-Rahman.

Imam Malik started teach at Masjidil Nabawiy at the age of 17.His teaching being knowed and spread across Hijaz,Maghribi,Andalus,Algeria,Tunisia,Libya,Sudan,Kuwait,

Egypt,and etcetera.[4]

Imam Malik is greatly known in teaching of hadtih and fiqh.One special characteristic of him is,when a person asked him about hadith,Imam Malik wont reply the answer on the spot.He will clean himself by taking bath,wear nice cloth,and wear perfumes.This is because of his respect to words of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Among the teachers he learned from is Ayyub bin Abi Tamimah As-Sikhtiyaniy,

Ja`far bin Muhammad As-Sadiq,Humayd At-Tawil,Dawud bin Al-Husayn,Zayd bin Aslam,Salim Abu n-Nadhr,Sa`id bin Abi Sa`id Al-Maqburiy,Abi Hazim Salmah bin Dinar Al-Madaniy,Suhayl bin Abi Salih,`Amir bin `Abdi Llah bin Az-Zubayr,`Abdu Llah bin Dinar,`Amr bin Yahya bin `Ammarah Al-Maziniy,Muhammad bin Muslim bin Syihab Az-Zuhriy,Nafi` Mawla Ibnu `Umar,Hisyam bin `Urwah,Yahya bin Sa`id Al-Ansariy.

The names of his students is Ahmad bin Abi Bakr Az-Zuhriy,Isma`il bin `Ulayyah, Juwayriyah bin Asma’,Sa`id bin Mansur,Syu`bah bin Al-Hajjaj, `Abdu Llah bin `Abdu l-Wahhab Al-Hajabiy, `Abdu l-A`la bin Hammad An-Narsiy, `Abdu r-Rahman bin `Amr Al-Awza`iy ,Abu Nu`aym Al-Fadhl bin Dakin,Muhammad bin Idris Asy-Syafi`iy ,Ma`n bin `Isa Al-Qazzaz ,Yahya bin Sa`id Al-Qattan ,Yahya bin `Abdi Llah bin Bukayr ,Yahya bin Yahya Al-Andalusiy ,Yahya bin Yahya An-Naysaburiy ,Abu `Amir Al-`Aqdiy ,Abu `Aliy Al-Hanafiy .[5]

Futhermore,when Imam Malik want to accept knowledge,he would not accept from 4 types of people which is “A person known to be foolish,even though others may narrate from him”, ”A person involved in committing heresy and calling others towards the innovation.”, ”A person who lies in regular conversation,even though I do not accuse him as liar in regard to Hadith”, ”A person who is pious worshipper or scholar,but does not properly and correctly memorize what he narrates.”.[6]

Once Imam Maalik was asked about them and he replied, "Do not speak to them nor narrate from them, for surely they are liars." [Minhaaj as-Sunnah, 1/37]

During a class of Imaam Maalik, it was mentioned that the Shi`ites curse the Sahaabah. In reply, he quoted the Quranic verse, "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and those with him are harsh with the disbelievers and gentle among themselves. So that the disbelievers may become enraged with them." He then said, "Whoever becomes enraged when the Sahaabah are mentioned is one about whom the verse speaks." [Tafseeer al-Qurtubee, Soorah al-Fath; Editor's note: That is, anyone who is enraged by the mention of the Sahaabah is a disbeliever, because the verse says, "...the disbelievers may become enraged with them (Sahaabah)]."[7]

Imam Malik has written a kitab named as Al-Muwatta.another is Risalatun Fi l-Qadr.There is some reviews about Imam Malik kitab Al-Muwatta.It was hailed by al-Shafi`i as the soundest book on earth after the Qur’an, nearest book on earth to the Qur’an, most correct book on earth after the Qur’an, and most beneficial book on earth after the Qur’an according to four separate narrations. Malik said: "I showed my book to seventy jurists of Madina, and every single one of them approved me for it (kulluhum wâta’ani `alayh), so I named it ‘The Approved’." Imam al-Bukhari said that the soundest of all chains of transmission was "Malik, from Nafi`, from Ibn `Umar." The scholars of hadith call it the Golden Chain, and there are eighty narrations with this chain in the Muwatta’.[8]

Al-Zurqani counted as sixty-nine the number of those who narrated the Muwatta’ directly from Malik, geographically spread as follows: 17 in Madina, among them Abu Mus`ab Ahmad ibn Abi Bakr al-Zuhri, whose version has received a recent edition,2 in Mecca, among them al-Shafi`I,Ten in Egypt, among them `Abd Allah ibn Wahb, `Abd Allah ibn Yusuf al-Tinnisi al-Dimashqi, whose narration al-Bukhari chose, and Dhu al-Nun al-Misri,Twenty-seven in Iraq, among them `Abd al-Rahman ibn Mahdi, whose narration Ahmad ibn Hanbal chose, Yahya ibn Yahya al-Tamimi al-Hanzali al-Naysaburi, whose narration Muslim chose, and Abu Hanifa’s student Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybani, whose version has been published but greatly differs from the others and also contains other than what is narrated from Malik, so that it became known as Muwatta’ Muhammad,Thirteen in al-Andalus, among them the jurist Yahya ibn Yahya al-Laythi "the Sage of al-Andalus" û thus nicknamed by Malik himself û whose version is the most commonly used today and is the version meant by the term

"Malik’s Muwatta’." He is mainly responsible for the spread of the Maliki School in al-Andalus,2 from al-Qayrawan,2 from Tunis,7 from al-Sham.[9]

Imam Malik died at the age of 89 in Medina in 795 and is buried in the famous Jannat ul-Baqi cemetery across from the Masjid al Nabawi. Malik's last words were related by one Ismaa'eel Ibn Abee Uways who said, "Maalik became sick, so I asked some of our people about what he said at the time of his death. They said, `He recited the shahadah (testification of faith), then he recited:Their affair is for Allah, before and after.[10]


mam Shafiee

Abu Abdullah Muhammad Bin Idris al-Shafi’I or Muhammad bin Idris asy-Syafi`i famously called as Imam Shafiee.Born in the year of 767 M,150 H at Gaza,Palestine.

Imam Shafiee was a descended from the Hashimi family of the Quaraish tribe to which the Holy Prophet (SAW) belonged.Imam Shafiee lost his father during infancy and was raised by his mother under very poor circumstances.After his father death,when the age of 2 years old,he and his beloved mother moved to Makkah.He been raised as an orphan.Since small Imam Shafiee has a special ability whereby he can memorized fast.When he was small he memorized many poems,literature and good in Arabic language.During his lifetime,he travelled many places to learn knowledge from scholars from many places such as Makkah, Madinah, Iraq, Baghdad,

Yaman,and Egypt.Mostly Imam Shafiee learn knowledge about Al-Quran and Hadith.[1]

He is the cousin of the Prophet - Allah’s blessings and peace upon him - descending from al-Muttalib who is the brother of Hashim, `Abd al-Muttalib’s father. Someone praised the Banu Hashim in front of the Prophet, whereby he interlaced the fingers of his two hands and said: "We and they are but one and the same thing." Al-Nawawi listed three peculiar merits of al-Shafi`i: his sharing the Prophet’s lineage at the level of their common ancestor `Abd Manaf; his birth in the Holy Land of Palestine and upbringing in Mecca; and his education at the hands of superlative scholars together with his own superlative intelligence and knowledge of the Arabic language. To this Ibn Hajar added two more: the hadith of the Prophet, "O Allah! Guide Quraysh, for the science of the scholar that comes from them will encompass the earth. O Allah! You have let the first of them taste bitterness, so let the latter of them taste reward." Another hadith of the Prophet says: "Truly, Allah shall send forth for this Community, at the onset of every hundred years, someone who will renew their Religion for them." The scholars agreed, among them Abu Qilaba (d. 276) and Imam Ahmad, that the first narration signified al-Shafi`i, and the second signified `Umar ibn `Abd al-`Aziz and then al-Shafi`i.[2]

The great about Imam Shafiee is He memorized Al-Quran at the age of 7..He begin his education at Makkah.His teacher name is Muslim Bin Khalid Az-Zanji,a Mufti in Makkah.He learned about Fiqh and started it about at the age of 15.During that age,His teacher allowed him to come out his own fatwa.Since Imam Shafiee has eagerness or can be said as interest in Fiqh,he also learned from other scholars in Makkah such as Dawud bin Abdurrahman Al-Atthar, Muhammad bin Ali bin Syafi’, Sufyan bin Uyainah, Abdurrahman bin Abi Bakr Al-Mulaiki, Sa’id bin Salim, Fudhail bin Al-Ayyadll and many more.Besides that,Imam Shafiee spend most of his time among the Badwi(groups that live outside Makkah),to acquire a good knowledge of the Arabic language.

At year of 164H,he moved to Madinah.At there he meet with Imam Malik.He studied from Imam Malik until 179H when Imam Malik passed away.When Imam Shafiee study with Imam Malik,he memorized Imam Malik Kitab,which is Al-Muwattha’ within 9 nights.Due to this,Imam Malik impressed with Imam Shafiee ability.During in Madinah,Imam Shafiee expand his knowledge from others scholars also such as Ibrahim bin Sa’ad, Isma’il bin Ja’far, Atthaf bin Khalid, Abdul Aziz Ad-Darawardi.

In the year of 179H,Imam Shafiee work temporary at Yaman at position offered by the Gabenor of Yaman.He been offered work at Yaman,when Imam Shafiee temporary replaced by Imam Maliki to teach students at Masjidil Nabawi at Madinah .During his life at Yaman,he faced a slandereous issue thrown by Syi’ah followers.Due to this,Imam Shafiee sent to jail in Baghdad.Then he faced with Khalifah Harun Ar-Rashid for judgement.During this charges,Imam Shafiee proved truth of himself with excellence of defending himself with concrit points from what he learned and this make Khalifah Harun Ar-Rashid impressed with Imam Shafiee and let free.After that he went to Baghdad after that incident.

Imam Shafiee stay in Baghdad around 184H-186H.At Baghdad,he managed to meet with Muhammad bin Al-Hassan Al-Shaibani,a great follower of Madhab Hanafi and good friend of Imam Abu Hanifah.After that,he went back to Makkah.In here,he spread knowledge he learned from Yaman and Iraq,delivering lectures on Islamic Law and fix many gaps of teaching difference in Madhab Maliki and Hanafi.Due to this,residents in Makkah not accept this teaching a lot because many people use to teaching of Madhab Maliki.Imam Shafiee go back to Baghdad in 194H,and invited being a Qadhi,he reject it and stay in Baghdad for 4 years and during this time he is recognized as an Alim person from Makkah with his own teachings and personaliti.After that,he moved to Egypt,spread his teachings there.

Al-Shafi'i revival movement had many achievements which is he brought people back to follow the Sunnah after a lot of confusion had spread among them.He was committed to relying on evidence, and rejecting blind imitation. He said: "If a hadith is proved authentic, then it becomes my belief." He also said: "If you see that my words contradict the hadith, then apply the hadith and disregard my words."When he saw the opinions of some scholars before him were not based on the Qur'an or the Sunnah, and had no foundations, he worked toward putting the fundamentals of jurisprudence, and wrote down his famous book, Al-Rissalah.He was the first to distinguish and separate between the application of discretion in legal matters (Istihsan), and the juristic reasoning by analogy (Qiyas).He did not confine himself to the knowledge of hadith or fiqh, but he was also well versed in Arabic linguistics, poetry, and genealogy. Al-Karabissi, a famous scholar of the time of Al-Shafi'i said: "I have seen nothing nobler than Al-Shafi'i's study sessions. People of hadith used to attend them as well as people of jurisprudence and poetry. Most of the well-known scholars in poetry and linguistics used to visit him, and they would listen to his discourse on all these disciplines."[3]

Imam Shafiee has view about shi’ites, Imam ash-Shaafi`i said concerning the Shi`ites, "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Raafidite Shi`ites." On another occasion he said, "Narrate knowledge from everyone you meet except the Raafidite Shi`ites, because they invent Hadeeths and adopt them as part of their religion.[4]

Imam Shafiee wrote two of his major kitab which is Al-Rissalah,and kitab Al-Umm. Imam Shafiee stayed in Egypt from 199H-204H.At there he spread his teachings.

Imam Shafiee passed away in Fustat,Egypt in 820 Century/204H at the age of 54 on Friday[5].At that time,Imam Shafiee faced critical hemorrhoids disease. [6]

[6] Wikipedia.

Imam Ahmad

Ahmad bin Hanbal is the name.Born at Baghdad,Iraq in the year 164H/781M.Establish madhab hanbali.According to Muhammad bin ‘Abbas An-Nahwi,”I saw Imam Ahmad bin Hambal,his height not to short,looking handsome,his beard still have some black hair.Wear thick clothes,in whites and wearning turban.His skin colored brown.He married at age of 40 and have two child.Abdullah and Shalih.[1]

He was a distinguished child known for his piety, cleanliness and asceticism. Once, his uncle sent him with several documents containing information about some people to the Caliph's office. Ahmad took those papers and did not see his uncle for a long time. When his uncle eventually met him, he asked him about the documents and discovered that Ahmad – who was then a boy – did not deliver them. When asked why, Ahmad replied: "I wouldn’t hand in those reports, and I have thrown them in the sea!" To this, his uncle replied: "This little boy fears Allah so much! What then of us?" Thus, Ahmad refused to act as an informant, even on behalf of his uncle, due to the fear of Allah that had been instilled in his heart from such a young age.[2]

Imam Ahmad started his education at the early age of 15.When he was 15,he managed to memorize Al-Quran.Since then,he started memorize Hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW.Abu Zur’ah said that Imam Ahmad memorize 12 kitab,million of hadiths.Imam Shafiee describe about Imam Ahmad that ” I left Baghdad and did not leave behind me anyone more virtuous, more learned, more knowledgeable than Ahmad ibn Hanbal.”[3]

He was chiefly interested in acquiring knowledge of hadith and traveled extensively through Iraq, Syria, Arabia and other places in the Middle East studying religion and collecting the ahadeeth of Prophet Muhammad SAW. His travels occupied several years of his early life.After returning home, he became a student of Imam Shafi’ee who taught him the subject of Islamic Fiqh and its fundamentals. This and the fact that he was a scholar of hadith, were responsible for his deep devotion to the textual views on Islam, and his opposition to innovation of any kind.The strength of his faith in Allah and the steadfastness on his understanding of the Deen were tested when under Khalifah al-Mamum and the Khalifah al-Mu’tasim, a Fitnah or a kind of ‘inquisition court’ was created to deal with people among whom were many acknowledged scholars who would not profess the doctrine of “the creation of the Qur’an”. Imam ibn Hanbal too, suffered as a result when he was arrested and brought in chains before the court. But he patiently submitted to corporal punishment and imprisonment and resolutely refused to deviate from his beliefs.[4]

Imam Ahmad being know good in strong in memorization.This show based on a story from Abu Zur’ah.”O Abu Zur’ah,who is stronger in memorization? You or Ahmad bin Hambal?.He answered “Ahmad” .”How do you know?”.Abu Zur’ah answered “I found that in front of his kitab,no names of person who writes Hadith,because he memorize all the names,while I not affordable to do it. Abu Zur’ah also states that “Imam Ahmad bin Hambal memorize 1 million of hadiths”.[5]

Imam Ahmad became the leading authority on the Orthodox doctrine of Islam, which represented the first three blessed generations of Islam, untainted with foreign dogmas. Ahmad’s doctrinal influence can be measured by the fact that, out of the four traditional schools, the Hanbali school alone maintained its own theological view, unlike the Hanafi school which adopted the Maturidi doctrine, or the Shafi’i and Maliki schools that adopted the Ash’ari doctrine. The secret for this was the depth and length at which Ahmad spoke in matters of theology, due to the prevailing unorthodoxy in his age, headed by the Mu’tazilites. Due to this it is noted that there have been, in comparison to other schools, very few Hanbalis who inclined towards unorthodox views, for the copious volume of narrations from Imam Ahmad dealing with specific issues of doctrine made it extremely difficult for his followers to adhere to any other, yet still remain faithful followers.

Imam Ahmad’s doctrine could be summarised as follows:

1) He would believe in the description that Allah gave to himself in the Quran, or inspired the Prophet with, and affirm them at their face value (Dhahir), while generally negating any resemblance between the Creator and the creation.

2) He would vigorously reject negative theology (Ta’til), as well as allegorical exegesis (Ta’wil), with respect to belief in Allah, which was heavily employed by the Jahmites, Mu’tazilites and the Kullabites (later to be known as the Ash’arites) to justify their philosophical approach to God.

3) He believed that Allah Speaks with letters and sound, for he believed every word and letter of the Quran to be the word of Allah, contrary to the Kullabites, who, in their opposition to the Mu’tazilites, affirmed eternal Speech for Allah, yet still agreed with them in that they believed that the Quran, which is composed of letters, was created.

4) He believed that Allah literally Hears and Sees; that He has two Hands with which He created Adam; that Allah has a Face

5) He believed that Allah literally Rose over the Throne after Creating the heavens and the Earth in six days.

6) He believed that Allah is High above and distinct from His creation

7) He believed that Allah is all Knowing, All Wise, All Power and All Able, and that Allah has His own Will, He Does what He likes out of His Wisdom. Whatever Allah has Written and Decreed upon His creation, must come to pass. Nothing leaves His knowledge, or happens without His Permission or Will.

8) He believed that Allah becomes Pleased when obeyed and Displeased when disobeyed.

9) He would regard the Jahmiyah (followers of al-Jahm ibn Safwan), and the Rafidha (the Imami Shias) who curse the Companions, to be disbelievers (Kuffar).

10) He held that the sinners amongst the Muslims are under the threat of Allah's punishment; that if He wishes He may Punish them or Forgive them; Contrary to theKhawarij. He would not declare a Muslim to be a disbeliever (Kafir) on account of his sins, nor would he exclude actions from Iman unlike the Murjia. Once he was asked about those who declare their belief in the five pillars of Islam, yet refuse to perform them; he said, in reply, they are disbelievers (Kuffar).

11) He believed in the miracles that occurred at the hands of the Awliya (pious Muslims) as a favour from Allah.

12) He believed that Abu Bakr is the best of the Companions, followed by Umar, then the six companions chosen by the latter as Ashab al-Shura (members of Shura council): Uthman, Ali, al-Zubair, Talha, ‘Abd al-Rahman b. ‘Awf and Sa’d b. Abi Waqqas; followed by the fighters of Badr from the Emigrants (Muhajirin) and then the Helpers (Ansar).

13) He prohibited discussions on the differences between the Companions or dislike of any of them; for the honour of Companionship with the Prophet – SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa-sallam – is sufficient a virtue to rank them higher than the entire Muslim Ummah until the end of time.[6]

Imam Ahmad has 5 basic juristic principles which is:

Divine text (Nass) from the Quran and the Sunnah was the first point of reference for all scholars of jurisprudence, and in this, Ahmad was not an exception. Whenever he noticed a divine textual evidence for an issue, he never referred to other sources, opinions of the Companions, scholars or resorted to analogical deduction (Qiyas).

Verdicts issued by the Companions were resorted to when no textual evidence was found in the Quran or the Sunnah. The reasons for ranking the verdicts of the Companions after the Quran and the Sunnah are obvious: The Companions witnessed the revelation of the Quran, and its implementation by the Prophet – SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa-sallam, who advised the Ummah to adhere to the rightly-guided caliphs, hence, the Companions ought to have a better understanding than the latter generations.Imam Ahmad, would likewise, never give precedence to a scholarly opinion or analogical deduction (Qiyas) over that of the Companions’, to the extent that if they were divided into two camps over an issue, two different narrations would similarly be documented from Imam Ahmad.

In a case where the Companions differed, he preferred the opinion supported by the divine texts (Nass).

In instances where none of the above was applicable, Ahmad would resort to the Mursal Hadith (with a link missing between the Successor and the Prophet – SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa-sallam) or a weak Hadith. However, the type of weak Hadith that Ahmad relied on was such that it may be regarded as ‘fair’ Hadith due to other evidences (Hasan li Ghairihi), not the type that is deemed very weak and thus unsuitable as an evidence for Law. This was due to the fact that, during his time, the Hadith was only categorised into ‘sound’ (Sahih) and ‘weak’ (Dha’if). It was only after Ahmad, that al-Tirmidhi introduced a third category of ‘fair’ (Hasan).

Only after having exhausted the aforementioned sources would Imam Ahmad employ analogical deduction (Qiyas) due to necessity, and with utmost care.[7]

Some of his teachers were Imam Shaafa'ee, Sayyiduna Bishar bin Al Mufaddal, Sayyiduna Ismail bin Ulayyah, Sayyiduna Jarir bin Abdul Hamid and Sayyiduna Yahya bin Said.The great compilers of Ahadith, Imam Bukhaari and Imam Muslim , including his teacher, Imam Shaafa'ee ,have also reported Hadith from him. Imam Shaafa'ee , in spite of being the most learned in his time, used to refer to Imam Ahmed bin Hambal about certain Ahadith.

Some of his students is Imaam Ahmad's two sons; Saalih and Abdullah, Hanbal Ibn Is'haaq, Hasan Ibn Sabbah Bazzar, Abbas Ibn Muhammad , Muhammad Ibn Ismaa'eel Bukhari, Abu Zur'aa Raazi, Ibrahim Harabi, Husayn Ibn Mansoor, Dawood Ibn Amr, Khalaf Ibn Hishaam, Abul Qaasim Bagawi.

The most famous among his books are: Kitaabul A'maal, Kitaabut Tafseer, Kitaabul Naasikh wal Mansookh, Kitaabul Zahid, Kitaabul Masaa'il, Kitaabul Fadaa'il and Kitaabul Mansiq. His most famous book is his "MUSNAD", a kitab in which he collected about 50 000 to 70 000 Ahadith.[8]

Imam Ahmad bin Hambal, in the later years of his life, was imprisoned and tortured by the ruthless rulers who went against him due to their un-Islamic beliefs and practises. Caliph Mutasim billah forced the Imam to accept the beliefs of the "Mu'tazalis" (a corrupt sect), but he refused, and was beaten to such a degree that his joints were dislocated. He was kept in heavy chains for 30 months in a prison in Baghdad. He still refused to accept the beliefs of the corrupt Mu'tazali Sect and was again beaten till he fell unconscious.

On the 25th of Ramadhan in the year 221 A.H., Caliph Mutasim, in fear of the sin he committed, repented and set the Imam free. Imam Ahmed bin Hambal forgave all the people except the Mutazalis. He passed away in the year 241 A.H. Imaam Ahmad's (R.A) fateful death not only caused grief to Muslims, but also to Jews, Christians and Fire-worshippers. Over 600,000 people attended the Janaaza prayer, and for one week Solah Janaazah was offered at his grave. Imaam Ahmad was 77 years of age when he took leave from this world. [9]



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