Monday, April 18, 2011


Siyam, one of the pillars of Islam, in Arabic word which means to abstain. In the month of Ramadhan, through the hours of fasting, Muslims abstain from food, drinks and sexual activity. The fast also requires the fasting person to abstain from any form of immoral behavior. This should be a true characteristic of the behavior of Muslims at all times.[1]


A Muslim got the meaning of poverty, patient and unselfish. This is because when they fast, they feel the pains of deprivation but endures patiently. The deprivation that they experiences undoubtedly makes them aware of those unfortunate people who are deprived of food and drink for days on end. Not the deepest concentration will enable an individual to feel and sympathy for another individual. By fasting, the barrier between reach and poor are removed. The rich are forced to feel the pangs of hunger. All the Muslims are brought on the same level of enjoying two meals per day. Though the meals are not the same, the pangs of hunger experienced by the rich and the poor are the same. Only the person who undergoes the hardship of hunger and thirst can understand the miseries of the poor. This really teaches man to be mindful of the poor and needy.

Muslim also got strength to against evil. The fact that a Muslim abstains from things made lawful by Allah for a certain period because Allah commands man to prove their love and submission to Him, goes a long way in teaching man to abstain from unlawful things. The doors of evil are closed to man. Man shuns all the evils of life because he indulged in a lesson of life; a lesson which taught him to suppress and conquer the evil physical desires.

Man also got the chance to change the course of their life to a certain extent; for instance, they do not eat three times a day as is their usual habit. Similarly, other changes in their daily activities are changed. When they make the change, they naturally adapt themselves to a new system and move along to satisfy the new rules. This in the long run, develops in them a wise sense of adaptability and they learn how to overcome the unpredictable hardships of life.

Other then that, man also got the real spirit of social belonging, of unity and brotherhood and of equality before Allah. When they fast, they fell that they joining the entire Muslim society in observing the same duty in the same manner at the same time for the same purpose. It appears as if the entire worlds of Muslim on earth are but one and the same family. Furthermore, the fact that all Muslims irrespective of their status must observe fast during the same month, brings into prominence the essential equality of all Muslims and this goes a long way towards creating in them sentiments of love and brotherhood. During Ramadan, evil conceals itself and good comes to the forefront and the whole atmosphere is filled with piety and purity.


It has been pointed out by medical experts that fasting promotes physical and psychological well being of a person. Psychologically, resting increases the functioning capacity of various organs in the body. During fasting, the gastro-intestinal system is in a state of rest. This enables it to undergo adequate repairs and regeneration which increases its function.

Fasting also reduces obesity among people. This condition is no doubt cause by excess feeding among other things, and the numerous complications of this condition include psychological disturbances, infertility, diabetes, hypertension and physical disabilities. The regulation of appetite provided by fasting helps in the prevention and treatment of obesity.

Fasting also helps in controlling sexual promiscuity and sexual transmitted diseases. This is because fasting decreases the level of sex hormones in the brain that increase sexual lipoid. By fasting, all sexually related diseases will be controlled.


With fasting, a Muslim’s spirit rises higher, both in the day and in the night. They are constantly alert and conscious not only about their relationship with the creator but also about their interaction with fellow man. They become more cautious in talking, in walking and in looking. They behave more carefully in public and in privacy.

His mind become more agitated towards good deeds and his conscience grows more active. They are more inclined towards the divine order as prohibitions become more abhorrent to him. Gradually, they thus, build up a nearly perfect spirit that keeps him away from satanic forces. With this spirit, he acquires a special ability with which to instantly dispel all evils and garner every available reward for good deeds. And in that situation, they automatically assume a repentant mood, thereby sweeping away all their past sins and smoothening his way towards the mercy of Allah. In that wise, the effects of Ramadan becomes permanent on them because the sins so swept away cannot return to him unless they relapses back into a low spirit.

Man is naturally spurred to greater height and achievement by several things. For the believers, Ramadan presents an incomparable impetus to achieve a higher status in the sight of Allah. The month of fasting is the season of goodness in which rewards for good deeds are multiplied, bad deeds are forgiven, and people status is raised.[2][3]

As a conclusion, in this month, we sense that there is a possibility for unity, because we all fast together, we break fast together, we all worship Allah together, and insha Allah, we shall pray Eid together. Therefore, we sense that the unity of Muslims is possible, but this will only be achieved when obedience is only to Allah and His Messenger (S.A.W)

[1] Javed Ali, Goodword Books Pvt. Ltd., THE BLESSING OF RAMADAN, page 17

[2] Alhaji A.D. Ajijola, ADAM PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS, 2000, RAMADAN:FASTING (SAWM), page 9,12-15,80-83

[3] Maryam Abdul Majid, Badan Cemerlang Sdn. Bhd., 1999, BIMBINGAN IBADAH, page456-457

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