Tuesday, June 17, 2014


A society needs different people holding different profession so that they can contribute their various skills to the development of their society. But if you look at Muslims they tend to obtain popular and traditional business that give an immediate reward. then, our society could not be developed as a progressive nation and can be left behind anyway. thus, we should try to train our youths of various professions and skills without further delay, so let's have a look at various types of profession including fitness advisor. 
 Health is one of precious gift that Allah S.W.T gives to every human being. Health also has no spare part which means nothing can be replaced our health. Therefore we need to ensure that our health is in a good condition. In order to make sure that our bodies are always healthy, we need to observe our lifestyle in a day including daily activities, types of food that we eat, time of sleep, and also surrounding. Unfortunately, some people have taking this issue as an easy case, in fact it may affect throughout our lives. Thus, as rational people we will think few steps for keep fitness of bodies. Firstly we need to check our activities in a day whether is healthy or conversely. Most people who are working in company ordinarily do not move too much, since they spend all their time in front of laptops inside the office and under the air conditioner. This situation will not make office people healthy because they are not sweating. Sweating is the process to remove toxin from human body which is very crucial if not people are easier to get illness. Hence, people who are not move too much in doing their jobs are advises to do exercise twice in a week. Secondly, types of food where it is most important among others. This is because in this globalize era there are various types of unhealthy food such as snack, fast food and more. All those foods actually have additional flavor, imitation color, additional color and etc. In real, those flavors will give some bad effects towards people especially student which student will not able to memorize well. Third is about time of sleep. The ideal duration of time for sleep is six to seven hours for adult and eight hours for children. Enough time of sleep will help our brains generate effectively. Lastly is surrounding around us where give some affects as well. If our surrounding is clean, so probability to be healthy person is high otherwise if our surrounding is dirty, so we are easily to be invaded by diseases. In short, if we are always put much effort on taking our health in best condition, so fitness of our body will long lasting.[1]

Fitness is very important for everyone because people required a lot of energy to do works every day especially during weekdays where most people are using extra energy. For example, school children need to attend classes every Monday to Friday, meanwhile working people need to go to works everyday as well. Thus, we have done a lot of movements which need enough energy.  Furthermore, fitness helps people to complete jobs perfectly since health lifestyle promise a great day for everybody no matter whom they are, even though being an old man also. Thus, everyone is able to complete their works happily without any health problems that can ruin all jobs. In short, it gives positive impact not only for self but also all things around us. Generally, fitness means a set of attributes that people achieve that relates to the ability of doing physical activity. People do not know what is the actual meaning for fitness.In reality, most people believe fitness is all about run a long distance, go to gym, doing extreme activities, lift a lot of weight and more, in fact it is more than that. Actually fitness is made up of five main components which are cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition and flexibility. These five elements are very important and everyone is advised to bear in mind all those five things.[2]

Furthermore, to make up all five components that had been mentioned above are need its equipment. Normally people are able to find the equipment in gym Centre. Moreover, nowadays there are variety types of fitness equipment that people can get. For instance, exercise bike, glider walker, treadmill, bicep curl, rowing machine, and many more. Thus, all fitness activities will be more easy and effective. Hence, people are likely to live in healthy surrounding every day. Unfortunately, those items are very costly because normally the price is almost thousand ringgit. Yet, who afford to buy the equipment is pretty good since they no need to go to gym for doing fitness activity. However, to be fit is not only concern about daily life activities, but it also related to what food that people taking in a day. In order to keep fit, we need to take healthy food as well since today most diseases are come from unhealthy food such as fast food, oily food and etc. Therefore, people need to take food that full of nutrition which actually is not too costly. For instance, chillies and coriander are able to treat sinus headache. Besides that, strawberry, blueberry and raspberry can also supply vitamin C to power health and immunity. Thus, healthy body will ensure happily life. As people know that food also will give some effects to our fitness .In the Holy Al-Quran, Allah S.W.T already mentioned, we need to find the good food to be eaten. “ We send down (stage by stage) in the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss”[ Al-Isra:82] , “ O ye who believe ! Eat of the good things that we have provided for you, and be grateful to Allah, if it is Him ye worship” [Al-Baqarah:172], “ He hath only forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine and that on which any other name hath been invoked besides that of Allah. But if one is forced by necessity, without wilful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits-then is the guiltless. For Allah is Oft-forgiving Most Merciful” [Al-Baqarah:173] .This is because, all foods that we taking will be our flesh and blood which actually affect our day. The good food means, all aspect is permitted including the source of the food. So that, people who are taking the good food will be blessed by Allah S.W.T and people who are taking prohibited food will get the punishment in hereafter. Furthermore, who are taking permitted food will always in healthy, whereas people who are taking prohibited food are easier to get hard diseases. [3]

There are a lot of benefits that contributed by fitness advisor towards ummah. Firstly, by advising, it helps Muslim people to be stronger enough to take on all responsibilities in this world. Allah has assigned to human being to be khalifah which means we need to conduct this world to seek the pleasure of Allah S.W.T for our supplies on Judgement Day. So that, fitness advisor plays an important role in building up the spirit among Muslim people. Thus, Muslim people are able to carry on the khalifah responsibilities perfectly. One of the khalifah responsibilities is managing this world properly. Next, Muslim people can also do the obligatory duties well since all Muslim people have great health. Moreover, what is very crucial is to spread Islam all over the world, so others will view Islam clearly. Based on that, all Muslim people must always fit themselves. Hence, there are a lot of good things that people might get from Fitness advisor.[4]

Everyone needs to give full attention on his health level, because there is a lot of information about fitness that need to be aware. People who are not bothering about their body condition will regret in future. It is not wrong just to have a short time warming up, namely aerobic as long as we do the exercise activities to make our fitness of body good, since to ensure our heart beat not too slow. Normally, people tend to miss all important benefits behind the fitness. Here is all the benefits that everybody can get which are improves and strengths the cardiorespiratory system, next decrease the mortality rate from chronic disease, then helps to preserve lean body tissue, raises levels of energy, prevents or delays the development of high blood pressure in people with hypertension and etc. Realising or not there are a lot of wise things that everyone actually can grab it. It actually depends on people attitudes whether they are concerned or not with the precious gift that Allah S.W.T given. Allah S.W.T says in Al-Quran in surah Al-Ra’d ayah number 11 which is “Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls)” .Therefore, Allah S.W.T will never help us in improving our health condition if we are not strive or put huge effort as well to get better health. Healthy is a great bounty, so as Muslim people we need to praise to Allah S.W.T with make sure that we care ourselves, so that we can use this bounty to perform a lot of I’badah. For instance, five times prayer in a day, fasting during Ramadhan, do charity activities, performing hajj and else. All those activities need enough energy and fitness of body. How can we help other people if we are not health. Thus, we have released from doing good things.[5]

Next, problems are normal for human being because without test in our life, human tend to forget where they are come from. Forgetting is the weak of human which it is nature of human being. This is because, if we have not been tested we will easily influence to the bad things. Hence, all problems that we face are become our based to make sure that we not repeating the same mistakes in future. In addition, we need to be patient people in solving our problems because Allah S.W.T loves patient people. Allah S.W.T had promises that He will help patient people to endure all obstacles. It same goes to fitness advisor whereas there is few problems that fitness advisor needs to settle. For instance, in handling the clients since everybody has no identical behaviour. Thus, as fitness advisor, he or she must be ready to face all kinds of customer behaviours as well as need to be brave to lecture or consult them. Some people might have a bad attitude, thus as Muslim people Fitness advisor need to have high patience. Allah S.W.T had mentioned a lot of times in Al-Quran to human being to be patience in every problems. In hadith of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W also said that “the best thing in the believer is patient and grateful.” Thus, it is worth if people are implanting the patient behaviour in self. Therefore, if we are able to endure all problems with high patient, all the problems will be solved easily because patient people are thinking rationally and smartly. So that , all decisions that they made is relevant to solve all problems occur besides doing prayer. In Islam,  prayer is the most accurate weapon to settle everything, so all Muslim people must grab this opportunity. Moreover, there are  a few selected time which is suitable to do prayer because at those time the probability our prayer will be accepted is high.

In general, having the healthy body is actually gives abundant of advantages. Some of it are worthy until hereafter. The list of fitness advantages are, people can do their jobs efficiently, people might have happy life, they are able to do all activities such as doing sport activities like badminton, football, basketball, tennis, jogging, hiking and more extreme activities. In fact, doing the job is also a part of I’badah as long as it does not against law of Islam. Our job can be a part of Ibadah, if we do not make our office mate in trouble. Moreover, we always sincere in doing the job, means put much effort on it with give full attention on the job. Not only that, people who are not neglecting obligatory practise even though they are working will be granted by Allah S.W.T with rewards.  Then, other advantage is if our fitness of body is been controlled properly, people can also help other people who are disabilities. Not all human being have lucky fate, so people who are more lucky need to help this kind of human. A good Muslim will help his relatives which other Muslim is considered as our relative in Islam. So, we need to lend help to them. From that, Muslim people have done their charity for provision after death. In addition, Allah S.W.T promises in Al-Quran that he will reward whoever done the kindness matters even though the good deed is only in micro size. This is because, it does not be measured by it quantity but by it quality which means level of sincerity of someone.  Allah S.W.T also will ease our works and give us the helpers during trouble time. Hence, obviously there is no disadvantages take place on doing fitness for our bodies since it is not only beneficial to ourselves but to ummah as well.

50 years back people are not so familiar with the word fitness yet, nowadays most people go to gym every weekends to maintain the health and fitness of body.  It is good to fill our free time with those healthy activities and very useful. However, all things that we done must followed with proper intention. It is good if people go to gym with no intention to show off to others who are not affordable to use all fitness facilities. Furthermore, show off attitude is considered as rude and unethical, because we tend to make other people feeling sad and angry with our behaviours. Moreover,  if the intention is wrong it also will lead to arrogant feeling inside human being. Our religion teach us to be humbled to everybody, because to prevent others feeling being hurt. If we are not bother about other Muslims feeling, we will lost because Allah S.W.T will not rewarding us even though taking care of our health is considered as I’badah as well. Therefore, to be rewarded by Allah S.W.T it is good we do the fitness is because of Him not because of the trend in this modern day. Muslim people need to think further, need to study the cause and effect of being arrogance people. Instead of being hated by people, they also will lead to anger of Allah S.W.T. In contrast, people who are not afford to go to gym, they can also do fitness activity by own without using the equipment. To illustrate, people can do as mentioned before aerobic exercise, or other movement. Dancing as well will help to maintain the fitness of body. In conclusion, even though some people cannot go to gym, they can also find other alternative to replace the equipment in doing fitness activities which actually more interesting.[6]

As we know that doing fitness is also considered as I’badah because we do something worthy. We make sure our body is always healthy so that we can perform I’badah and also if our body are healthy, so we are able to perform prayer and other I’badah also better. Furthermore, to be blessed in doing fitness activities we  need to keep remembering Allah S.W.T by doing zikir as symbol of thankful. Thus, we are gaining our good deeds to seek more pleasure from Allah S.W.T. Moreover, we can also do the aerobic activities by using Quranic ayah as background music. Hence, our body system will run smoothly because of the miracle power of the Quranic ayah. Furthermore, in doing activity of aerobic we can follow the movement in our prayer and implant in aerobic movement because people nowadays including non-muslim has known about the miracle behind the prayer movement which it gives a lot of benefits, as example while doing prostration, actually all blood will go through to our brain and from that it will supply more oxygen to brain. Thus, our brains are able to be functioned well. Moreover, instead of getting only a reward because of fitness activity, we can gain more rewards because we implant Islamic lifestyle in our daily life. So, every second of our time will be full of rewards, insha ALLAH .  In addition, it is relevant for authorities to create separation of fitness centre between two genders, male and female. Moreover, it is great if there any fitness centre which special for Muslim people only, because at least it will contribute to improvement of Islam environment in our country. Therefore, all activities will bless by Allah S.W.T.[7]

Last but not least, Everyone has their own view and opinion as well. As for western people, they thought that fitness activities is for making our body has a great looking with the curve that everyone dreams. Next, they just believe that fitness activity is to improve physical health. Thus, western people are just thinking the physical benefits only. They cannot recognise what is benefit behind that which means other than what people always see. Meanwhile, Muslim people think both sides of benefit of ensuring fines of our bodies which are spiritual and also physical. What it means by thinking of spiritual is, Muslim people thank to Allah S.W.T as He gives us gift of health, thus as sign of thankful we do fitness activity to maintain healthy. So, it shows that Muslim people are appreciating the gift from Him. Spiritually also tend to make Muslim people have the high spirit to compete each other to collect all good deeds before the time is arrive which is death. Muslim people also think about physically benefit, other than what western people thinking, Muslim people thought that having a good fitness body will lead to happy life not only now but also in future.  Lastly, to conclude everything has pros and cons, has the negative side as well as positive side where is smart people or thinking people will try harder to maximize benefit and minimize cost. So, in doing any activities, as Muslim people we must analyse first, to know whether the thing is relevant or not with our religion, Islam. We need to make sure that everything that we do , the aspect is related to Islam. Not only that , we are also need to think about how to expand Islam as well because it is more good.[8]

[2] Sharon A.Hoeger –Principle for fitness and wellness –Thomson Wadsworth -2006
[3] Al-Isra (82), Al-Baqarah(172 & 173)
[4] Susannah-1001 ways to stay young naturally-DK-2007-page 171&178
[5] Sharon A.Hoeger-Principle for fitness and wellness-Thomson Wadsworth-2006
[6] Sharon A.Hoeger-Principle for fitness and wellness-Thomson Wadsworth-2006
[8] Susannah-1001 ways to stay young naturally-DK-2007

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