Friday, June 20, 2014


When we talked about music, everyone know it. But what exactly music is? What is the view of Islam towards music? Is it good or bad? or maybe is it forbidden in Islam or not? Before we talked about music in detail, the first thing that we have to know is what is the meaning of music. Music, according to the New National Dictionary means “Art of combining sounds or sequences of notes into harmonious patterns pleasing to the ear and satisfying to the emotions; melody”. It means rhythm, melodic and harmonic that could affect the emotions in various type.
 Technically, it also includes the pleasant sound such as song of a bird, murmur of a stream and cry of hounds. In Islam, music is called (Ghina’) and The Sheriat has defined ‘Ghina’ in different ways. In Islam, vocal music means: “Prolongation and vibration of sound with variation of the pitch to such an extent that people may say that he/she is singing”. For more information, the musical instruments can be divided into two categories : (1) The instrument which are exclusively used for ‘vain’, i.e., disapproved purposes. (2) The instruments which are used sometimes for approved, and sometimes for dis-approved purposes. For example drum which may use for military purpose in Jihad, and also used for merry-making and dancing. However, people may say that music is a modern-type of concept for entertainment nowadays. But how many of them actually know the real origin of music which is may be used in ancient time.
            No doubt that music is one of the most ancient methods of merry-making and enjoyment. Music can be called ‘international language’ because it encompasses the whole world. In the authority of Imam Jafer Sadique (a.s) that when Hadhrat Adam (a.s) died, his infamous son Cain (Quabil) and Satan were very happy. Both gathered at a place and invented some musical instruments to celebrate the death of Hadhrat Adam (a.s).
And, in the words of Imam (a.s), all such musical things which people now use for merry-making have originated from that (Wallahula’lam). So, religion and anthropology both are agreed that music is a very ancient thing; and, therefore, no wonder it has spread widely with the spread of human race. Some of us may think that to know the origin of music is not important. What can you do if you know the origin of music, do you can still avoid music from yourself or can you avoid music from the community? There are some reason why I’m choosing this topic.  When we talked about music, it is very subjective and would be defined in different ways of many Islamic scholars. Some of them said that music is ‘haram’ but some of them have different view. Nowadays, music is like a common entertainment for people to avoid them for stress or make their emotion happy.
 I’m choosing this topic because I would like to know more about Islamic view through music. If music is not ‘haram’, what kind of music that can be listened? Otherwise, some of use might think that we can only hear the nasyid song, but, what about the teenagers that didn’t like it? If these teenagers like the blues, rock or k-pop music, is it ‘haram’ for them to listen to it? There are many problems occur when we talked about music today’s. Our Islamic leaders have does their best to control the problem of teenagers towards music. It is not simple as what we think. Some research said that music have the harmful effect to our body. Is it true? If it was true, is this was the reason that Islam forbids music? So, we will look forward towards the effect of music to our body.

            Some research said that music have bad effects to our nervous system. Before explaining its effects on nerves, it is necessary to briefly describe about our nervous system. Firstly, there are two major divisions of the automatic nervous system and there are called the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Most internal organs of our body are supplied with both parasympathetic and sympathetic nerve system. In general, these two types of nerves work in opposite ways.
The researcher found that sympathetic stimulation causes a number of events : widening air passage leading to the lungs, a general slowing down of movements in the intestinal tract, an increase in the force and rate of heart-beat and release of the blood sugar from the liver. All these activities prepare the human being for emergencies, such as running or fighting. While parasympathetic nerves system works the opposite ways. The co-operation of the two systems is essential for maintaining the equilibrium of the body which in turn has a great bearing and effect on the physical and mental health of man.
It proves that some actions outside human body can adversely affect the natural equilibrium of these two systems, which is music. Music stimulates mostly the sympathetic nervous system; and it may create insomnia (lack of sleep) ; it may cause tempers to flare up; sudden laughter or nonsensical talks are amongst its possible effects. It may even lead to mania (a kind of madness).
With these kind of effects of music to our body, do we think that music is still needed in our life? Are we brave to take the risk to listen to music with this kind of effects. Let us see, the philosophical view in Islam towards music. Is there any bad view of music in the philosophical point of view in Islam?     
According to the philosophy of Islam, man has been endowed with two main faculties: (1) Intellect; and; (2) Emotions. Emotions may be divided into two categories which is ‘Desire’ and ‘Anger’. Intellect has been designed by Allah to guide and control the remaining two. For example, the ambition to get rich is the result of desire. But, it is the Intellect which guides the man that the wealth should be obtained by honest labour, hard work and not by robbery or fraud. Likewise, the Anger inspires a man to resist pain. But, it is the Intellect that tells him, for example, to submit to the surgical operation, so that he may avoid greater pain.
So, it has been already described that the music is among those things which boost the emotions and arouse the sensual powers beyond their natural limit. Music gives desire or anger an upper hand, and makes them dominant over the Intellect. As has been shown with a few examples, this state could reach a stage where Intellect ceases to function altogether; man becomes the slave of his emotions – desire and anger.
A time will comes to a man forgets his Creator and does not remember the real aim of his life just because of the music. These are what we can get from the philosophical view of Islam towards music. Likewise, how about the ethical view of Islam towards music? Is the result will be similar as stated in the philosophical view of Islam?
When we talked about music, it always been related with the singer, dancer and musician. Connected with it, is the effect of music on the ethics and moral. There are some questions that could be asked for those who are intoxicated with music: Why those engaged in singing or dancing profession almost always sink to the lowest level of immorality? ; Why the singer male or female change their wives and husbands with every change of weather? ; Why martial sanctity and conjugal bliss are words without meaning in the world of singers and dancers? It has been explained before that music can affect our emotion – desire or anger.
 For the profession that includes the term of music, their emotions are not stable. There are always conflicts or gossips among the singers or dancers. These prove the lack of morality among them. These are not what Islam what for it follower’s to be. The true community of Islam is not having the morality problems.
Yes, of course there are musicians or singers in Islam. But, did we see they are having morality problems? The ethical view of Islam towards music is a man must not over react towards its music profession that could cause him any problem. As long as you control your Intellect you could enjoy the music, but how many of us could control it? Otherwise, our children also attract with the music todays. Is music has the same effect to the children as the adults? Can we play any music instruments music to a child?            
It is no secret that the songs, music and even films depend upon sex-appeal for their success. The more suggestive a music, the more its market value. Also, it is no secret that building the character of the children begins from their very tender age. If they are exposed to obscene music and suggestive dances in their childhood, their entire outlook on the matters of sex, morality and marriage-sanctity will become jaundiced.
They will lose the capacity to distinguish between moral and immoral, modesty and immodesty, chastity and promiscuity.  Some people think that children do not understand this but they are surely wrong. Thus, by listening to the songs and seeing the dance on television, we ruin the moral uprightness of our children. Children are given to us by Allah as a trust, and that we are responsible to give them such a train that they will become a good Muslim and virtuous servants of Allah. That’s why we have to very take care of our child.
 However, the question occurs about any Ayats from Qur’an towards music. Are they any Ayats about music? Of course The Qur’an has it.
            Now, the time has come to give some of the Ayats of The Qur’an on this subject. First Ayat “So, abstain from the pollution of the Idols and abstain from the false –vain- words” (22:30). The Arabic word ‘Zoor’ have several meaning which is vain. According to Imam Jafer Sadique (a.s.) “pollution of the Idols” means Chess; and “vain words” means music.
Some Muslims believe that Music is prohibited/sinful in Islam.  According to Islam: Music that leads to sinful acts such as drugs, sex, violence, etc... is absolutely sinful in Islam.  But otherwise, how would it be sinful when Allah Almighty Himself allowed it to Prophet David peace be upon him?
Narrated Abu Musa : "That the Prophet said to him 'O Abu Musa! You have been given one of the musical wind-instruments of the family of David.’ (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Virtues of the Qur'an, Volume 6, Book 61, Number 568)" 
Let us look at Noble Verse 4:163 "We have sent thee inspiration, as We sent it to Noah and the Messengers after him: we sent inspiration to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, to Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and to David We gave the Psalms." 
Let us look at Noble Verse 17:55 "And it is your Lord that knoweth best all beings that are in the heavens and on earth: We did bestow on some prophets more (and other) gifts than on others: and We gave to David (the gift of) the Psalms." 
In the above Saying (Hadith) and Noble Verses, we clearly see that Allah Almighty did send the Book of Psalm to Prophet David peace be upon him.  We also see that Allah Almighty called that Book a gift.  If Allah Almighty allowed David peace be upon him and his followers to sing and play music, then how could we then claim that music is sinful and prohibited?  
 Next Ayat “Indeed successful are the believers- those who in their prayer are humble and those who keep themselves aloof from Vain (words and deeds).” (23:1-3). “Laghv” (Vain words and actions) : The first Imam Ali (a.s.) said that ‘All that is void of the remembrance of Allah is ‘Laghv’’. According to other authentic traditions of Imams , ‘Laghv’ means all useless entertainment, wasteful of time, among which music has been specifically mentioned. Also, included in this term are vain games played just to while away the time.
Lastly, Ayat “And the servants of The Merciful Allah are those……… who bear not witnessto what is false, and when they pass by what is vain, they pass with dignity” (25:72). The words ‘Zoor’ and ‘Laghv’ have been explained earlier. According to the traditions of The Imams (a.s.), the first part may also be translated in this way: “who do not witness what is vain” and accordingly, it has been interpreted in the exegesis of The Qur’an as “do not listen to music”. That’s for Ayats in Qur’an towards music. Before that, what about any tradition from The Prophet or Imams (a.s.) regarding this topic. Are there any of it? Let us see about it.      
The Holy Prophet of Islam, describing the signs of the Day of Judgement said: “Verily, amongst the sign of the Hour is that people will neglect prayer (will not pray in the preferred time), and will follow their desires…….. In those days, there will be people who will learn The Qur’an for others than Allah (for earning worldly benefit), and will treat Qur’an as musical instrument (as is happening today in Islamic countries where Qur’an is recited on the radio just to entertain the listeners)………. and will adore musical instruments, and will dislike enjoining the good and forbidding the evil…….. These are the people who will be called unclean and dirty in the kingdom of heaven”.
 Imam ibn Hazm referred to a hadith that forbade music as fabricated (Beliefnet p.2).The Tariqat Gul Nur Jihaniyya (Sufi) informs us that the ulema (scholars) of early Islam accepted musical recitation in Islamic poetry - as it emphasized the expressive and artistic manner of rhythmic speech - e.g. chants, song, sacred music and rhetoric.
 What Prophet Muhammad (saw) did not approve of was :a) The clapping of hands in public performances of either a religious or secular nature; but he allowed artistic clapping. b) Sensual singing and dancing by both male and females in public taverns (Tariqat, p.2). 
Some of the tradition was Muhammad bin Abi Ibad was known to indulge in music and liquor. He once asked Imam Ali Ar-Ridha (a.s.) about listening to music. Imam said: Some people in Hijaz have their own view about it; but that view was absolutely wrong. Have you not heard the word of Allah ‘when they pass by what is vain they pass in dignity’? Imam Jaffer Sadique (a.s.) also has said: “Music is the nest of hypocrisy”. That’s some of the tradition that we can related to the music. So, maybe that’s what we can get through this topic and it is true that music can influence us in our life.
In the light of the above, it is clear that the religious texts that stand as a basis for those who maintain that singing is haram are either ambiguous or inauthentic. None of the hadiths attributed to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is valid as evidence on the judgment of prohibition. Moreover, all these hadiths are declared ‘weak’ by the followers of Ibn Hazm, Malik, Ibn Hanbal, and Ash-Shafi`i. 
In his book, Al-Ahkam, Al-Qadi Abu Bakr Ibn Al-`Arabi says, “None of the hadiths maintaining that singing is prohibited are considered authentic (by the scholars of the Science of Hadith Methodology).” The same view is maintained by Al-Ghazali and Ibn An-Nahwi in Al-`Umdah. Ibn Tahir says, “Not even a single letter from all these Hadiths was proved to be authentic.” Ibn Hazm says, “All the hadiths narrated in this respect were invented and falsified.”It is a very ignorant and misguided attitude to percieve music as a form of pleasure and passing of time, since the messages of today`s music follow a general theme of love, fornication, drugs and freedom. 
We find that the whole world is obsessed with the kufr idea of freedom, i.e. freedom of speech, freedom of movement, etc. In modern schools  and universities, we observe independence, free expression and secular thinking being encouraged. This idea of freedom, “ It`s my life, I`ll do what I want” is a predominant, underlying theme of today`s music. It is being used as a means for drilling those modern ideologies that are totally contrary to Islamic Shariah and values, into the minds of Muslims. One should abstain from evil audacities such as listening to music and encourage others to do the same too. 
Often people are heard to say: “But music has so much influence upon our feelings; so why such a thing should be forbidden?” But it is precisely because of its great influence upon heart and mind that it is forbidden. There would have been no need to ban it if it were without any effect. It has been shown that music have effects upon our physiologically, spiritually and ethically – upon human beings. However what is to be decided is whether its influence is good or bad. For the musicians or singers, they must give a good influence to the community through their music. Maybe with some of their good music can make a man remembrance to its Creator. There are no such things as bad profession to human. Just human needs to use his/her profession to give influence to the Muslim community for having a good Akhlak. That’s why music is a nature in our life, but we as Muslim must control it with the Intellect that has been given from Allah.

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