Sunday, June 29, 2014


       In this modern era, humans all over the world use media as their way of communicating. Majority of the people in the world use media and only minority of humans used letters and all kind of ways. Nowadays, media has been used every day, every minute, every second. People use media in television to give all the information that the people need to know. Amongst all the mass media today, television attracts the largest number of viewers. Its audience is greater in size than any of the other media audiences. This is because television is able to attract the audiences of all age groups, literate and illiterate and of all the strata of the society. Media programmes give impacts and people listen to them.
       Media has lot of responsibility on its shoulders as today's society is very much influenced by the role of media. People believe in what media projects to them. People change their minds according to the information provided through it. In the past when the media was not so strong people were quite ignorant about what is happening around them. But today we come to know very quickly what is happening around us. People have the access to all the international news channels that provide them the facts and figures. People should use their brain to think carefully about what the media is talking about.
       Media in television is a way of communicating news or information and a way of expressing something through television which are intended to reach a large audience by mass communication. In other words media is the source of information and communication. Mass communication is the study of how individuals and entities relay information through mass media to large segments of the population at the same time. Media in television have reach a large audience which is more than billions of people.
       News in television media let the people to be aware about things that are happening whether it is a good thing or not. Media work to educate the people, to help the people and to liberate the people and to empower the people. Media in television gives much information needed by human beings. Media has the responsibility to educate people in a positive way. It has the responsibility to give fair analysis and information. Television is considered as a mirror of a nation's personality. It can recall the past, dwell upon the present and peep into the future of a society. This role of television is all the more relevant to a country like India, having continental dimensions and innumerable diversities.

       Media could give impacts to humans whether it is positive impacts or negative impacts. The positive impacts are humans can easily get the information and news about the world in seconds. They will never miss what is happening in the country and in the world. They will know many things. Media can transform the whole society especially in developing countries. However, media in television can also give negative impacts to the people. Sometimes, media does not portray the real things happened in the world.
       Media should portray the real facts. They should not transform the reality. Media plays a very important role in the building of a society. Media has changed the societies of world so much that we can't ignore its importance. The growth in television both in technology and reach in the last three decades has been phenomenal. It was basically conceived as a mass medium and a mass educator for its large population scattered in remote and culturally diverse areas.
        The importance of media is to spread and disseminate the message across to a wider audience. Many people will know about the message. Next, it provides free publicity and exposure for not only your news, announcement, event or request but for a group or organisation as well. Besides, it can help establish a group as "legitimate", and its activities as important or notable. Gaining coverage in the media is a great way of providing a group and its activities with greater credibility and that has a lot to do with the thought processes of the public which monitor and "consume" the media each day.
       Viewers who find out about something in the media automatically place a greater level of credibility to it than if they saw it in a paid advertisement. Moreover, media can increase someone’s profile among the general public. Media coverage can build someone’s profile in the community, which means may be able to attract more members, donors, fundraisers, supporters, helpers and many more. There is no doubt about the fact that the technology has given us a major tool in television.
      It is a very powerful persuasive mass communication medium.  How and why we make use of this tool will determine the effectiveness of this tool to enhance the development process. The media is not only an important source of news and opinions but also entertainment. Most young people usually turn on the television for movies, MTV and other entertainment programs. They should use television media to add information to their own good.  The ability of the media to reach a wide audience with a strong and influential message has the potential to have a strong social and cultural impact upon society.

       Television, being an audio-visual medium, brings us into contact with events in an exciting and clarifying way. For example, a live telecast of a national event such as celebration of golden jubilee year of independence, or launching of a satellite, offers meaning to the events that no amount of reading or still pictures or even films could match. However, this incomparable quality of reality and immediacy is not found in all television programmes, especially those programmes which are prepared specifically for education purposes.
      In a country like India where population and illiteracy are the burning problems, electronic media provides tremendous reach for disseminating audio-visual information even in remote areas. India has diverse cultures, religions and traditions. Therefore, medium like television can play a very important role in developing common understanding among the people and bringing them closer. It opens up the prospects of educating villagers in the remotest areas, in the affairs of the nation and associating them in the task of development, along with creating wider vision of the world.
       Saxena says, "Television in India has acquired today newer dimensions, greater popularity and a much wider reach. The moving images of television fascinate people, demand attention and eventually influence their thoughts and behaviour. The small screen has indeed turned out to be large enough to compress, within itself, India's tremendous cultural diversity over a rather broad social spectrum. Television has become part of our popular culture-part of our life itself (IV).  
        In many Asian nations, there are limits to press freedom. Although the media is allowed to present news and its views as well as perspectives, it is barred from providing news that can potentially create unrest and violence. The government has instituted the Official Secrets Act and Internal security act that allows it to detain anybody including those working in the media for inciting racial or religious violence. However, there is still a degree of freedom in these countries' press compared to other more conservative countries. We have access to news from all around the world and readers are invited to send their views and contributions to be published in the media.
       In many Asian nations, there are limits to press freedom. Although the media is allowed to present news and its views as well as perspectives, it is barred from providing news that can potentially create unrest and violence. The government has instituted the Official Secrets Act and Internal security act that allows it to detain anybody including those working in the media for inciting racial or religious violence.
        James Paradis is the Robert M. Metcalfe Professor of Writing and Humanistic Studies and Head of CMS. He works on problems of the mutually-influential rise of professionalism and vernacular culture, the public reception of science, and the way in which fields of expertise are represented in popular media. His methods are comparative, and draw on cultural studies, biographical approaches, intellectual history, and the history of rhetoric to study science popularization, science fiction, science education, two-culture controversies, science as entertainment, and vernacular science.
       In Germany two main branches of Media Theory or Media Studies can be identified. The first major branch of media theory has its roots in the humanities and cultural studies, such as theater studies ("Theaterwissenschaft") and German language and literature studies. This branch has broadened out substantially since the 1990s. And it is on this initial basis that media studies in Germany has primarily developed and established itself. One of the early publications in this new direction is a volume edited by Helmut Kreuzer, Literature Studies - Media Studies (Literaturwissenschaft – Medienwissenschaft), which summarizes the presentations given at the "Düsseldorfer Germanistentag" 1976. The second branch of media studies in Germany is comparable to Communication Studies. Pioneered by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann in the 1940s, this branch studies mass media, its institutions and its effects on society and individuals.
       In my opinion, amongst all the mass media today, television attracts the largest number of viewers. Its audience is greater in size than any of the other media audiences. This is because television is able to attract the audiences of all age groups, literate and illiterate and of all the strata of the society. In India, from the beginning i.e. 1989, television has been used more for education and information purposes than for entertainment. It has performed different functions as compared to the television in west.
       Even today, though commercials have entered Indian television in a big way, its basic purpose has not changed. It continues to perform its function of national integration and development. Media plays a vital role in every one's life. In today's modern society media has become a part and parcel of our life. Its duty is to inform, educate and entertain. It is considered as the 4th pillar of our society. They put their lives in danger like in times of terrorist attacks or natural calamity just to inform us about it. Media is a bridge between the governing bodies and general public. Media makes people easy to communicate with government.
       In conclusion, televisions gave big impact to the society, the country and the world. Obviously, it is very important to the people nowadays. It has the capability to reach simultaneously millions and millions of our people. Since it can transmit not only words but pictures as well, the significance of television as a medium of mass communication has universally been realised and recognised. The media is not only an important source of news and opinions but also entertainment.
      Most young people usually turn on the television for movies, MTV and other entertainment programs. The adults however, prefer news and more educational programs. Thus, the media plays an important role in our lives as we cannot envisage a life without the daily reporting of national, regional and international news. It would be like returning to the Stone Ages. However, consumers must ensure the news reported in the media is accurate and not one-sided by looking at its contents critically and voicing their views on certain issues.
       No doubt, media has reduced the communication gaps amongst the people living in the far areas but unfortunately, media these days has become a commercialized sector, eying the news which is hot and good at selling. The goal is to gain the television rating points. It is a powerful and flexible tool that influences the public to a great extent. Media is voice of the voiceless and a great force in building the nation.
       Thus, the media plays an important role in our lives as we cannot envisage a life without the daily reporting of national, regional and international news. It would be like returning to the Stone Ages. However, consumers must ensure the news reported in the media is accurate and not one-sided by looking at its contents critically and voicing their views on certain issues. Media gives benefits to the people by giving information about everything that happen in this country and even in the world.
       Media gave great impact to the people in the world. The media is undoubtedly a significant and influential aspect in modern day society. As a means of communication in a world very much advanced in technology, the media touches all types of people. The people within society must sort through the many bits of information fed to them and unfortunately, in most cases, all bits of media are taken as the whole truth.
       Though, a lot of states claim to be democratic and have the freedom of speech, censorship is still being exercised there. That’s why the same events are reflected differently in different countries. This is done in order to satisfy the interests of governmental officials, who strive to gain as much power over people as possible. And it seems natural, because it is what government was created for – to rule the people.

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