Thursday, June 19, 2014


Primary learning begins at home but secondary and formal learning starts from school. The school is considered as a second home for the most kids. Teachers are one of the more influential people in the lives of our children. Teachers are those who impart education to students who will be tomorrow’s leaders. A teacher is a leader, who a lead knows exactly what the world needs, what her student needs. Basically, teacher in school teaches about the academic standard or just following the national curriculum, but a good teacher also teaches understands the human aspects of living. A teacher who enters the profession because he is keen on education, or who makes decisions about teaching on educational grounds, would manifestly not be relying on the earlier undifferentiated concept; for this could provide no grounds whatever for doing anything in particular.[1] Every profession in this world has their aims to achieve their target including becoming a teacher. Teacher and education are related each other. The aim of education is to produce specialized knowledge[2]. A teacher could be clear about his aims as an educator to develop professionally on a person level and through the use of programs, learn to assess my progress and teaching strategies, stay motivated, and develop leadership skills. 
            The arrangement teacher and society are always connected each other. Teacher should be proud of his culture, his national dress and his national language and should be a missionary, a mentor, a reformer and a guide besides being as dedicated tutor. In other words, teacher should be a perfect teacher and a perfect educationist. While highlighting the role of a teacher in the society, it is imperative to involve the role of parents, too, in the process of character building of students. Usually, teacher needs a support from parent to developing the level of performance their children. The parent and teacher relationship is also involved in children’s early school adjustment. Generally, when parents participate in their children’s education, both at home and at school, and experience relationships with teachers characterized by respect and friendly. This will help student’s performance rise up with increased their achievement motivation, and exhibit higher levels of emotional, social, and behavioral adjustment. For instance, parent involvement behaviors include volunteering at school, communicating with the teacher, attending school functions, and assisting with homework. Parent and teacher relationship quality refers to the affective quality of the home and school connection. Teacher perception of parent and teacher relationship is to develop the teacher’s report into home to assess parent involvement in education. Consistent with the central role of social relatedness in students’ academic motivation and performance, early elementary students gain more in achievement when they and their parents experience supportive relationships with teachers. Furthermore, the effect of student and teacher and parent and teacher relationship quality in first grade on achievement the following year is indirect, via child classroom engagement.

Teachers are chosen in the community because of their knowledge. Actually, teachers are chosen in the community influenced by the function of teaching. Function of teacher is to help the students learn by imparting knowledge and setting up situation in which the students can and will learn effectively. Others function that help students are making curriculum material and inculcating social and moral values. When we describe the curriculum as “everything that teachers and students learn in schools,” we are not just referring to the contents of each day’s lesson. We are referring more broadly to the content, skills, values, and attitudes that students learn in school.[3] This is why teachers are needed in the community to provide their knowledge and skills to students. For an example, the categories of curriculum are formal curriculum and hidden curriculum. The formal curriculum found in the textbooks, curriculum guides, and standards, as well as other planned formal educational. It includes everything teachers are expected to teach, learners are expected to learn, what schools are held accountable for.[4] The benefits of having formal curriculum are increases the relevance of content by making connections among ideas like ideas in textbooks or sources that including formal curriculum and integrating a curriculum improves achievement and promote collaborative planning, which increases communication among teachers. On the other hand, hidden curriculum or informal consists of the kinds of learning students acquire from the nature and organization of the classroom and school as well as the attitudes and actions of their teachers. It is reflected in the way teachers present their content, the kinds of routine that are established. All curriculums that stated are the making of learning as the focal point of teaching, modeling own interest in the topic that are teach, respecting students and expecting them to respect teachers and each other.
 There are a variety of bodies designed to instill, preserve and update the knowledge and professional standing of teachers. Around the world many governments operate teacher's colleges, which are generally established to serve and protect the public interest through certifying, governing and enforcing the standards of practice for the teaching profession. Basically, teachers with more experience and higher education earn more than those with a standard bachelor's degree and certificate. Certification usually granted by state board of education or state certification advisory committee. Each state has different requirements for certification, so the best way to proceed is to contact the education department in your state. It is important to realize that the certification process in each state varies, but there are more similarities among states then there are differences.  All states require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree for any teacher to be certified no matter which method they are certified through. All certificate that required in the state is the way to becoming a teacher. This may help to find a quality of teaching in school that to ensure the productivity students encouraged and also great teachers affect the destiny of nations. Teachers are master of their subject matter will have the quality and great teachers. They exhibit expertise in the subjects they are teaching and spend time continuing to gain new knowledge in their field. They present material in an enthusiastic manner and instill a hunger in their students to learn more on their own.   
Becoming a teacher is a uniquely rewarding experience. The job of a teacher is exciting and rewarding.[5] There is less stress involved. As a teacher, you get to play a key role in developing basic learning skills in children, inculcating good values in them, cultivating their minds and teaching them not just lessons from books but lessons of life. At that young age, kids consider you as their role models; you inspire them, influence them. And that's a great benefit of being a teacher and having a chance to play an importance role in someone's life. The role of a teacher in the life of his student actually never ends. Students always remember teacher for what they have got from a teacher, they are thankful to teacher for what teacher have taught them. That's one benefit of being a teacher that gives students chance to share their aspirations, a chance to build their dreams and chance to give them wings to fly.
 It will have the rare opportunity to have a positive impact on the lives of all those students in the classroom. Additionally, teacher will be able to see firsthand the tangible effect on ourselves that are having on the education of students. The overwhelming feeling of success will obtain when students succeed and enjoy the process of learning is unlike anything that will experience in the corporate world. Traditionally, the perception of low teacher salaries has been a deterrent to more people pursuing this admirable profession. Nowadays, this perception is incorrect. The starting salary of a public school teacher in most states is greater than the starting salary of other comparable positions. As a teacher, you often receive a number of other benefits, such as favorable health insurance, that are not as readily available to other professions.
Feeling that have made a positive impact on someone’s life is one of the most rewarding sensations in the world. Teaching can be rewarding. The rewards in teaching can be either personally satisfying the emotional or intellectual reasons. While emotional rewards motivate them as well, many people choose to teach because they are interested in a certain area and want to share their interest and excitement with others. When a positive influence on a student at a young age, teachers are also benefiting that student’s family and the surrounding community. More and more, schools are becoming involved with community initiatives at every educational level. By becoming a school teacher, you will allow yourself to become more in touch with the daily pulse of your local community.
 Another benefit of becoming a teacher is that you get the opportunity to be a part of the constant process of learning. Someone has said that every student teaches his teacher, a new teaching style. True that is. In changing teacher ways while teaching students of different intellects or varying abilities, teacher can get to learn so much. Teaching involves oratory, spontaneity and presence of mind. This calls for great communication skills. Being a teacher, you have to speak to a class of fifty odd students coming from different backgrounds. It does take a lot of confidence to do that day in and day out. Spontaneous questions from students, some weird, are an everyday affair. As a teacher, you are expected to know all the answers. This demand of job makes teachers more aware, more confident, and more spontaneous. As a teacher, we are surrounded by bright young minds, curious to know everything about the world, especially if teach in a school. We can get to spend a majority of your time of the day, with children, talking to them, understanding them, teaching them, and learning from them. Time spent with kids is time put to good use. As a teacher, we are with children for five to six hours every day, laughing with them, crying with them, and at times becoming their friend and their guardian. Yes, there's very little stress involved in a teaching job, as spending time with children in it is a great stress buster. As we teach a new set of students every year, there is less monotony in a teacher's job. What you teach may repeat but those you teach it to be new. If your school or institute allows, you can get an opportunity to devise new ways of teaching, formulate different teaching strategies and invent ways in which learning can be made fun for the students. This makes you develop creativity. One of the most important benefits of becoming a teacher is that can contribute to the shaping of future generations. Getting a chance to nurture young minds and make a difference to the society.
The concept of man and knowledge are closely correlated to each other because man’s superiority above other creation is due to his ability to acquire knowledge. The significance of knowledge is highlighted by numerous Qur’anic injunctions and prophetic sayings. Seeking knowledge is the first divine word revealed to the prophet Muhammad S.A.W that is reflected in the command ‘Iqra’ (al-alaq: 1-5) that literally means ‘do read’ to denote ‘do seek knowledge’. This based on the fact that reading is a vital mechanism of seeking knowledge. This doing becomes an individual’s obligation as proclaimed by the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W:
“The acquisition of knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim. Knowledge enables the     possessor to distinguish right from wrong; it light the way to heaven”[6]
The prophet also mentions the value of the ‘pen’ which symbolized knowledge as “The ink of the scholar’s pen is more scared than the blood of the martyr” (sahih Muslim and bukhari). Indeed the possessor of knowledge has honor, excellence, distinction and status (Al- Imran: 18; Al-Ankabut: 43; Al-Fatir: 28). Knowledge in English means ‘what a person knows’ which include facts, information, skills and attitudes. In Islamic, al-ilm means understanding and knowledge. However, al-ilm is defined in various perspectives. Al-Jurjani gives a concrete definition that is “the absolute certainty which is conformable with its actual reality”. Thus, al-ilm is required to reach the highest status of perception without any doubts.
            The ultimate source of all is Allah, the best teacher for mankind who grants two references of literacy namely Divine revelation (wahy) and the law of nature or the universe (al- kawn). Islam considers both references are equally important because both are responsive towards human progress. More discoveries and findings are produced when more investigation and researches are made. In addition, the scope of knowledge covers both worldly and other worldly affairs as Muslims always pray for “…our lord! Give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter,” (al-Baqarah: 201). This prayer reflects an educational outlook that is not only comprehensive in physical and spiritual but optimistic in this world and the Hereafter.   
One aspect of motivation, probably the hardest to change, lies in the personality of the teacher. Like all human beings, teachers perceive the behaviors that are appropriate in a given environment. In addition, most children exhibit the ability to see through a person's actions, recognizing those actions as genuine or fake. Consequently, the teacher's task of exhibiting the characteristics necessary to motivate a class is a careful daily process that inevitably meets some failure and need for improvement. Motivation is a combination of many different aspects that comprise a part of teachers' pedagogical knowledge. Teachers must realize that to maintain and be successful with all of the techniques at all times is impossible. Gaining experience and using some of these techniques will help any teacher feel a little better about the quality of his or her teaching. As a professional educator, the teacher must realize that the quality of a learning experience lies in the teacher's ability to create that quality. How can a teacher motivating students by encouraged students to be active?  From the first day, demonstrate and talk about our own enthusiasm for the course material, and how it affects personally. Look for ways to connect the material to the lives of students. For example, teaching an environmental studies class; bring in examples of environmental issues going on in the area where students live. Use current event articles, editorials from local newspapers, or examples from our own life that illustrate the points. Next, think of questions that can ask about the material that make students think about the subject matter, even if they have not read the material. Then, during class, attach statements that come out of their mouths to the reading, so they want to go back and read about their own ideas. When students experience a sense of belonging at school and supportive relationships with teachers and classmates, they are motivated to participate actively and appropriately in the life of the classroom          
In conclusion, the duty of becoming a teacher is honorable because of the given knowledge to students. Normally, the characteristics of teacher are needed to provide a good material to students when teaching. The personality characteristics such as self-reliance, attitudes, anxiety, independence, emotional stability have differential effects on students learning achievements. Teaching is a form of interpersonal influenced by aimed at the changing the behavior potential of another person. Teacher is also the national builder. There are three of teaching process in school that needs students, sources of teaching and activities of teaching. [7]Teachers are the sources of teaching and teachers also independent variables of teaching process which influence the student with the help of content and different strategies. In addition, the operations of teaching are divided into two stages. The first stage is pre-active stage that is developing teaching strategies for specific subject matter and deciding appropriate strategies and tactics. The second stage of operating of teaching is inter-active is action or achievement and the development of strategies. And the third stage of operation of teachings is post-active stage is to asses the suitability of instructional material and changing or improving the strategies. This importance of teaching operations are to develop the teaching skills, classroom teaching and interaction can be made the effective and creating appropriate conditions of learning for achieving goals and then the process of teaching can be organized effectively.       

[1] P.H. Hirst, The logic of education (London 1970) , 25-26 
[2] P.H.Hirst, The logic of education (London 1970), 26
[3] Donald Kauchak and Paul Eggen, Introduction to teaching  Becoming a professional (Pearson 2008)316-317
[4] Donald Kauchak and Paul Eggen, Introduction to teaching Becoming a professional (Pearson 2011)322
[5] P.H. Hirst, The logic Of Education (London 1970), 22
[6] Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad b.Yazid , Sunnan ibn majah (Beirut: Dar al-fikr), 80

[7] Shadhi Kant Padey, Teacher Function And Operation (2010), 15

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